Invoice ideas

Sep 7, 2008
I need some help with how to lay out an invoice. I have just been printing out work orders off service monster, but I would like to have 3 part invoices. Any help would be appreciated. You can just pm your invoice. I am looking for something simple and easy on the eye. I saw an invoice from a b and s company and it was ridiculous.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Some jerkoff sent me this a while back

I would run for the hills if a service company made me sign that.

Spots & Stains: Our modern cleaning systems are very effective at removing the vast majority of spots that we encounter. However, some spots have actually "stained" to some degree. Also, some spots, especially pet urine spots, may have bleached color or altered the color of the fibers. Coffee, wine or spills containing food colorings may actually dye the carpet fibers. Unexpected reactions or color changes caused by consumer spotting attempts can occur. These changes in the carpet color are sometimes permanent depending on the fiber type and the potency of the staining medium or spot cleaners used. One remedy for dye stains on synthetic fibers is to try repeated (8-10 times) applications of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide. Always pre-test in an inconspicuous area first. Allow complete drying between applications.
Dormant Spots/Stains, Yellowing & Color Damage: Products like printer toner, powdered candies with dye and others can lie deep in your carpet only to “appear” during cleaning. Color damage, and bleaching can be caused by: sun or fume fade, insecticide sprays, household chemicals and spot cleaners, and bleaches such as benzoyl peroxide acne creams, Soft Scrub or Tile-X (with or without bleach) and other powerful chemicals such as ammonia, which get spilled or tracked onto carpet. The carpet color becomes unstable, but is still there, only to be removed or discolor when cleaned. BHT off gassing from foam pad can also cause yellowing, most noticeable where air circulation has been limited such as under a rug or flat furniture piece. The important thing to note is the cause of these conditions is not the cleaning; the damage can be present prior to cleaning, even without your knowledge, only to become apparent after cleaning.
Texture Change, Pooling, Shading, and Graying in Walkways and in Front of Furniture: Pooling or Pile Reversal is when the carpet nap lays in opposing directions and therefore it appears lighter or darker depending on the light source and where you stand. All carpets eventually begin to flatten or crush in the walkways and in front of where furniture sits continuously. These areas have lost some luster and will never look as bright and crisp as areas under the furniture or out of the walkways, especially those fibers made from…
Acrylic, Polyester, or Olefin (Polypropylene) are low/medium quality synthetics. They are basically spun plastics, colored through the entire fiber, which means they are typically very stain resistant. Unfortunately they are oil-loving which means they tend to attract cooking oil particles and body oils from pets, and are more likely to be permanently stained by oily spills or tracking. They tend to crush and matt more quickly because they are not as resilient as wool or nylon. Soil removal in these fibers is generally very good, however light colors tend to show permanent gray traffic lanes from even moderate wear and abrasion, which is not soil and not completely removed with cleaning. They are also very prone to “wicking” spills.
“Wicking” of Liquid Spills and The Weighted Towel Spotting: If your carpet is not 100% wool or nylon, chances are you already know about “wicking” or returning of spots. Liquid spills tend to soak directly into the backing and pad (deeper than can be removed 100% with any cleaning method) only to continue to “wick” or resurface during the drying process, or even weeks after the cleaning. An old spot you thought you’d gotten out may even surprise you! Since this is a problem common to your fiber and not a problem with the cleaning method or procedures, return trips to service returning spots is an additional charge. You might want to try this simple, effective and free cure: Weighted Towel Spotting; Lightly dampen the spot with warm water, cover with 3-4” of dry towels, weight with books overnight; repeat as needed until the spot stops returning.
Air/Soil Filtration Lines: are dark lines of soil or yellowing found along the edges of carpet or under doors, as well as dark/blotchy areas near air vents or where holes or cracks are present in flooring. It is formed by air currents in your home, which pass through the carpet at these various locations. The carpet acts like a filter as air and atmospheric contaminants passes through it, often permanently staining light colored carpet, as well as oxidizing (bleaching) color from some darker carpets. Improvements can be made to a degree, but complete removal may be impossible.
Repairs: Noted on the estimate may be some areas that may require repairs. Cleaning a properly installed carpet in good condition does not cause delamination, wrinkles, seam failure, bubbles, fiber loss or removal from metal edge strips or any other such problems. Problems caused by improper installation, defects or excess wear may exist that are not noticeable until during or after the cleaning. We have not included the cost of repairs in our estimate, but would be happy to recommend a reputable repairperson.
