Just a little more dirt..

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Jeff Ellis

Rob Allen

I've been quiet about this for a long time because I did not think it would do any good to share it online. However Rob Allen continues to tell lies about our business relationship so I am compelled to share my story. Ill tell it once and if you have questions you can give me a call.

Around April of 2009 Rob and I talked about the idea of building a *** truckmount. We had worked it out so that he would finance the project and I would design and build the machine as well as to facilitate the purchase of all the parts for the job. And he would use *** to promote the truckmount via banner ads and talking points.

I used Rob's credit card to purchase most but not all of the things needed. His investment was $6200. My monetary investment was about $2500.00 which included a trip to Virginia Beach for the sole purpose of creating a video which was to be used to promote the sell of the new *** Truckmounts.

I arrived in Va. Beach around the 25th of June or something close to that. Everything seemed great between Rob and I . Day 2 Rob's zeal about the project seemed to cool down a little. At the time I didn’t give it much though. In hindsight I wonder if that’s the day he changed his mind about the whole *** Truckmount.

Weeks past and I was unable to sell the machine. Rob would call me periodically and ask if there was any progress. My usual response was something like, 'I’ve had a few people looking Rob but no one willing to buy yet. You think you can get Tre to post the banner ads and the video on ***? It sure would help a lot.'

Weeks turned into months and still I was unable to sell it. Rob was getting upset because he had nothing to show for his investment, as was I. He suggested I buy out his interest so he could just move on. I suggested he should do what he promised and promote the machine on *** and we could both get our investments back. To this day I still don’t understand why Rob was unwilling to promote this TruckMount. He even deleted my ads from his classified section.

He continued to hound me for his investment. I told him if things were not moving quickly enough for him that maybe he should just buy out my interest in the machine. He said he didn’t need a new machine. I responded that I did not need a new machine either so why is it okay for you to ask for your investment back but it is somehow wrong for me to ask the same.

Keep in mind I only asked for my actual monies invested and not the 200 hours I spent on purchasing, designing and building. Is that not fair?

We went back and forth for a while and then I started getting emails comparing me to the devil. He then started telling people that instead of an investment and a partnership we had together that I had defaulted on a loan. He also called my congregation and said I owed him money on a loan.

I was fighting mad at this time and called him out for the snake he is. I called him and told him to come and get the machine or shut-up. I also told him to bring a check for my part. He declined and after some more time had passed he sent me an email that said in part, ‘I’m doing my taxes and I’m able to write off half of this investment as a loss. If you pay me $3100.00 you can keep the machine or sell it ,I don’t care’. Against my wife and my friends’ advice I took the deal just to make the problem go away. I told Rob I had 2k and that I would get it out immediately. I also said that I would send the other $1100 when I was able to do so.

Imagine my surprise when a few days after he cashes the check he is on *** still calling me a liar and a thief. And telling everyone that I just made a payment on a past due loan. This guy has no honor. Not only has he made it nearly impossible to sell this machine he has made it near impossible to sell any machines.

He should be happy I have not sued him for defamation and slander.

Anyway guys that’s the short version and I’m tired of typing. There is a whole lot of other stuff in between. If any of you would like to call me for a first hand account please feel free to do so.



John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Sigh....I tried and tried but to no avail. I'm not the smartest but I know liars/pyschopaths when I meet them. Jeff and many others was sure I was wrong when I started calling them liars on ICS after meeting Rob and his boy.

Jeff if you some how read this I'm sorry but next time trust me...

The Preacher

Oct 13, 2006
there's also one on there about Klepto Kenny taking $$$ for some air duct rods and them being "lost in shipment"??? a friend of the customer came on and asked "what up, my friends can't get a return call and your voicemail is full"???

Klepto said his VM is broken and he talked with the customer over a month ago about the situation. I didn't see him offer a refund of $$$ 3 months earlier (when th "special order" was paid for) since it was his supplier who was "out of stock"???

does UPS offer insurance on shipments like the USPS does???


Jun 29, 2009
dealtimeman said:
josh should inquire about the specs of the unit and if its good buy it.

LOL! That would be funny, if it worked out.
Nov 9, 2008
George Valliant
Over the year's I've been approached by several people wanting to partner up with me in the cleaning biz.

It usually turns out they expect me to do all the work while they sit back and count the money.

My gut instinct has always been to avoid partnerships. This thread is another example why.

