Its that time of year again. CAD and L&L Raffle/Auction info..

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Its that time of year again. Time to ask you to dig DEEP and help us in our continuing war against blood born cancer. This year is especially important to me. My friend Steve (next to me in this picture) has AML5 and has had 2 bone marrow transplants in the last year.Even with losing 60+lbs and having had to learn to walk and talk TWICE he has made it back in the air and is once again having to learn to walk and talk all over again. I am praying I get to jump with him again not just once but many many more times. I don't know if he w ill make it past this summer. :(

Here is the donation link for the raffle tickets $5 each or 35 for $100

We will again have auction Items. Anyone wishing to donate items to be raffled or auction off please contact me asap. Anyone knowing someone that you think would like to donate please tell them to contact me. All of the advertisers on mikeysboard (yes even you Cobb) are welcome to donate.

So far here are the auction Items:
Prochem- Prochem TI wand winners choice of standard/ergo Starting bid $600
CRW Supply-Phoenix Artic Air Portable Air Conditioner Starting Bid $900
CTI- Ozone Machine Starting Bid $400

I will start a separate link for just raffle/auction items as more vendors donate.

Thank you in advance for all your support:

P.S. here is Lora's story in case you haven't clicked that link above yet:
My Fundraising Page

Mar 04, 2015

Hello Family and Friends!

It's my fifth Team in Training Event this year! I'm so excited to get this thing started! This year, I am doing the Seagull Century in Salisbury, Maryland (on the coast of Maryland). It's a FLAT HILLS...FLAT! I'm so excited! My first ride was 5000' of climbing and last year was 3000'+...and this year it's about 40'. FLAT!! I'm still doing the happy dance!!

Seagull Century Ride for my 49th Birthday weekend!

Ride is Oct 3, 2015...Birthday is Oct 6!!

We had a great ride last year in Honolulu! Ride was beautiful, there was challenging hills, but nothing I hadn't trained for and a little rain...6 times!! Everytime I dried off it rained again! I was a filthy, happy finisher! I actually finished before the course closed this year...LOL... and ran and jumped in the ocean with my team when we were all done!! I even got a rainbow as I crossed the finishline with a teammate and Coach Darin. It was a great finish.

I had a few difficulties with my aluminum frame FELT bike about half way through, nothing I couldn't handle, but was frustrating. It has done me well for two century rides...but none of that this year! John got me a real bike for Christmas this year! I'll be riding on a carbon-fiber frame Scott Contessa! I guess he finally think's I'm serious about this biking thing! smiley I've started training early this year...I'm doing two Century rides, a local ride in June for Tour de Cure (for diabetes) and then my "biggie" for TNT! I'm having a blast!!

And who am I doing this for... sadly the list continues to grow...

In memory of Kim. I never met Kim, but she she started her Dad on this path of raising money and awareness...and he has started countless others! Her legacy is amazing! She lost her battle at 19, but so many of us are trying to help other's not lose theirs!

In memory of Roxanne Harding. She is our friend Ray's sister who lost her battle to Leukemia. Ray has supported every one of my events, and I didn't know until recently how personal this is for him. Her name will be in my memory every time I train!!

In memory of my mom's friend Carl. He lost his battle to leukemia last Saturday, March 14, 2014! This sucks... frown He has been on my jersey as an honoree for 3 years... sad.

In memory of Ken Snow. We lost him too young and too quickly! He will always be remembered!

In memory Mike Pailliotet's dad Paul. Mike has supported us massively since we started fundraising with TNT. He lost his dad last year from cancer and he will be on my Jersey this year!!

In honor of our friend Steve Osborne. He has had two bone marrow transplants since his diagnosis of AML 15 months ago and spent most of the year in Huntsman Cancer Institute! He is a fighter and I think he and John will get in some skydives this summer!

In honor of my friend Jerry! He is fighting the good fight with Leukemia. Still no treatments, as it is early...and he is retiring this year! He and his sweetheart wife Elizabeth get to go have some fun...finally!!! He can beat leukemia...I know it!

Also in honor of several friend's who have beat this thing, Kelli W and Shane W's boy! Good for you, you are proof this can be beat!

Cancer in general sucks...and many have had it in my life. My mom, Kelli D and Diane M have all fought and beat breast cancer, I ride in their honor. Other family members haven't been so lucky... my father-in-law John, Sam L, both of my grandfather's, I ride in their memory too. They are all in my thoughts and prayers. Maybe if we can find a cure to just one kind of cancer, we can start to beat them all!!!

I am looking forward to being on my bike this summer, hopefully a few rides with my husband and Kade too! If you wouldn't mind keeping me in your prayers for safe rides, I'd appreciate it! We've had some crazy warm weather and I'm hoping for some early spring riding this year so I'm not stuck indoors on my trainer! PLEASE SHARE THE ROAD!!!

IF YOU HAVE THE ABILITY TO DONATE, WE WOULD APPRECIATE ANY AMOUNT! SO MUCH GOOD HAS BEEN DONE BY THE LEUKEMIA AND LYMPHOMA FOUNDATION!!! Check them out at! They are making a difference and are honorable and careful how their donations are used! Over 80% goes to research and patient support...VERY LITTLE goes to admin costs, as most are volunteers!!!


Thank you for bringing awareness to Team in Training and blood cancers!

It means so much to us!!!
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