In-Line Filter Improvement


Lumber Jack

I call it the Devastator my boy named it. Some of you may have seen it on here before, as I did put some pictures of it on a thread.
I made it because I moded my TM going up over 330 cfm and the increased air flow seemed to bring with it way more debris, Pool filter with panty hose would start to clog right away.
Joe told me that this is a major prob for the industry and that I had a new mission Go design a good flowing hard working filter.
Yes the Devastator IS made out of PVC pipe SHIT PIPE if you must know. It uses Two types of filter bags, One is very durable more like what would go in a TM waste tank. The other type is more of a throw away type. It has lasted for a month for me, but I don't have the work that some of you may have so say two weeks. Eric said that it was the same price as panty hose if he could do eight jobs with the same filter bag,I think he has passed that.
All of the internal parts I have made myself. The durability of the Filter is not a issue. May be the last filter you buy.
The cool thing is I can make it in any hose configuration:
2.0x2.0, 2.5x2.5, 2.5x2.0, and 2 2.0x2.5, 2 2.0x2.0 for 42DR the filter Becomes the " Y "
This is really cool the Y filter is very handy. The performance from this filter let one guy drop the 2.5 hose and go back to 2.0 He was very happy also said I have cleaned several jobs and have not replaced the filter bag.

I know some of you may look at it and think that its a POS, This filter will blow you away with perfomance. ... tor001.flv

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
lets not get away from the common since factor that if you load any type of filter..........(yes even yours).to well over 2/3rd's of the areas capacity you will lose all types of air flow.......even the modified pool filter is not designed to hold that much.......and if you are pulling that much threw any type are doing something wrong......... :roll:

Lumber Jack

Jim Martin said:
lets not get away from the common since factor that if you load any type of filter..........(yes even yours).to well over 2/3rd's of the areas capacity you will lose all types of air flow.......even the modified pool filter is not designed to hold that much.......and if you are pulling that much threw any type are doing something wrong......... :roll:
Yes Jim you are correct.Jim that was several days of debris, Not from one job. Joe wanted me to see how full I could get it before lost cfm as you can see it was hardly affected. On a normal day when done with a job I stand it up, open, spray debris down, close, ready for next job. Never have to touch poo-poo inside.
Also just a demo to show that you could easily clean a whole job and still maintain go airflow not even have to go check it your wand never losses its note. I'm telling you it really works good.
Jim how would you Like to Demo one. Your running 2 poolies right. If you like it i"ll give you a deal on it. All that I ask is that you give it a fair and honest review. No it looks nothing like the industry standard. It is a work horse I get compliments on it all the time. I don't think you would be disappoited once you try it. I think you will be suprised actually. I know one that we have out right now is on a Areo Tech Joe says he is still useing it so he must like it, He is honest Joe says if he didn't he would have said so.


Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
I think what Jim is saying, besides the obvious that ANY filter will lose suction if filled to 2/3 capacity, is that the modified pool filter is just fine, even with the Vortex's that Jim and I run, if you prevacuum. Now sure, on occasion I will run into a specially filthy job that will require me to change out the panty hose halfway through a jobeven after vacuuming, but that is very rare. Not much I know of, if anything, will suck up more crud than a 6008 blower, but I can usually get 2 jobs out of my pool filter before I have to change it.

Your filter looks like a fine filter and the fact that it will go longer between dumping is a good benefit. For those that don't vacuum, and that really is probably the majority here, it will be a good option. For us ICS cleaners, the cheaper modified pool filter is still the best option.


Mar 24, 2009
Boca Raton
gene miller
i can see why you would get better air flow with the larger body. good design. you should post a breakdown of the parts in case some one wants to build one.



Mar 24, 2009
Boca Raton
gene miller
the filter he created has a larger diameter, so as the bag fills up and rounds out it won't stop the air from getting around the outside of the debris in the bag. the smaller pool filter gets blocked on the sides ,like a tampon, very quickly because it wasn't designed for our application.

If the
was for me


Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
GeneMiller said:
the filter he created has a larger diameter, so as the bag fills up and rounds out it won't stop the air from getting around the outside of the debris in the bag. the smaller pool filter gets blocked on the sides ,like a tampon, very quickly because it wasn't designed for our application.

If the
was for me


yes... but no.........the mesh filter with the holes drilled in the bottom.pull the nylon and the debris down and leave the side unrestricted........and gives you better air flow....
One thing that I noticed in his video is that the garbage that he put into the filter...( and you cant tell if the inside is set up right or not)...looked clumped and wet.....any type of wet debris in a clumped mess will cause any type of filter to lose vacuum.....the modified filter is a bit different.....every time I pull a nylon out of it to change it over the lint in the bottom is always real dry......this also helps in the air flow.........


