davegill said:
what are you guys doing today??
slept in til about 9
checked out the boards while doing my morning pot-o-coffee and half pack of smokes..
then made some sawdust making a new goodie to add to my gun show stuff.
I'm not a turkey hunter, but I know turkey season is coming very soon
soooo I made a half dozen of these
In between waiting for poly to dry, I cleaned up my new (to me) Colt Officer's model and made some new shoes for it to replace the stock grips
ain't she sweet... :mrgreen:
I also monkeyed around with a wood stabilizing process for my grip blanks.
the idea is to get polymer/ketone mix to impregnate completely thru the block.
It makes burls and soft woods hard, durable, stable and nearly impervious to water and gun oils
I tried a simple DIY method I learned thru a google search.
That's using a Mason jar and heat.
drop the blanks in the juice, heat the juice..(i used a heat gun and got the stuff the boiling)
Let it "cook" for 20-30 minutes, then screw the lid on tight.
as it cools, it creates a vacuum ...hopefully sucking the juice into the center .
I did that today.
I won't know how well it worked for a week or more...that's how long it takes the ketone solvent carrier to evaporate completely... If it works , I'll build a larger container to cook the wood and incorporate a vacuum pump .
If it works, it will save me a bundle on professional wood stabilizer services