Duane Oxley

Moon Unit
Oct 18, 2006
Smyrna, GA.
Duane Oxley
Jeff brought his TM to the last Gathering we did in August. It was actually pretty cool from a design and performance standpoint. It was simple, generated good heat and had surprising vacuum for the 36 blower he used to build it.
Jul 12, 2008
The Preacher said:
there's also one on there about Klepto Kenny taking $$$ for some air duct rods and them being "lost in shipment"??? a friend of the customer came on and asked "what up, my friends can't get a return call and your voicemail is full"???

Klepto said his VM is broken and he talked with the customer over a month ago about the situation. I didn't see him offer a refund of $$$ 3 months earlier (when th "special order" was paid for) since it was his supplier who was "out of stock"???

does UPS offer insurance on shipments like the USPS does???

THis what I posted....

Please call CSN in Pensacola FL ask for Brian 1-888-848-0627....to confirm,he waiting on your call Rob.

Ken owes these guys money from 2 years ago,they ordered a duct cleaning kits and never got it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kEnnY owes them 800.00 for NON-DELIVERY!!!!!! With his repeated history I am shocked he posts on here.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
. He also called my congregation and said I owed him money on a loan.

well ain't that just swell.
a lying, no good, self severing, greedy money grubbing schmuck like PMF rob calls Jeff's Overseer ?

and all the Jwitts in this industry can see what a greedy, deceptive, liar rob is , or they choose WILLFULLY to be blind to that fact.
Why do ya'll protect the little slime ball "brother"?

as much as ya'll bash Catholics at your Wed nite meetings, it's seems you're taking a page out of their book by protecting creeps

"don't rock the boat, cause we're all making money
Don't wanna make no waves"

shame on you

Oct 7, 2006
Benton KY USA
Lee Stockwell
Larry he is not being "protected" believe me.

I've kept my distance for a good while now, for good reason.

(if anyone wants to add to my post please do so in a separate post, thanks!)

Duane Oxley

Moon Unit
Oct 18, 2006
Smyrna, GA.
Duane Oxley
Lee's not joking about that one, Larry. He told me the particulars on it last August.

Rob tried to place a religious guilt- trip on Jeff and Jeff invited him to "come on down and let's take it up here in front of the Elders".

That pretty much shut Rob up, at least, regarding the religious part.

The thing is, that Rob told Jeff that he'd back off if Jeff would send him $1,100. Jeff talked to me about it and I told Jeff that he needed to get something in writing about it before giving Rob anything. But Jeff sent the money, and as Jeff puts it, "The ink wasn't even dry on the check....", before Rob started publicly trashing him again. It suits Rob's agenda to keep whining about having been "screwed by a backyard manufacturer". So, while he tries to get more money from Jeff under pressure and without actual grounds (remember- they were partners and Jeff invested enough time and parts to be as fully vested... even more so than Rob...), he acts as if the partnership was a loan prior to a purchase... which it wasn't.

He's compounded the lies via claiming to have filed a lien on the machine several months ago.

On what date? In what court? And what is the case number?

The thing is, that Jeff agreed to sell the system and pay Rob at first. And then Rob started telling everyone NOT to buiy the system, that there is a lien on it, etc.

How messed up can he get?

My guess is that he'd rather NOT get paid, so he can continue to whine about being screwed...

I'm surprised that Jeff doesn't have his butt in court in a slander suit.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Duane Oxley said:
Lee's not joking about that one, Larry. He told me the particulars on it last August.

I believe you and Lee, DooWayne.

Lee is one of the "good sheep" in the "flock" as far as I'm concerned

Elis was foolish to trust a "brother" without a contract .
It's a shame that some couldn't see thru his veil of deception til it was too late


Duane Oxley

Moon Unit
Oct 18, 2006
Smyrna, GA.
Duane Oxley
meAt said:
Duane Oxley said:
Lee's not joking about that one, Larry. He told me the particulars on it last August.

I believe you and Lee, DooWayne.

Lee is one of the "good sheep" in the "flock" as far as I'm concerned

Elis was foolish to trust a "brother" without a contract .
It's a shame that some couldn't see thru his veil of deception til it was too late


Actually, they had a contract. Jeff's copy got destroyed when he spilled coffee on it. (It was an ink jet print.) Rob was supposed to give him another copy, but "somehow" just never seemed to find the time...

