I just received an interesting email. Vote for Rob, PLEASE.




Real Name:Robert Allen,Jr.Company:Dry-N-Clean

Are YOU satisfied with the way our industry is ran? POLL (Ed York/Jim Pemberton & IICRC)

Ed York (who died in 2006) was an innovator and a rebel. He rebelled against the elite of our industry and brought about change. It came at a price. He started the IICUC (now the IICRC) and was later cast out. Now I am in no way putting myself in his league but one thing is we share with him,myself included, here at *** was his passion for a better industry. This is why *** was born and has thrived imho, surpassing 19,000 readers a month now. But on the flip side we have been contacted on several occasions and asked to "play by the rules ". We have not. This has caused a great deal of backlash that we are willing to live with to be able to pass on a better industry to our children and grandchildren.

So my question is are you satisfied with the way the industry is ran? We are starting this poll which will be private so no one will know what you voted if you are worried about backlash. *** is and can be more of a voice but we want to hear what you have to say first.

Rob Allen

PS:Jim Pemberton why was Ed York removed from the IICRC? Seemed like he did a lot for the industry.

Before you vote read these excepts from Ed Yorks life;

"Ed York was controversial and made the industry take notice of change. He went on the road to trade shows and persevered in the face of ridicule and scorn. The "establishments" whom he labelled the "elite" scoffed at his predictions of revolutionising the industry. So he bypassed them and went direct to the little guy,the independent mom and pop cleaners.

He established the IICUC which is now the IICRC. In 1990, York sold back his stock and was rewarded with an honorary seat on the board of directors. In 1992, the IICRC revoked York’s honorary seat. He still would fight, passionately, for the average cleaners — especially when the battle was with “the elites” whom he felt didn’t respect or care about their needs.The costs of York’s populist crusades were great.

His keen insights into complex issues often were undermined by antagonism and an uncompromising style that left him with more than his share of enemies.

The tragic consequence is that for all he did, in his final years he was largely an outcast in the industry he played the pivotal role in moulding. The imprint Ed York left on virtually all aspects of the carpet cleaning industry is amazing.

From the time he entered the industry, in 1969, he defined the cutting edge."

Now that was a industry leader in the true sense!

Rob Allen

Carpet cleaning virginia beach


06-10-2010 05:58 PM #2
Rob Allen
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Real Name:Robert Allen,Jr.Company:Dry-N-CleanLocation:Va.Posts:5,201Thanks:1,222Thanked 491 Times in 341 PostsBlog Entries:3Re: Are YOU satisfied with the way our industry is ran? POLL (Ed York/Jim Pemberton & IICRC)
Here are 2 articles by John Downey about Ed York if you want to read more.

" In the spring of 1969, Wanda Borch, a young widow with three children ages 10 to 16, joined a real estate firm in the San Francisco Bay area. Her training included a "how-to-sell" class conducted by an energetic, entertaining, passionate and persuasive divorcé with four children.

