Today I finally got all the patent work done on the new machine.
This has been a tough challenge for me but the prototype is finished, tested and now the final drawings will be done by Monday. So the parts are ordered and I should have a machine on the market within 4-6 weeks.
I am also working on making up the logos and such for the machine itself.
A couple of things, the brushcover base will be Nickel, the base is anodized blue aluminum, the handle is anodized gray aluminum the sealed spray tank is stainless steel.
I has a 60 psi pump incorporated into the base of the machine, all prestolok plus connections, plastic spray heads to keep the walls safe, tee jets which includes two sets of jets plus I got the kind that keeps the solution from being aeriated. The heads are mounted on a spring so you can run into the wall, not damage the wall, not mess up the sprayer and it goes right back in place.
The hoses go through the handle and through the base of the machine so as to not have hardly any visable hose.
There is a adjustable third wheel that locks down to run like a brute or easyglide or stays up and runs like a commercial breeze.
50' 12/3 cord.
Super heavy duty bumper, I dont' think you COULD ever wear it out.
The machine will have three speeds and the slowest speed is like our normal highspeed machines. You can clean at hgihspeed, super speed or extreme speed.
Most carpets can be cleaned with the two lower speeds, some commercial carpets can be cleaned with the exteme speed.
The machine operates @ 1725 OPM plus rotates @ 100 RPM. Very easy to move.
If you are on a large commercial job and you get a LONG way from the electrical sourse, you simply drop a speed and you will have all kinds of power.
It hs an industrial 1 HP motor.
It comes with three heads, one for all carpet cleaning, one grit brush for all hard floors plus another new addition is the rug beater head.
It has 8" wheels on it, the third wheel is a 4".
It is totally amazing how F A S T carpet cleaning can be when you speed up a machine like this. This will put an end to all the bs and lies that have been told concerning all OP machines being the same speed. Most competitor machines will run fine on a 1/3 HP but to make it LOOK like a highspeed they have simply put on bigger motors.
On High Speed (HW) it take 1/2 HP, on Super Speed (SS) it takes 3/4 HP and on Extreme Speed (ES) it takes a full 1 HP to operate.
Will it be CHEAP?
NOT a chance..LOL
The machine will run $4500.00 however, the different speeds will make up for the cost in no time, plus cleaning grout at ES is incredible! Now add a rug beater into it and you can see, it is not really expensive, it just costs more.
I should be able to post some pics next week or so. IT has taken just under a year to build this one, but that is why I patented it first, I am tired of having our ideas marketed by competitors.
I will be building all the machines right here at our shop, so I will KNOW they go out built right and ready to go.
My intention in building the machine was twofold, first build a machien that cleaned so much faster that it gives the cleaners a large "raise" without them having to raise their prices, number two, I tried to build a machine that would last 30 years like old blue but with all the newest technology.
Hey guys, yes there are a lot of questions, and we are still testing the machine.
It has been a long year working on this, but it has been rewarding. The whole concept of the machine
is quite different from what you have seen in the past. No bearing in the handle, Super strong yet light
weight aluminum frame. It is an 18" machine, still uses a 15" brush but with the extended speeds it takes
a 18" housing to run. On speed one a 1/2 hp will run it, on speed 2 a 3/4 and on speed 3 a full 1 hp .
Anyone who questioned the differing speeds of OP will now have all those question answered. We start
at our standard High Speed and go up. It run smooth in all speeds and the rate of cleaning moves up
expodentially with each speed. Most of the time speed one or two for cleaning carpet, however if you have
enough electricity on the job you can clean commerical at speed 3. Each speed still maintains not
only a 1725 OPM but 100RPM to boot, this makes it easy to move plus cleans super fast.
There is no more brush cup, each head has its own bearing and that bearing is 50X the strength of the bearing
we used on the brute and commercial breeze machines.
The aluminum is anodized so no more chipping and pealing plus the brush cover is nickel plated.
WE use a 180 grit brush for grout and tile and yes it digs down into the grout very well and at speed one and two
you can mop up with a pad using the same brush, however the pad has a hard time staying on
in speed three. But the scrubbing is incredible!
And this time I patented the machine first, I am getting too old to build something and have it copied.
Oh, yes, it cleans a much faster than a cimex in these high speeds, plus it removes the soil not just
scrubs it in.
The best bearing, bolts, parts etc, nothing is done halfassed on this machine. And yes that does make
it cost more, it might not be for anyone, it is for the guy wanting to make more money in less time without
any headaches.
I am going to go to Gattytown and clean some grout and tile with it, I will take pictures and
make a video showing how wrong you are about how well it cleans grout, even you will be impressed.
The rug beating head has 9 Billiard balls on the head, plus a offset to make it vibrate harder,
this is what causes it to beat the back of the carpet, yet is very easy on the carpet itself.
Heads can be changed or speeds changing by simply changing 2 bolts, fast and easy.
More later.
John G.
Converting HWE customer to VLM customers for 36 Years!