I've been using the Devestator filter for about a month now, and I've changed the bag once. When the bag gets about half full, I turn it upside down in the trash, not caring if there is still stuff stuck to it. This filter works exactly as advertised. I had the pool filter with SS screen, and 1/2" holes drilled, and those holes didn't do anything if the house I cleaned had a lot of fine particles to block the knee high. I changed knee highs every job to keep top performance, and still the filter seemed to restrict. Now, this larger filter like mentioned, is so large that it keeps going even after using it for a week without turning the bag upside down. Great quality construction on his part, it was worth it for me.

Lumber Jack

ErictheRed said:
I've been using the Devestator filter for about a month now, and I've changed the bag once. When the bag gets about half full, I turn it upside down in the trash, not caring if there is still stuff stuck to it. This filter works exactly as advertised. I had the pool filter with SS screen, and 1/2" holes drilled, and those holes didn't do anything if the house I cleaned had a lot of fine particles to block the knee high. I changed knee highs every job to keep top performance, and still the filter seemed to restrict. Now, this larger filter like mentioned, is so large that it keeps going even after using it for a week without turning the bag upside down. Great quality construction on his part, it was worth it for me.

Thanks Eric I'm glad to hear that. The throw away bag has lasted a month? Thats awesome saving money on the pantyhose Cool!
I'm actually testing a little smaller Devastator. One for the guys that run 42dr But so far I cant top the original Dev.


Feb 9, 2009
Bronx, New York
Frank Mendo
ErictheRed said:
I've been using the Devestator filter for about a month now, and I've changed the bag once.

You drive around with a months worth of soggy shit in that filter?


goomes said:
ErictheRed said:
I've been using the Devestator filter for about a month now, and I've changed the bag once.

You drive around with a months worth of soggy shit in that filter?

LoL no the soggy shit get's dumped into the trash, there are some smaller shit that still stays with the filter, but that shit doesn't stink. :lol:

Lumber Jack

When I was running the pool filter with ss screen and holes driled in the bottom rubber. When I first did Joe told me to buy them at Wal mart. So I'm looking and looking waist high, thigh high, sock, knee high, x xx xxxxx xxxxxx sizes Any way these two older ladies that worked ther ask to help me so I told them I was looking for Knee highs and they showed me so I Said
"WOW THERE IS ALOT OF COLORS WHICH COLOR GOES BEST WITH MY SKIN COLOR" It was very funny cause both of them gave me the look over the top of there eye glasses like WHHAAT I told them I was kidding and explained what they were for

Lumber Jack

One thing that I noticed in his video is that the garbage that he put into the filter...( and you cant tell if the inside is set up right or not)...looked clumped and wet.....any type of wet debris in a clumped mess will cause any type of filter to lose vacuum.....the modified filter is a bit different.....every time I pull a nylon out of it to change it over the lint in the bottom is always real dry......this also helps in the air flow.........
Jim Where I live I get alot of very fine Partic. I could not believe the filter in the vid pulled that number I think that if I had put water in the filter it would have shut down completely. Because the partic would have been able to float and coat the side and completly blocked it. I know this from experiece with the pool filter I have had jobs were even after I vac the filter was plugged after one large master bedroom when I went to check the filter it was like a thin layer of fine skin coated the panty hose. Some jobs I have went through several panty hose on one job. Prob just my area I live
Also for the guys running 42dr when you have to but 2 pf 80.00 ea. + 40 x 2 ss screens plus cool cuffs 20x2=40.00 + Y ? 20-30 bucks Total= 340-350.00 dollars Devastator 299.00
Also Pf will loose cfm as soon as you hook it up even if moded to 2.5 drilled holes w/PH.
I'm not saying its bad but this is better thats all. Then take in the durability factor.....

Lumber Jack

I forgot to tell you there is more videos to watch. One PF empty, dev empty, dev 1/2 full and pf with the crap from dev.

Joe Bristor

Mar 22, 2010
LOL Lumberjack.
I think Jim says you're supposed to send the wife in for the knee-hi's.

I keep trying to help Tom get his costs down but I truly have not been able.
He loves it when I tell him I can't beat him with China. shiteatinggrin
LET TOM MAKE IT. He's giving it 100%. He doesn't charge any more than you would for equal time cleaning. His non-stop R&D will take years to recoup.
It's a family run operation too. He makes em. 'Pops' is the Advisor, the wife writes the marketing, his Mom is planning to sew the heavy duty bags. His kid got to name it.

This thing is built tough.
Kinda heavy ~20lbs, but I bet it'll outlast 10 pool filters.
What's that worth ?
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