Enzyme Deodorizer Treatments: Odors from pet urine contamination and dog body oils thoroughly permeate carpet and upholstery fibers, (and the pad and floor, in the case of urine contamination), are not removed with normal cleaning procedures and can actually be more evident after cleaning without treatment. Although we have excellent results with our enzyme deodorizer/neutralizer treatments to help minimize pet odors and other problem odors, we cannot guarantee to completely eliminate 100% of the odors. Please allow products to work uncovered for 2-3 days. Odors can be strong and even offensive until dry. You are only being charged for the time/materials required for this single treatment. Occasionally, because of the large amount of product required to treat contaminated areas, a second cleaning to remove “wicked” spots or a second enzyme treatment and cleaning is required for satisfactory results. Re-cleaning and re-treating of contaminated areas FOR ANY REASON (reappearing spots, recurring odor, funny feeling, recurring pet damage etc.) is an additional cost. Guaranteed odor removal is an extensive restoration process involving carpet and pad replacement, floor and baseboard sanitizing, sealing or replacement by a contractor experienced in this type of work.
Mold and Mildew Concerns: Our professional cleaning followed by your prudent action in drying carpets will not cause mold growth. Mold and mildew odors present before or directly after cleaning, however, can indicate a serious problem most likely caused by an improperly treated water leak situation. This condition can be present in your carpet without your knowledge. Most common are roof leaks, refrigerator (ice maker) leaks, seepage under doors, toilet leaks or over-flows, fish tank and planter leaks and leaking water pipes, over-wetting by low quality cleaning companies and even those underpowered little home or rental cleaning machines. Exposure to mold spores can cause mild to severe allergic reactions, and possibly more serious problems, depending on individual sensitivity. Mold/mildew odors detected before, during or after cleaning could be signs of pre-existing, hidden mold growth and should be examined by a licensed restoration contractor for specific, professional disinfecting procedures.
It is our policy to render the best possible service at all times, using only the best of materials and workmanship in our cleaning. We exceed industry standards and guidelines to protect your carpets, rugs, upholstery walls and floors from damage. Raf’s Cleaning Services, Inc., will accept no liability for damage, which is not predictable or preventable and beyond our control: Pre-existing mold or mildew, or that caused by our clients failure to take proper actions for carpet and fabric drying; failure to remove stains (known or dormant); poorly constructed/installed carpets; delaminated or wrinkled backings; prior damage; shrinkage or water marks on natural fibers; change of face fiber texture; splitting or fraying of fabrics or seams in areas of normal wear or stress; sun damage; fading or yellowing of fabrics; discoloration, running or bleeding of non-fast dyes or backing threads or upholsterer’s marks; nor for any change in color of the carpet, rug or upholstery regardless of the cause which may become apparent during or after cleaning, unless specifically caused by the negligence of the cleaner.
Helpful Drying Instructions…It’s up to you!
After we leave it is your responsibility to take action to ensure complete drying in a timely manner. HEAT: Keep the inside temperature around 72-74° or warmer regardless of the outside temperature. AIR MOVEMENT: Keep the air moving over the carpet, rugs or upholstery with summer fans or by turning your furnace fan on. VENTILATION: Let the moist air escape! Use bath exhaust fans for the first few hours when the moisture level is highest and OPEN WINDOWS: more in warm weather, only slightly in cold weather so you don’t lose all your heat. AIR CONDITIONING can be helpful in hot/humid weather as long as the setting is 72-74° or warmer. Remember, our summer evening temperatures can fall below 72° so the air conditioning will shut off and you may be left with a closed up house with no ventilation. You can avoid this by switching to heat and opening some windows slightly before bedtime. The heat will not come on unless it’s needed, and if it is needed, you won’t have wasted 6-7 hours of drying time.
CAUTION! Walking from damp carpet onto hard floors can be VERY SLIPPERY! Walk slowly.
Leave foam blocks & foil tabs under furniture until the carpet is completely dry to prevent wood and rust stains.

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
Think out of the BOX..... :idea:

If you only require a simple invoice....

"Why not print out an Invoice....that would attach to a spotter bottle.."

You would be the only one ...Doing It... :!:

Be Different... :wink:


Aug 1, 2007

This is similar to the one we use now. The warning at the bottom is to be careful not to slip.

Hope it helps.

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
I can email you a pdf of mine if you email me as well

What I used to do with mine, before I got a laptop and porty printer, I would have a nice colour copy for my client, then just using plain white paper and carbon paper, make a copy for myself. They never knew the difference and they had a nice color copy for their files.
I went to the laptop and printer because I got tired of leaving scribbled workorders, ie work it all out, then they would add or subtract something, have to calc it all out again. Now its all printed at the end, nice and neat and clean and still in colour.
Best thing is, I don't keep paper copies any more. Much easier filing.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
I am at the point now where if I have there email...which I try to get on everyjob...I email them a pdf file for their records.
Gives me a chance to follow up and offer more services etc.

Yea, Ron...the scribbles aren't too professional... so I know what you mean.

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