CleanImage said:
So what's exactly wrong with this video?
Seems like a decent guy getting started in the business and just stumbled upon a great marketing opportunity to me.
Why all the bashing?
Because I hate every so called green cleaning company that thinks they are saving the environment by using a natural cleaning product.
No the real reason is because if someone like him used those tactics in my area I would be a little pissed that the general public is being misled into thinking that his process is
superior and safer than my process. It is a big fat lie. Good God he touts the fact that he has limited experience, cheap equipment, and puts down others using a better method. I don't blame him for trying. I just thought the video was funny when his main selling point was Code Green Cleaner and using a portable over a tm. Just like Chem Hack claiming rag spinning is
superior to hwe. It's all the same.
Well the chick was the best part of the video. If she was promoting my business, I think the results would be better. Actually why don't I buy a rug doctor and some Code Green and promote the best green carpet cleaning business ever.