"i think this is the way to go. adjustible angle that is."
Thanks. I agree. So do most others using these high sheAr kits.
"how are the dry times?"
Not good with this particular wand, but they're OK.
It seems to have more to do with the
glide rather than the effect of sheAr.
"can you clean a room fairly fast compared to other wands?"
Again, don't confuse the effects the glide vs the shear. The glide tends to grab, thus slowing you down, but it DOES agitate well. LOL. I see you use the gls. Excellent. It was meant for agitation. Get a glide for the slide. The shear tends to speed you up, depending on angle, soil load, etc.
There's at least two options for glides. Google and ask others for input.
"can i get a bentley with the sheer kit already on it and just skip the other manifold?"
Yes you can buy it with a shear kit installed.
Like glides, there's options; mine as well as others.
No longer are you tied to fixed jet placement.
Look at degrees of freedom in your decision on which wand to get if you want adjustable shear.
I sell most of the wands stock, like PC, WP, CMP, PMF, HM, US Products, Bentley, etc but my specialty is helping guys with custom wands. Personally, I love the custom carbon fiber, CCF, you just have more options than with most other wands.
Like Cool Cuffs, I've made a family of shear kits, all with adjustability as the key.
There's 13 bracket systems so far, and several spraybar/manifolds.
But there's only one ARC. That's what I'm protecting.
"whats wrong with the glide?"
I'll let others comment.
"Whats wrong with the jet?"
It's partially clogged. duh.
Just pull it, remove the jet screen and wash under a sink and reinstall.
Bob, your pressure's up too high for that tool.
It ain't a 10 flow GH.
It's a 6 flow CCF stairtool.