It's official: Green Glides are just voodoo magik


Supportive Member
Sep 1, 2007
Versailles ky
Ashley Mckendree
O.K. this is just INSANE, does Jeff have his glides blessed by a Voodoo tribesman? Did he do a deal with perhaps... hmm... :twisted: SATAN?!?! :twisted:

Here is the down-low:
Job: Nasty Commercial carpet squares (building has fresh black top outside that gets heavily tracked in + ground in food, soda, etc)

What happened: Forgot to turn pressure down from last Tile job, it was at 1200PSI!

Wand: Pimped Stanley steamer 6 jet with Holed glide flow is 12 at 600psi

Chems: O2 system, 3 oz per gal pre spray w/ modifier, let dwell 10 mins sprayed VERY liberally.

Dry Time: MINUTES! The last section of carpet we cleaned felt dry to the touch, and barley left water on my knee went I bent down.

Job Time: 25 Minutes, It normally takes us 45! (With the same exact configuration)

Water Used: 75 gallons!!!!

This carpet ALWAYS looks wonderful and the client is always raving about it, but we really knocked her down this time, because she ALWAYS beats us out the door and has me lock up when we are done.

She said "Is that white thingy on your wand magic or something?"... I LOL'ED because I never mentioned it to any of my customers, and was surprised anyone cared to notice.

Jeff, I love you man :lol:

SRI Cleaning

May 4, 2007
West Chester, PA
Anthony Firmani
Its funny, I never groom rentals. For 2 reasons, time, because we just have to crank through them. And because I have groomed a few in the begining and a few property managers told me not to because they want it to be obvious to the tenants that the carpets were cleaned.

Anyway, I have an Evo wand and I used the stock glide for a few months but about 2 months ago I got the hybrid one from Greenie. The carpets look great and i have had 3 different property managers comment on the lines left in the carpet and how great the carpets are coming out. They all asked if i got a new tool or something.

In fact one of the maintenance guys is freinds with a carpet cleaner that used to do their units. The maint. guy told me that he told his buddy, "Look we have to use SRI, they do the best job we have ever seen and they have some special tool that no one else around here does." :D

Another property's maint. guy called me and said "listen we have this carpet that we want to replace but there is not enough time, the tenant is moving in tomorrow, can you just get it as clean as you can?"
So i went over and cleaned it.
He called me the next day and was like "Listen you just saved us $1300, can you always get the carpets that clean?" So I told him I usually can. He says "Great we are going to try to save some more of our carpets in the future, oh and can you use that machine that leaves the lines from now on? It does a great job."

Since then, they have nearly tripled the amount of work they give us. I always wondered why I was always cleaning clean carpets there. Now I see some trashed ones!


Apr 6, 2007
Are you trying to say that there are people on this board who make it a point to try and sell more greenglides while they are posting?

I don't believe it.

gary mackay

Sep 2, 2007
When I was in his shop I noticed an altar that was hidden in the back, a very large poster of Mick Jagger naked on the wall, large amount of incense, chicken blood & various organs in a bowl. I was just looking for the toilet. I played it off like I didn't see anything but I've been afraid ever since. I don't think it was voodoo just some sort of Socal cult stuff.


May 19, 2007
I'm not surprised on carpet tiles.....

The reasons why you were sucessful.

1 carpet tiles have a plastic backing....therefore you could not wet the backing

2 carpet tiles are nylon.....therefore cleaning them is much easier than say olefin which is what most CGD is.

Try 1200 psi on a residential pile and I'm sure you will see dry time in the term of days.


Supportive Member
Sep 1, 2007
Versailles ky
Ashley Mckendree
TimP said:
I'm not surprised on carpet tiles.....

The reasons why you were sucessful.

1 carpet tiles have a plastic backing....therefore you could not wet the backing

2 carpet tiles are nylon.....therefore cleaning them is much easier than say olefin which is what most CGD is.

Try 1200 psi on a residential pile and I'm sure you will see dry time in the term of days.

I don't doubt that one bit. But its the fact that I increased dry times with more water, higher pressure that shocked me.

For residential pile I set psi somewhere in the neighborhood of 300 psi.


Oct 7, 2006
It's nice to know there are plenty of options, everyone is happy, how about a group hug.

70+ models in 3 options (and 2 special options)

bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter

I seems as if BOB is even gonna give the GH a spin around the block....however i will SAVE the box that it came in....jus in case!

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