Kirby or Dyson Vacuum- which is better?

Art Kelley

Supportive Member
May 19, 2007
Rainbow Carpet And Upholstery Cleaning
Someone just posted this link but they got deleted. It's nice to see a good side by side done:

For years the Kirby vacuum has been king of the vacuum cleaners. As far as cleaning power and durability goes they could not be beat. But now their is a new kid in town...the Dyson vacuum. Dysons only been around for a few years but they made a big splash and lots of people have been buying them. But are they as good as all the hype? Hi my name is Dustin Chaffin, General Manager of Great-Vacs. We have sold over 10,000 vacuum cleaners online and we know vacuums. I get tons of emails asking "which is better the Kirby or the Dyson?". I am excited to write this guide and answer this question once and for all. I feel qualified to write this article because unlike most shops we sell both the Kirby and the Dyson vacuum and can give an honest review.

I have hesitated to write this guide because this is such an emotional subject. People LOVE their Kirby or LOVE their Dyson and it can be very emotional. So I will probably get some hate mail but if I can help you pick the best vacuum it will be worth it. Because it's so emotional I am going to perform most tests that I have ever done before. I am going to try and keep my comments to a minimum and just present the facts. In the end there will be a winner and a looser but we will know once and for all who is the King.

This guide was so detailed that it turned out to be very long. So if you don't want to go over all the details (there are tons of good information though) scroll to the bottom and read my Conclusion where I sum up all the details.

So lets get right to it. I'm going to write the article as if I was reading a diary to you. Most Dyson owners own a DCO7 or older so we went one higher and for our Dyson vacuum used the high end Dyson DC14 Animal that was about 1 year old. For our Kirby Test we used a 2004 Kirby Diamond (3 years old). Ebay guides are hard to do because they only let you put in small pictures. When I have the time I will post this review on my website and you can see it with the larger pictures.

This guide was so detailed that it turned out to be very long. So if you don't want to go over all the details (there is tons of good information though) scroll to the bottom and read my Conclusion where I sum up all the details.

Test #1 - Best Vacuum not to CLOG
What causes clogs is small suction tubes and corners So lets get right to it lets take some pictures of the kirby suction tubes and the dyson tubes. Below is a picture of a Dyson tube next to a kirby tube.

As you can see from the pictures the Kirby suction tube is almost twice the size as the Dyson one. The Dyson one also has a sharp corner in some of its tubing.

Fact - The very first used Dyson we got traded in was clogged.
Fact - If you read other reviews on the internet they say people have had a problem with the Dyson Clogging with long pet hair.
Fact - There is no vacuum that is impossible to clog. We have seen thousands of Kirbys and from normal vacuuming conditions have never seen a kirby clog. For example I saw a Kirby clogged with a tooth brush, a rope, and a shirt. In other words under normal vacuum conditions I have never seen a Kirby clog. The Dyson that came in clogged just had dirt and pet hair in it.

When was the last time you saw a Dyson commercial and they said "Guaranteed not to clog"? Also on the Dyson the suction tubes on the vacuum are made to be taken off. If it never clogs why are they made to be taken apart?

Winner of the Test #1 Best Vacuum not to Clog - KIRBY VACUUM

Test #2 - Most Airflow and Vacuum power
This is one of the most important tests, after all no matter how cool a vacuum looks, we buy a vacuum to pick up the dirt. Suction power is very important. Isn't that the reason we buy a vacuum, to vacuum up all the dirt?

Kirby Motor Size = 7 amps
Dyson Motor Size = 12 amps

For this test we are going to use an Airflow Indicator meter tool made by Baird. This tool is desiged to test power and airflow (see picture below).

On the tool is the saying "You have to move the order to move the dirt". This tool is a tube with a ball attached to a spring. I has a rating of 0 to 10. You hook it up to a vacuum and turn on the vacuum to test the vacuum power and airflow. The higher the suction the further up the scale the the meter will read. 0 is really bad and 10 is amazing suction. So we will hook up the hose to the kirby vacuum and we will test it. We will also test it on the hose on a Dyson vacuum. For our first test we will test the power by hooking it up to the hose. Each hose it tested at the same length away from the vacuum.