Joe Bristor

Mar 22, 2010
"The ink wasn't even dry on the check....",

reminds me of how right after Connections 08 - where I'd let *** put up a banner at my booth (totally covering up my own btw) - Rob starts into his rant about the solution hose he'd bot from me (most of it over a year old) and how he wants his money back.
Not a word of dissatifaction, mind you, until right after he'd gotten what he wanted (a free banner at Connections), but then the whole world needed to know how bad he got treated. Religon and Lee Stockwell aside, Rob Allen & son are the most blatant backstabbers I've ever known. Note, not one customer of mine before or since had the same problem with my hose that Rob Allen claims to have had. All this drama culminated in him, his son and the brother getting banned from ICS in what, the same week?
what goes round...

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Joe Bristor said:
Religon and Lee Stockwell aside, ..

I would of never mentioned religion, Joe, if not for rob writing to all the heavyweight Jwiits in the industry crying about particular peeps picking on a "brother".

I don't care what religion a man practices .
i don't care if they have no faith at all

but as a man of strong convictions and faith myself, when a slime ball plays the "religions card" to cover their ass, ( all motivated by GREED btw) it pi$$es me off .
Makes me want to turn on a Light to scatter the roaches.
The Light has a cleansing effect as well
who knows, maybe some of these boys will look in the mirror and get back on the straight and narrow

meAt....The Other Sheep


Duane Oxley

Moon Unit
Oct 18, 2006
Smyrna, GA.
Duane Oxley
The very first time I went to *** and took a look, I saw my own words, cut and pasted, with "Kieth Shaw" listed as the author. When I confronted them about it, they apologized and gave me credit for it. Here it is:

* Forum * Ask The Pros * Ask Our Chemist! * Deodorizer differences-Which to choose!!!

Deodorizer differences-Which to choose!!!

QUOTE BY DUANE OXLEY; (NOTE: This was added after I brought it up to them.)
(There are basically three types;

All three are effective in their own way. So choose wisely grasshopper!


1)Enzymes produce bacteria that consume the food that is present in the urine contamination. Basically, they're like a weed- killer, that kills the weed by making it grow much faster, so that it "gets old and dies" very quickly.

Enzymes take from several hours to a day to do their thing. So, by nature, they have a residue as well, unless you come back later and clean them out of the carpet.

2) Oxydizers are like a fire. They burn the contaminants up and consume them in that way. They are much faster, requiring only 20 minutes to do most of what they do. It's not necessary to leave them in the carpet for long periods of time, so residue isn't as much of a probability, because they're typically extracted in minutes.

3)Quats. Once you've used a Quat, you can't use an enzyme with good success. The Quat will kill the bacteria that the enzyme promotes.

They don't work on the same principle. Quats are like bug spray. They leave a residue that kills future bacteria and mold. By that definition, they have to be present enough to work in the future (i.e., leave a residue).)


PS:Never use "just" a fragrance, like Fabreeze. It does nothing but mask for a short while!

Last edited by VCS; 05-11-2008 at 03:28 PM.

(My reply... on 05/10/2008)
Very wise words above...

The guy who wrote them really knows his stuff, huh...?


(Rob's Reply...)


(My reply...)
There are actually 4, BTW...

When I wrote the above, it was in answer to someone asking when to use one vs. another, and they didn't ask about the fourth at the time.

The fourth is "Pairing". It does it's thing by absorbing the odor. There are some products that have it. I suspect that some of the "cide" products (such as "Odorcide", etc.) that cost $60 or so per gallon have this as their mechanism of action.

Most products that have a bactericide, fungicide, etc., in them don't use the term, "cide" in the name, nor do they claim to "kill bacteria", etc. This is because claim to do so causes the product to come under closer scrutiny by the EPA, etc., and require it to be EPA registered as an insecticide, basically. And that registration is expensive. So the way around it is to say that it is an "odor counteractant", etc.

So, products that have "cide" in the name, yet do not claim to kill bacteria, in my experience, and my suspicion, tend to have odor absorption as their mechanism of action.

... and they're compatible with virtually anything but oxidizers "at work". (Once the oxidizer has done it's thing, and is no longer active, the compatibility issue ceases to exist.)

("Kieth's" reply...)
Sorry and thank you Duane. It is corrected above.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
the thing about the 'net .....it leaves a glistening slime trail that's hard to cover by more lies and deception ......


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