Taken with her, the man set about the task of selling Wanda on a life together. Within weeks she was sold. During a frenetic one-week period in July 1969, the couple married, moved to Fresno, bought a house, and became partners in a new business selling carpet-cleaning equipment.
Thus began a 30-plus year odyssey, resulting in an industry bearing the indelible mark of this man, Edgar T. "Ed" York, hands-down Cleanfax's selection as the carpet cleaning industry's Person of the Twentieth Century. (See `Legacy of innovation and promotion,' in this issue)
An eventful life
Born in 1926 in Rupert, ID, Ed York was the only child of a shoe repairman and a waitress. As a child of the Great Depression, he learned to work hard at a very young age and by his early teens was self-supporting.
At 13, York ran away with a carnival.
"I was a carnival barker," he says, laughing unabashedly. His father later caught up with him, and the two made their way to California. Along the way, they lived the life of hoboes - eating in soup kitchens and sleeping in jails, shelters and under bridges.
The family reunited in California and, except for his wartime service in the Navy, York lived in the San Joaquin Valley for the next 25 years.
After the war, he married Velma Harville and started a family. Over the next 20-odd years, York tried his hand at many lines of work, among the more colorful: rodeo clown, daredevil rider, and sports and entertainment promoter. In 1961, he received an award from NASCAR for ingenious promotion. Other occupations included insurance business owner (at age 18), mortgage broker and real estate agent.
York meets carpet cleaning industry . nothing will ever be the same
As fate would have it, Ed York entered the carpet cleaning industry at just the right time, with just the right partner (Please see `Partners in life and business," in this issue), in just the right place for maximum impact.
The late 60s and early 70s were tumultuous times in the carpet cleaning industry, and California was at the center of the tumult. A revolutionary new cleaning system - steam - was challenging the status quo. At the same time, new pricing and marketing models were emerging, wreaking still more havoc on the established order.
Seldom if ever has a brighter or more colorful man than Ed York come to the carpet cleaning industry. The industry's rank-and-file - unremarkable, unrecognized, but good, solid people - energized York, and in turn, he energized them, for he didn't sell equipment, he sold a cause: self-respect, professionalism. And he would fight passionately for his people - especially when the battle was with "the elites," those industry members in leadership positions whom he felt didn't respect or care about their needs.
Crusader and maker of many enemies
York's style - populist, antagonist, contrarian - is at once his greatest strength and the source of his many downfalls. He is both the most loved and respected and the most hated and reviled figure the industry has known. Charming, endearing, rude and maddening all accurately describe different elements of his complex character.
His populist crusades are legendary: leading a group of cleaners in a picket of the Better Business Bureau when it threatened to ban the use of the word "steam" to describe hot water extraction cleaning; skewering DuPont for "anointing" Stanley Steemer the "approved" cleaner of Stainmaster carpet; chiding and challenging "the elites" (including this writer) when York thought they failed to serve the interests of rank-and-file cleaners.
The cost of York's populist crusades has been great and enduring. York's keen insights into complex issues often were undermined by his antagonistic, uncompromising style, leaving him with many bitter enemies and ever fewer defenders.
The consequence is that for all he's done, York's largely an outcast in the industry he played such an important role in molding. "The elites" have taken over many of the babies he and Wanda birthed. Surely he recognizes the irony.
Never one to fully retire
Over the past decade, York has "retired" at least a dozen times, only to return when a new idea comes to his still nimble mind. Ozone cleaning, a discount buyer's club and - in true contrarian fashion - his championing of "dry" cleaning have been causes in recent years.

Even as this story was being prepared, a press release came announcing York's latest "unretirement." It is vintage Ed York:
Ed York Shuns Retirement for Millennium
Eleven years ago, Ed York suffered a heart attack and received a five-bypass open heart surgery. The doctors informed him that if he cut down on his activities he might have an additional five years. Well, he did cut back. After three more heart attacks he retired from all new projects and awaited his final call.
Recently, York bought a new computer and, finally accepting that the Internet is here to stay, he tapped into it and found a new source of energy. With email and a new Web site, York is once again active. He is sending out his Tips N Chat (newsletter) free of charge to anyone who provides him an email address. He plans on providing new marketing and procedure information, along with comments on unresolved issues related to cleaning, free via email. York also will review articles in three leading trade journals, and provide "the other side of the story." To be included, send your email address to York@yorkent.com, or visit his Web site at http://www.yorkent.com.
Ever the promoter, ever the bombastic iconoclast, ever the compulsive sharer of sometimes brilliant, always entertaining ideas, Ed York's now gone cyber. Readers, send him an email. By all means, subscribe; you will learn something new. Most importantly, thank Ed York for all he's done for your industry, a debt that can never be repaid.
And Ed, welcome to the new millennium. We're glad and fortunate to have you with us.
John M. Downey IV"

__________________________________________________ ____________________________________

Ed York Dies;

On March 13, surrounded by loved ones, Edgar P. “Ed” York’s big ol’ heart finally gave out at a hospice facility near his home in Vancouver, WA. He was 79.