After we tested the Dyson the Power Meter read = a 1 out of 10 (see picture)

After we tested the Kirby the Suction Meter read = a 7 out of 10 (see picture)

Now we are going to test the power hooked up to the vacuum itself. You are about to learn a new principle here. It's a fact that the longer the hose the more suction you loose. That's why uprights are usually more powerful than canisters and why central vacuums in huge homes (a 100 feet of wall tubing to get to the central vacuum) can be the weakest vacuum of all.

Hooked up to the vacuum on the Dyson the Power Meter read = a 2.8 out of 10 (see picture)

On the Kirby it read = a 10 out of 10 (see picture)

Fact - The motor size in amps does not mean a vacuum is more powerful
Fact - The kirby had over 3 times the power and airflow as the dyson when testing it with the airflow meter.

The winner of Test #2 The most Airflow and Vacuum Power is KIRBY

Test #3 - Most Suction Full of Dirt
The other Dysons promise is that it is Guaranteed not to lose airflow as the vacuum fills up. That not clogging Guarantee bombed so lets test out this Guarantee.

Dyson - So we grabbed 3 Dysons. One was our tester Dyson that was cleaned and had no dirt in it, one was 1/3 full of dirt and one was three quarters full of dirt.

On the Power Meter they all pulled the same = 2.8

Kirby - We grabbed a full Kirby bag and put it inside our Kirby. We tested it with the full bag and the Power Meter read a 10 out of 10 (the meter only goes to 10). So then with the full bag still in it I hooked up the 9 foot hose to the vacuum and tested it and the meter read = a 5.9 So on hooked to the hose it with a empty bag the kirby had a 7.0 and with a full bag it read a 5.9

Fact - James Dyson is correct the Dyson did not lose power as it filled with dirt.
Fact - As a vacuum bag fills up airflow and power does decrease.
Fact - Even with a full bag the kirby had over DOUBLE the airflow and power as the Dyson as measured by our Air Flow Meter.
Fact - Dyson claims to be the first vacuum not to lose suction as it fills with dirt. This is not true. I can personally think of 5 other vacuum's that don't lose suction. The Rainbow vacuum for example uses water to filter with and does not loose suction. The rainbow has been around for nearly a century.

Winner of Test #3 - Most Power Full of Dirt: KIRBY

Test #4 - Cleaning and Vacuums up better
This is really starting to get fun. This is the most important test. Which vacuum actually vacuums the most dirt. What I did here was I went next door to the Carpet Store that is next to us and they were nice enough to give me a large piece of brand new carpet (so our results would not be tainted) I then took a piece of tape and marked off the carpet. On the left side of the tape is where we are going to vacuum with the Dyson and on the right side of the tape we are going to vacuum with the Kirby.

Then I took 2 cups and went outside and filled them up with normal dirt and sand. Just like would be tracked into your house. I then measured the 2 cups (see picture) so they had the exact amount of dirt in them - 1 pound and .2 of one ounce in each cup. I then poured the dirt onto each side of the carpet and worked it into the carpet.

What I was planning on doing was I weighed the dirt that is now in the carpet and I am going to weigh the dirt that comes out of the carpet. Now the Kirby is not bagless so we have to use tester filter pads to show the dirt that is picked up. I am afraid this test was a little harder on the Kirby because every time I changed the pads (lots of times) dust would escape from the tester. To be fair after I put the Kirby tester on the Kirby I tested the power again with the hose. With the tester on it read a 6.5 on the airflow meter, it had read a 7 when the bag was on (bag has more surface area for air to push through). So because of those 2 things the Kirby was at a small disadvantage. I knew that we were not going to get up all the dirt because in each vacuum a small part of it would stick to the dirt chamber and fans etc. in each of the 2 vacuums. So this was a very fair test. Before I started the test I decided that the vacuum that pulled the most dirt I would go and vacuum another 50 strokes in the vacuum's area that pulled the least dirt.

Dyson Results - We put the dirt down and vacuumed 50 strokes on each side. We put 1 lb of dirt down and was able to pick up 6.5 oz's of dirt from the Dyson vacuum or 40% of the dirt was picked up.

