It's the little things that can screw up your world

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Ok, I don't have to tell you guys this...but I will because I don't hide crap.

I figure Harper will be all over me for this.

I've had a Google phone number for my Dallas area since almost day 1...about a year or so.
Why? Because I like Google and it's a "free" is quoted for a reason

This free number just cost me thousands. :shock:

Turns out...anyone that called my Google number in that last month would go straight to a voicemail that wasn't mine...or got a "not in service" recording.
Google would recognize my cell, Jen's cell, my other cell etc but any "new" number wouldn't get put through to Full Circle. :shock: :shock:

So I've been rackin my brain as to why not very many jobs at all in Dallas and tons of hits to my website...irony I know if you know me. lol
Checking my numbers everyday....they were fine..or so I thought....checked my ads every day.

I either got hacked or Google is screwing up...I don't care...either way....DONE.

So I went the cheap route and got screwed...que Harper...My SAC phones have been screamin...they are not Google numbers.

I changed the number today and Lupe from Full Circle informed me that the phones started ringing.
Well shit the bed......I'm back in business in Dallas.

All I have to say is

Don't scroll unless you want to see my've been warned.


Even Photobucket couldn't handle it.

Sometimes you get what you pay for....and if you don' get what's comin to ya.
Sep 7, 2008
I hope you don't rely on google as your email account. Your google account can be suspended at any time for any reason. Mine was and I never figured out why. I use yahoo and another platform for my emails. If your google account is suspended, good luck getting access to your emails because it isn't happening.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
I use my website domains for my emails.

I've been suspended from Google but I was able to get everything back....thank God. lol

It's like anything free, I guess. Need to be really careful because there is no accountability.

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