He is survived by his wife of 36 years, Wanda, six children, 10 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.

Ed York truly had no peers in the carpet cleaning industry.

A master innovator
The imprint Ed York left on virtually all aspects of the carpet cleaning industry is amazing.

From the time he entered the industry, in 1969, he defined the cutting edge.

A comprehensive recounting of his contributions would entail the writing of a book. We haven’t the luxury here.

Following, greatly condensed, are the highlights.

Cleaning methods
Steam cleaning (a.k.a. hot water extraction), while not invented by York, he, more than anyone else, forced the industry to take notice of this new and, at the time (late 1960s), controversial cleaning method.

He took his steam cleaner on the road to industry trade shows and demonstrated it in the face of scorn and ridicule.

The establishment — whom he would dramatically label the “elites” — scoffed when he predicted this new method would revolutionize the industry.

So he bypassed them and went direct to the little guy — the independent “mom-and-pop” cleaner.

Within five years, steam cleaning was the standard.

In recent years, in testament to his still nimble mind, York was again out front of the pack, this time championing low-moisture cleaning.

A few years later, low-moisture cleaning (a.k.a. encapsulation) has become the talk of the industry.

Product distribution
Ed and Wanda York’s first company, Steam Services, was the original carpet cleaning industry-specific distributor and mail-order merchandiser.

Steam Services provided the foundation from which so many other York innovations grew. Moreover, it became the distribution model for the industry.

“The carpet cleaning product distribution industry started with Steam Services and Ed York,” Lee Pemberton, one of the industry’s most respected trainers and distributors, has observed. “Before Ed, it just didn’t exist.”

Technical training
York recognized that technician-level training was sorely needed, and he insisted that all new purchasers of his steam cleaning equipment undergo three days of training with crews from his associated cleaning company.

Steam Services began sponsoring technical training schools in 1971.

By 1973, Steam Services had eight state-certified teachers on staff. From this grew Fiber Cleaning Schools of America (FCSA), the industry’s first independent technical training school.

Arguably, the most important development in the cleaning and restoration industry over the past 30-plus years was Ed York’s establishment of the International Institute of Carpet and Upholstery Certification (IICUC) and now the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC).

Established in 1972, for years it served chiefly as the certification arm of FCSA.

By the late 1970s, York determined that the IICUC required a broader base to gain widespread industry support for certification.

To achieve this objective, he approached several industry associations about buying stock and appointing a delegate to serve on the board of directors.

The concept took root and, by the mid-1980s, effective control of the now-IICRC was in the hands of industry associations.

In 1990, York sold back his stock and was rewarded with an honorary seat on the board of directors. In 1992, the IICRC revoked York’s honorary seat.

Trade associations
York recognized that the cleaning industry was fragmented, and that membership in organizations that bring cleaners together to share ideas, problems and concerns would be beneficial to his customers.

In 1973, York formed an association, the Society of Cleaning Technicians (SCT). It continues today as the Society of Cleaning and Restoration Technicians (SCRT).

York was the first to champion carpet cleaners as carpet inspectors.

I was privileged to attend York’s 1987 senior inspector’s school in Dalton, GA, and to this day is still my most worthwhile industry educational experience.

He also encouraged cleaners to enter the disaster restoration field.

In 1975, he started a pilot program involving 10 firms that would later become Disaster Kleenup International (DKI).

The goal was to build a national network of independent restorers that would benefit from shared resources and a common identity.

Today, DKI is a successful national disaster restoration franchise company.

At the 1995 DKI annual meeting, Denny Jensen, owner of one of the 10 firms involved in the original pilot program, paid tribute to York: “If it wasn’t for Ed’s visionary talent, none of us would be here today. He is truly a pioneer, a soothsayer of sorts, for our entire industry.”

York was probably the first to recognize that the lack of marketing and sales skills was the Achilles heel of most mom-and-pop carpet cleaning companies.