Kirby Results - We put the dirt down and vacuumed 50 strokes on its side. We put 1 lb of dirt down and (after subtracting the dirt meter filter pads wieght) was able to pick up 12.1 oz's of dirt from the kirby or 75 % of the dirt was picked up.

Then since the Dysons was the least amount of dirt was picked up and it was the loser we vacuumed in the Dysons area. The picture below is how much dirt and sand that we pulled out. I was able to pull out 44 pads of dirt that the Dyson left behind. In fact I was still pulling out dirt when I ran out of pads. (see picture). I wish you could have seen this in person. I had no idea that the Kirby would pick up that much extra dirt behind the Dyson. These pads where not just dusty but jam packed full of dirt and sand (see picture) Looking at the dirt sample pulled from each vacuum. The Dyson really did not pick up much sand at all.

Fact - Sand ruins carpet. When it gets down deep into the carpet it has sharp jagged edges and when people step on your carpet it cuts the carpet fibers. That's what causes "trails" in your carpet. High traffic areas get sand tracked in them from people coming in from outside, then if the vacuum does not have the power to pick up the sand the brushroll grinds it deep in the carpet. Then when people walk on the carpet it cuts the carpet fibers and the next time you vacuum the carpet fiber gets vacuumed up. Pretty soon the "high traffic" area has less carpet fibers and starts laying down and the "trail" appears and you have to buy new carpet. If you have a vacuum that can pick up the sand and a deep cleaner you can extend your carpet by years and save thousands of dollars.

Winner of Test #4 - Best Cleaner: KIRBY

Test #5 - Durability
The Kirby is made of a light weight metal and is one of the most durable vacuums made. In fact Kirby home care systems are rated #1 in reliability by a popular consumer products magazine. We have noticed a average life span of 25 years for the Kirby vacuum.

The Dyson vacuum is made from a low grade plastic. Just because a vacuum is made from plastic does not necessarily mean that it is not durable. A perfect example of this is the Aerus Vacuum (used to be Electrolux). When the Electrolux salesman was showing you the vacuum they used to lay down the vacuum and jump on it with all their weight! Of course they did not break. The Dyson is so new that we don't have a durability time to work with at this time.

I also did the following test but the results were inconclusive because the Hydraulic press only measured in increments of 500 lbs.

With this test I tested the breaking point of both Kirby and Dyson heads. We have a Hydraulic press with a stress gauge that tell you how much pressure something endures before it breaks. The problem with it is that it only gauges it on 500 lb. increments.

So I performed the test on the Dyson first. When I was pumping down the press with the hand handle their was hardly any resistance. It was like a hot knife through butter. The plastic started bending and then it broke through. The problem (and the reason I don't like this test) was it did not even register on the guage. It could have broke at 100 lbs of pressure or 499 lbs of pressure.

Then I performed the test on the Kirby again its metal starting bending without even registering on the gauge (I wish I had a more accurate gauge). But then it started registering and right before it broke it got to about 1000 lbs before it broke.

Because of the gauge problem with the above test I am not going to count it in this contest to determine the winner.

Fact - When packing the Kirby Vacuum we wrap it in a half an inch of bubble wrap with no breakage.
Fact - When packing the Dyson vacuum to avoid breakage we have to pack it in 3 inches of bubble. Because of this fact we have to use a extra large box to hold the Dyson and all the extra bubble they require. Because Ground shipping is now based on dimensional weights (box size vs. actual weight) the Dyson costs more than its heavier counterpart the Kirby to ship. Common parts to break in shipping on the Dyson are the head, the handle, and the cord wraps.

Based upon our experience with shipping, Consumer Reports, and the Kirbys long life span.

