
Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
damn it! but I can't get the pictures off my cardless camera.

Used the JonClaw today on a flat out disgusting cesspool studio apartment of ratdog urine.

I used the pressure line with an open QD as a garden hose to soak the bejesus out of a nylon pile that was covered @ 60% with wizz. Not really covered, SOAKED.

I would have walked but the dude made it REAL clear that ANYTHING would be better then the current state of pure hell and he could not afford new flooring for a while. Knowing that I had not used the Jonclaw yet and was feeling sort of guilty helped my eagerness.

I would also never had taken this on with just my mini/spotter claw.

Mathematically it would have taken four times longer then the Jonclaw did and would have involved more knee on the carpet time... No thanks!

So after a good long water flushing we doused the pile with every oxidifyering prespray I had on board and gave it a good scrubbing.

Rinsed with the V and some O123 acid rinse

Dude was thrilled to death.

I checked to see if any water was left behind after the V/2.5/Ti rinse and not a drop came up through the Jonclaw

Left a turbo behind and a receipt for $400.

I suppose some day I'll use the Jonclaw for a WD but urine puddles is where this thing kicks arse.

steve frasier

Supportive Member
Oct 9, 2006
portland oregon
steve frasier
I used the pressure line with an open QD as a garden hose to soak the bejesus out of a nylon pile that was covered @ 60% with wizz.

sounds like you took a page out of Todd's book on urine treatment

is that 123 stuff really any good, I would rather just boost redline

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