An ingenious marketer in his own right, he taught innovative, low-cost marketing concepts designed to separate them from “the crowd.”

The everyman man
Impressive as the above accomplishments are, they don’t do justice to the impact of Ed York on the industry.

His passion was for the little guy — the independent cleaners running small mom-and-pop businesses, struggling to support their families.

They energized York, and he, in turn, energized them.

He didn’t just sell them equipment or education or certification or association membership. He sold them a cause — self-respect, professionalism, success.

And he would fight, passionately, for his people — especially when the battle was with “the elites” whom he felt didn’t respect or care about their needs.

York’s populist crusades are legendary — leading a group of cleaners picketing the Better Business Bureau when it threatened to ban the use of “steam” to describe hot-water extraction cleaning; and skewering DuPont for “anointing” Stanley Steemer as the “approved” cleaner of Stainmaster carpet.

He chided and challenged “the elites” (including yours truly) whenever he thought they failed to serve the interests of the little guy.

Through tragedy to triumph
The costs of York’s populist crusades were great.

His keen insights into complex issues often were undermined by antagonism and an uncompromising style that left him with more than his share of enemies.

The tragic consequence is that for all he did, in his final years he was largely an outcast in the industry he played the pivotal role in molding.

“The elites” had taken over many of the babies he and Wanda had birthed. He recognized the irony.

It would have been understandable, then, had York turned bitter and sour on the carpet cleaning industry.

But that is not how the story ended. Instead, York’s final years were marked by an ever-greater reconnection with those who always mattered most to him — the small independent, the mom-and-pop.

Even after his declining health kept him mostly homebound, he communicated and counseled cleaners all over the country through the magic of the Internet, as well as the telephone.

After his death was reported, industry message boards were filled with testimonials from cleaners that had never met him but whom he had helped in his final years.

So we are left with this — while many of the institutions he created have disassociated from him, Ed York’s legacy lives on.

It lives on in all the people he helped and the hearts he touched.

When all was said and done, Ed York knew what was important, and he left his mark there, where it can never be erased.

On behalf of the industry bearing your mark, thank you, Ed.

May God bless and keep you in His everlasting presence. (And please, Ed, don’t make Him mad!)
Carpet cleaning virginia beach


06-10-2010 06:25 PM #3
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Real Name:JacobsCompany:WeTeachCarpetCleaning.comLocation:OntarioPosts:1,000Thanks:165Thanked 61 Times in 56 PostsRe: Are YOU satisfied with the way our industry is ran? POLL (Ed York/Jim Pemberton & IICRC)
Outside the USA nobody "runs" the industry
Ken Jacobs - Mississauga

06-10-2010 06:46 PM #4
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Real Name:Rick GoodwinCompany:SDS, IncLocation:palm Beach, FLPosts:339Thanks:95Thanked 33 Times in 23 PostsRe: Are YOU satisfied with the way our industry is ran? POLL (Ed York/Jim Pemberton & IICRC)
Rob, what rules have you been asked to follow and what backlash have you suffered? Just curious.

06-11-2010 12:15 PM #5
Scott W
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Company:BridgewaterLocation:West Jordan, UTPosts:3,210Thanks:43Thanked 663 Times in 512 PostsRe: Are YOU satisfied with the way our industry is ran? POLL (Ed York/Jim Pemberton & IICRC)
Ed York certainly influenced our industry in significant ways. I would not say he ran it. The articles were a nice reminder of some of his history. He certainly does not run our industry now. Neither does Jim Pemberton. as fine a fellow as his is. What is the point of bringing up his name in the title of the thread?

Of course, this is a rigged question. Almost everyone has something they would like to complain about. So if there is anything we don't like is it the fault of Ed York, Jim Pemberton or the IICRC? What is the point of this question and the poll?

Like most people, Ed had some strong points and some weaknesses. His out of the box thinking was great. His beligerance and stubburnness in thinking he and he alone was always right made a lot of enemies. While we learn from his strengths, we should also learn not to repeat the same mistakes.