Winner of Test #5 - Reliability: KIRBY

Test #6 - Weight & Ease of Vacuuming
For the first test on this one I got out our shipping scales and weighed each vacuum. The Kirby weighed 23 lbs and 14 oz. and the Dyson weighed 18 lbs 10 oz. So the Kirby weighed about 5 lbs more than the Dyson. The Kirby has a carrying handle and the Dyson did not. The carrying handle did make a difference. The second test was easy of vacuuming. Both seemed easy to vacuum with but the Kirby seemed better because of its self propelled transmission. Unlike other self propelled vacuums it was very smooth and I could vacuum with one finger. Most people think the reason Kirby has the Self Propelled transmission is because of its weight. That's only partially true. The main reason is the Kirby actually creates a vacuum and seals itself to your carpet which is then hard to push.

With Ease of Vacuuming we also have to consider how easy it is to use your tools. Now the Dyson has on board tools (very nice) and the Kirby does not. So you have to have your Kirby tools somewhere else (most likely your closet). For Kirby lovers this is the only complaint I have heard from them is the wish their was a easier way to put on your tools without taking off the power nozzle ( which you have to do with the Kirby).

So for this test I timed myself. Going from vacuum mode to putting on the duster tool (in this example) how long does it take?

The Dyson took 19 seconds for me to go from vacuuming to putting the hose on the on board duster tool.

The Kirby took me 25 seconds to go from vacuuming, shut off the vacuum, casually stroll to my pretend closet grab the hose and duster tool go to the vacuum, take off the power nozzle and put on the hose and duster tool.

So the on board tools were 6 seconds faster on the Kirby than the Dyson.

So actual ease of vacuuming (could vacuum with one finger) I would say the Kirby was easier. However with carrying weight and use of tools the Dyson won so..

Winner of Test #6 - Weight & Ease of Vacuuming = Dyson

Test #7 - Tools and Accessories
Depending on this Dyson Model the Dyson comes with 5 tools (3 of which are on board). Those tools are
1. Duster Brush (on board)
2. Upholstery tool (on board)
3. Crevice Tool (on board)
4. Floor tool
5. The Animal Turbo tool (standard air turbine driven upholstery tool with brushroll)
6. Some may come with the Zorb groomer to work the zorb smell good powder into your carpet.

The Kirby has the following standard tools:

1. The tool caddy (can hang on a wall)
2. 2 extension wands
3. Crevice Tool with scrubber
4. Floor Tool
5. Air Intake Guard
6. Portable Shampooer Cap
7. Massage Cup (sometimes called the pet grooming tool and can be used to remove light bulbs)
8. Inflator tool
9. Duster Brush
10. Upholstery Tool
11. Portable Spayer (also called hand held shampooer)
12. Portable Handle
13. Wall and Ceiling Brush
14. Suction Control Grip tool
15. Main Hose

The Kirby also has several additional accessories that you can use on it.

1. The Kirby carpet shampoo system. This is an actual shampooer to keep your carpets washed and clean. I really like the Kirby shampoo because it has a chemical kind of like scotch guard in it that protects your carpets from those same stains from coming back.
2. Floor Care system. This can be used to clean your hard floor surfaces or if you have hardwood floors it can actually be used to buff wax into your wood floors to make them look new. It can also have a floor tool plate that snaps onto the vacuum itself that you can use your kirby to vacuum your hardwood floor surfaces.
3. Turbo Accessory System. This can be a sander (dust is sucked into the kirby), Buffer, Scouring (like cleaning tile grout) and Massaging
4. Zipp Brush. Powered upholstery tool that runs off of the kirbys power and airflow. Most people use it on pet hair, couches, stairs and more.

So the Kirby including the tool Caddy the Kirby has 15 standard tools. The Dyson has 5 standard tools (I am going to call the floor tool and animal brush standard). The Kirby has a carpet shampooer and 3 other accessory kits you can buy as well. The Dyson had the Zorb kit.

Winner of Test #7 - Tools and Accessories: KIRBY

Test #8 - Filtration
Here I would also suggest reading my guide "HEPA Filtration - Fact from Myth" as well as "Buy the best vacuum for you".

The Kirby vacuum can filter as small as .1 of a micron. To be considered a HEPA filter you have to filter at least .3 of one micron.

I could not find anything on the Dyson website and on the Dyson itself as to what its filtration was. However by going a google search people that were selling the washable HEPA filter said it filtered down to .1 of 1 micron.

So as far as published Filtration it is a tie between the two vacuums.