This has been a tough challenge for me but the prototype is finished, tested and now the final drawings will be done by Monday. So the parts are ordered and I should have a machine on the market within 4-6 weeks.
I am also working on making up the logos and such for the machine itself.
A couple of things, the brushcover base will be Nickel, the base is anodized blue aluminum, the handle is anodized gray aluminum the sealed spray tank is stainless steel.
I has a 60 psi pump incorporated into the base of the machine, all prestolok plus connections, plastic spray heads to keep the walls safe, tee jets which includes two sets of jets plus I got the kind that keeps the solution from being aeriated. The heads are mounted on a spring so you can run into the wall, not damage the wall, not mess up the sprayer and it goes right back in place.
The hoses go through the handle and through the base of the machine so as to not have hardly any visable hose.
There is a adjustable third wheel that locks down to run like a brute or easyglide or stays up and runs like a commercial breeze.
50' 12/3 cord.
Super heavy duty bumper, I dont' think you COULD ever wear it out.
The machine will have three speeds and the slowest speed is like our normal highspeed machines. You can clean at hgihspeed, super speed or extreme speed.
Most carpets can be cleaned with the two lower speeds, some commercial carpets can be cleaned with the exteme speed.
The machine operates @ 1725 OPM plus rotates @ 100 RPM. Very easy to move.
If you are on a large commercial job and you get a LONG way from the electrical sourse, you simply drop a speed and you will have all kinds of power.
It hs an industrial 1 HP motor.
It comes with three heads, one for all carpet cleaning, one grit brush for all hard floors plus another new addition is the rug beater head.
It has 8" wheels on it, the third wheel is a 4".
It is totally amazing how F A S T carpet cleaning can be when you speed up a machine like this. This will put an end to all the bs and lies that have been told concerning all OP machines being the same speed. Most competitor machines will run fine on a 1/3 HP but to make it LOOK like a highspeed they have simply put on bigger motors.
On High Speed (HW) it take 1/2 HP, on Super Speed (SS) it takes 3/4 HP and on Extreme Speed (ES) it takes a full 1 HP to operate.
Will it be CHEAP?
NOT a chance..LOL
The machine will run $4500.00 however, the different speeds will make up for the cost in no time, plus cleaning grout at ES is incredible! Now add a rug beater into it and you can see, it is not really expensive, it just costs more.
I should be able to post some pics next week or so. IT has taken just under a year to build this one, but that is why I patented it first, I am tired of having our ideas marketed by competitors.
I will be building all the machines right here at our shop, so I will KNOW they go out built right and ready to go.
My intention in building the machine was twofold, first build a machien that cleaned so much faster that it gives the cleaners a large "raise" without them having to raise their prices, number two, I tried to build a machine that would last 30 years like old blue but with all the newest technology.
Hey guys, yes there are a lot of questions, and we are still testing the machine.
It has been a long year working on this, but it has been rewarding. The whole concept of the machine
is quite different from what you have seen in the past. No bearing in the handle, Super strong yet light
weight aluminum frame. It is an 18" machine, still uses a 15" brush but with the extended speeds it takes
a 18" housing to run. On speed one a 1/2 hp will run it, on speed 2 a 3/4 and on speed 3 a full 1 hp .
Anyone who questioned the differing speeds of OP will now have all those question answered. We start
at our standard High Speed and go up. It run smooth in all speeds and the rate of cleaning moves up
expodentially with each speed. Most of the time speed one or two for cleaning carpet, however if you have
enough electricity on the job you can clean commerical at speed 3. Each speed still maintains not
only a 1725 OPM but 100RPM to boot, this makes it easy to move plus cleans super fast.
There is no more brush cup, each head has its own bearing and that bearing is 50X the strength of the bearing
we used on the brute and commercial breeze machines.
The aluminum is anodized so no more chipping and pealing plus the brush cover is nickel plated.
WE use a 180 grit brush for grout and tile and yes it digs down into the grout very well and at speed one and two
you can mop up with a pad using the same brush, however the pad has a hard time staying on
in speed three. But the scrubbing is incredible!
And this time I patented the machine first, I am getting too old to build something and have it copied.
Oh, yes, it cleans a much faster than a cimex in these high speeds, plus it removes the soil not just
scrubs it in.
The best bearing, bolts, parts etc, nothing is done halfassed on this machine. And yes that does make
it cost more, it might not be for anyone, it is for the guy wanting to make more money in less time without
any headaches.
I am going to go to Gattytown and clean some grout and tile with it, I will take pictures and
make a video showing how wrong you are about how well it cleans grout, even you will be impressed.
The rug beating head has 9 Billiard balls on the head, plus a offset to make it vibrate harder,
this is what causes it to beat the back of the carpet, yet is very easy on the carpet itself.
Heads can be changed or speeds changing by simply changing 2 bolts, fast and easy.
More later.
John G.
Converting HWE customer to VLM customers for 36 Years!