Scott W

06-11-2010 12:25 PM #6
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Real Name:Jose QCompany:Green Clean Carpet CareLocation:Houston TxPosts:481Thanks:37Thanked 27 Times in 24 PostsBlog Entries:2 Re: Are YOU satisfied with the way our industry is ran? POLL (Ed York/Jim Pemberton & IICRC)
I'm in full support of the CRU!!!
Carpet Cleaning Houston Tx
Carpet Cleaning Katy Tx
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Rob Allen (06-11-2010)
06-11-2010 04:53 PM #7
Rob Allen
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Real Name:Robert Allen,Jr.Company:Dry-N-CleanLocation:Va.Posts:5,201Thanks:1,222Thanked 491 Times in 341 PostsBlog Entries:3Re: Are YOU satisfied with the way our industry is ran? POLL (Ed York/Jim Pemberton & IICRC)
Scott no need to take the question out of context. The reason I put Jim Pembertons name was to ask him why Ed was removed as an honorary member. He just happens to be a BOD who posts on forums.

The whole reason for the thread was to see how people felt about the "elite" and "elite" organisations of our industry and how our industry is ran. This type of cleaner feedback helps us steer *** in the right direction. No need to over think it.
Carpet cleaning virginia beach


Today 12:37 PM #8
Rob Allen
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Real Name:Robert Allen,Jr.Company:Dry-N-CleanLocation:Va.Posts:5,201Thanks:1,222Thanked 491 Times in 341 PostsBlog Entries:3Re: Are YOU satisfied with the way our industry is ran? POLL (Ed York/Jim Pemberton & IICRC)
I learned a lot about our industry from Mr Downey of Steamin' Demon.
Carpet cleaning virginia beach


Today 01:42 PM #9
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Real Name:Lisa WagnerCompany:piranha Marketing & San Diego Rug Cleaning Co.Location:Arizona and San DiegoPosts:364Thanks:5Thanked 122 Times in 78 PostsRe: Are YOU satisfied with the way our industry is ran? POLL (Ed York/Jim Pemberton & IICRC)
Originally Posted by Rob Allen
Scott no need to take the question out of context. The reason I put Jim Pembertons name was to ask him why Ed was removed as an honorary member. He just happens to be a BOD who posts on forums.

The whole reason for the thread was to see how people felt about the "elite" and "elite" organisations of our industry and how our industry is ran. This type of cleaner feedback helps us steer *** in the right direction. No need to over think it.

A few points here, as someone who has been in this industry my entire life, and actually working on the trade associations, IICRC, writing for Cleanfax forever (which John Downey founded - and who by the way chose Joe Polish in 1999 as Cleanfax Person of the Year, another very controversial figure, who by the way got along well with Ed York), and a "pariah" (non-IICRC) instructor on rugs and owner of a REAL rug cleaning company that makes REAL money.

First of all, Jim Pemberton came on the IICRC board only recently. His father Lee is one of the first shareholders, and was on the IICRC board when I sat on it - which was an incredible pleasure, because he is an amazing contributor and icon in this industry. So is Jim, especially in upholstery.

So - I echo Scott's question here on why put Jim's name beside IICRC in the thread that seems to be meant to sully the IICRC and somehow mean to sully Jim as well. Is there something personal there, or is that by accident?

I am not a fan of big bureaucratic organizations that stack favors for certain people, and push financial rewards to friends. That was one of my biggest complaints with IICRC - back when Ruth and Jeff were still on the board.

Jim actually has been part of some real progress being made in that organization - along with others like Paul Thompson (recently left the board - former president of Connections for several years, past NEIRC president), Cliff Zlotnik (also recently left - ICON in this industry), Craig Kersemeier, Matt O-Haleck (I think they both are off now too), and others I know I am missing.

There are some who have been on that board FOREVER, that need to move on. They are the ones that try to keep things a good old boys network. But the new paid president seems to be making great progress there. I like his style.

It is EASY to criticize. It is hard to actually step in the game and try to create change.

So Rob, if you really want to create some change, you will need to learn a bit more about the industry, and perhaps actually serve on a board of a trade association, or even attend some IICRC meetings (they are open to registrants), or serve on an IICRC committee (I helped on the RCT committee).

I think once someone has actually got their feet wet, and done some real work in any area, then they are in a place to offer suggestions and "judgment" if need be.

Right now NO ONE is running this industry. I have more impact on the way cleaning businesses are run through our Piranha Member network, and Ethical Services, than any industry organization - and I tell them all to get IICRC certification. It's not going away any time soon, so let's think of some ways to make it better.

By the way, John Downey is an icon also, and a very good friend. He might see some of your comments as being taken out of context. I'm sure he would not see the connection of IICRC to Jim as something he would say. At least that is my feeling knowing John.

Ed was a controversial figure. He started IICRC as FOR-profit, not non-profit... so he was always a business man first. And he created the waves that knocked him down, as all controversial figures do.

I would be surprised if *** is creating waves like that, except maybe as being a distributor of private-label product of other items already existing. One thing with Ed, he was an innovator - he created new things, not just more "me too" items. I did like that about him.

So back to your question - no one is "running" this industry. It's a hodge-podge. And the only organization I think capable of actually creating some consistency, would be IICRC, if they got things working better, cleaned house of some of the old political dogs, and got more in touch with cleaners needs today.

I see bright spots though - one of them being Jim Pemberton on their board, and Tony Wheelwright, and Dave Keiter - there are hard workers there fighting the good fight for the GOOD cleaners.

the rug chick,

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Kev Berry (Today)
Today 02:12 PM #10
Rob Allen
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Real Name:Robert Allen,Jr.Company:Dry-N-CleanLocation:Va.Posts:5,201Thanks:1,222Thanked 491 Times in 341 PostsBlog Entries:3Re: Are YOU satisfied with the way our industry is ran? POLL (Ed York/Jim Pemberton & IICRC)
Thank you for your viewpoint and opinion Lisa. Perhaps Jim Pemberton and Tony Wheelwright could come comment here. After all since you say they are working hard for our industry there are a lot of fine folks here who could benefit from their insight. I did a video interview with Jeff Bishop and where money goes from the IICRC non-profit organisation. Be nice to hear their side and give us direct insight instead of others opinions.
Carpet cleaning virginia beach


Today 04:04 PM #11
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Hall of Fame Cleaner


Real Name:Lisa WagnerCompany:piranha Marketing & San Diego Rug Cleaning Co.Location:Arizona and San DiegoPosts:364Thanks:5Thanked 122 Times in 78 PostsRe: Are YOU satisfied with the way our industry is ran? POLL (Ed York/Jim Pemberton & IICRC)
Originally Posted by Rob Allen
Thank you for your viewpoint and opinion Lisa. Perhaps Jim Pemberton and Tony Wheelwright could come comment here. After all since you say they are working hard for our industry there are a lot of fine folks here who could benefit from their insight. I did a video interview with Jeff Bishop and where money goes from the IICRC non-profit organisation. Be nice to hear their side and give us direct insight instead of others opinions.
If you did an interview with Jeff Bishop, then you should know EXACTLY where the money flowed - LOL!

If you are talking about people who use influence to expand politics in a bad way in this industry... then he can speak from first hand experience of being a source of that political in-fighting. I served 2 terms on IICRC before Jeff's contract was cancelled as the technical advisor. He has bad blood there, which anyone being fired would, but he was part of the overall problems that need to be fixed in IICRC. Though I'm sure he has a very different story. I'm actually excited to see what that is exactly, because I have LOTS of documentation on his inner-working within that organization, and the focus on personal financial gain rather than for the good of the hard-working, paying cleaners who fund IICRC.

If you suddenly think you have found a source of truth in the industry, you better RUN. You found a polluted source.

Nice to know Jeff is still trying to wiggle into the public eye here... I'll know to watch where I step.

Almost as much fun as DC politics! And at least we here are getting rid of long-timers (like Jeff) who needed to be booted out. There is progress happening... a BETTER interview by you would be of the new paid president of IICRC. Go to the real source, not the pretend one.



Today 05:36 PM #12
Rob Allen
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Real Name:Robert Allen,Jr.Company:Dry-N-CleanLocation:Va.Posts:5,201Thanks:1,222Thanked 491 Times in 341 PostsBlog Entries:3Re: Are YOU satisfied with the way our industry is ran? POLL (Ed York/Jim Pemberton & IICRC)
Judging by the amount of voters it is apparent that most don't care about or are too busy to worry about industry issues (politics). Because just like real politics everyone is right and every one is wrong. So *** has decided to be a neutral forum and just concentrate on educating cleaners and the public. This thread will be closed in 24 hours.

Rob Allen
Carpet cleaning virginia beach


Today 06:08 PM #13
Kev Berry
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Real Name:Kevin BerryCompany:not yet set upLocation:Rancho Mirage, Cailfornia.Posts:153Thanks:30Thanked 9 Times in 8 PostsRe: Are YOU satisfied with the way our industry is ran? POLL (Ed York/Jim Pemberton & IICRC)
Rob, I haven't voted because Im obviously not quite smart enough to understand the question. I didnt know we actually had anyone running this industry. The IICRC try to lay down ground rules but there is no necessity to follow them.
6/6/2010 Mat Strader started a thread in a similar vein, and the general consensus was there is no need for a governing body. So I dont understand why you think there is one.
*** is a great source of information and I feel should be neutral. If you start to take sides on industry issues (politically) you will alienate some people, who may have great value to this board. My understanding is that this board was born out of frustration with other forums and has gained readership quickly because of what it represents. Moving it from that path may hinder its future growth.

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
Too friggen much. Reminds me of this.




Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
Mikey P said:
Rob wants to run this industry is what it all comes down too.

He has made that perfectly clear.

and there will be a cover charge along with his acceptance speech......


Nov 8, 2006
Shorty Glanville
Real Name:Robert Allen,Jr. (Useless information here, has been deleted by this poster)

Scott no need to take the question out of context. The reason I put Jim Pembertons name was to ask him why Ed was removed as an honorary member. He just happens to be a BOD who posts on forums.

The whole reason for the thread was to see how people felt about the "elite" and "elite" organisations of our industry and how our industry is ran. This type of cleaner feedback helps us steer *** in the right direction. No need to over think it.

Sure, like I'm gonna support a half back flanker & his flock of inbred sheep. :lol: :lol: :lol:




Jun 29, 2009
Thanks for posting this Matt.

Way to go Lisa!

I don't know how Rob plans on running the industry, he can't even get his grammar down. The man needs to go back to school not try to run anything.

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
Rob likes to sit back and think he is the pied piper of the industry but in reality he is just another one of the rats.....................

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Pied Piper... :lol: :lol:

No kidding what did the goof do to revolutionize anything?

Well I guess getting banned from ICS for impersonating your half brother is sort of like being an anarchist.

maybe between taking turns blowing Larry Cooper and Jeff Bishop he discovered a new way to remove protein stains from cotton hankies.


Nov 8, 2006
Shorty Glanville
Mikey P said:
Pied Piper... :lol: :lol:

No kidding what did the goof do to revolutionize anything?

Well I guess getting banned from ICS for impersonating your half brother is sort of like being an anarchist.

maybe between taking turns blowing Larry Cooper and Jeff Bishop he discovered a new way to remove protein stains from cotton hankies.

Or a schizophrenic shiteatinggrin shiteatinggrin shiteatinggrin




Supportive Member
Oct 24, 2007
Bowling Green, Ohio
Steven Hoodlebrink
Mikey P said:
maybe between taking turns blowing Larry Cooper and Jeff Bishop he discovered a new way to remove protein stains from cotton hankies.

Mt. Dew on screen!!! :lol:

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