I would also suggest reading my guide "Vacuum Cleaner Bagless vs. Bags - Which is better"

I have been a lone voice of warning since the beginning of the Bagless craze. Everybody wanted them. My issue with them was when I would get them in used the vacuum would be covered in dust on the outside but the HEPA filter would be clean. Doctors were actually suggesting those to Allergy patients I felt so bad for those people. The reason that I don't like Bagless vacuums is the dirt hits the HEPA filter and looks for the easiest way out. The HEPA filter is hard to get out through (tight filtration) so it back tracks through the system and blows out through the seals of the tubing. That is why I don't like normal bagless vacuums.

Now to Dysons credit they have a washable filter before the dirt goes to the bag chamber (that's good), then in the bag chamber most of the heavy dirt falls into the bagless dirt chamber then the rest of the dirt is carried out and hits the last filter. So most of the dirt never reaches the last filter but it still has a filter that dirt and air have to push through. That's the good news.

The bad news is that on the Dyson vacuum I counted 7 different seals. I assume there is so many so you can take the vacuum apart if it clogs (I cant think of any other reason). 7 seals is a lot of places for air and dirt to blow out. The other bad news is they are not the most tightest seals. The Kirby does have 2 seals outside the bag chamber but they are very tight.

So if it was not because of all the Seals this would have been a tie.

Winner of Test #8 - Filtration: Kirby

Test #9 - Marketing & Cool Factor
The Kirby is not sold in stores or retail. In fact you cant get a new one except from a authorized Kirby dealer. There are some dealers who take the risk of trying to sell some new ones on ebay or sell to someone else who will sell them on ebay. But Kirby is usually pretty proactive about finding out who is doing that (against the rules) and shutting them down. So aside from that if you want to buy a new Kirby with the Kirby warranty you will have to buy from a Kirby Salesman direct. He will come to your home and demonstrate the vacuum for you. Usually they will charge from 1300 to 1700 for a new one (from what I have seen). This is why we sell reconditioned kirbys because its more affordable and legal (we do not sell any brand new Kirbys).

So a lot of Kirby Salepeople are young and a lot are college age. They will do a lot to get a sale. Because of that some people have a bad image of Kirby. For example go to google and type in "Kirby Vacuum" and see what the first page is that comes up. However many Kirby salesmen are very proffesional and courteous.

In other words the Kirby is an awesome product but because of how its marketed its really limited to a lot of people.

The Dyson on the other hand, is everywhere. It is in most independent vacuum shops, it is most big box stores, it is on the internet and it is even on ebay. If you look on ebay there are tons of brand new in the box Dysons selling. Even some of their authorized internet dealers sell on ebay. So just about everyone has access to buy a Dyson vacuum. With the Dyson where it is for sale most of the time it cant be demonstrated so James Dyson had to make it visually appealing to get the extra money out of it.

That's one thing we have come to realize here at Great-Vacs is the number 1 reason that people buy vacuums on is based on looks. Most never admit it but if it looks good they will buy it. So think about it. You go to Walmart and go to the vacuum aisle. You see about 10 plastic vacuums displayed. You know absolutely nothing about vacuums and no one is there to demonstrate them to you. So you do one of two things. You either buy the cheapest one or you buy the coolest looking one. Usually what happens is your last vacuum was the cheap one(that only lasted 2 years or so) broke and you want a better vacuum. So you are looking at a better vacuum and then you see the Dyson and it looks cool. You think what makes a better vacuum is HEPA filtration (that's the best right?) and the higher the amp motor the better the vacuum (not true as we showed in this guide). So when James Dyson was building the Dyson I believe he understood this and knew he had to make it visually appealing.

Dyson and Marketing. Lets review some of there marketing strategies.

1. Guaranteed not to clog. As we showed you here, it's not the best vacuum for that and there are other vacuums that clog less than the Dyson but Dyson was the first one to market it.
2. "The first vacuum cleaner that doesn't lose suction" Again not true there were other vacuum cleaners that have done this before the Dyson but I don't really recall those vacuums really marketing that point.
3. 100 times the force of this test showed, the Kirby had more power but 100 times the force of Gravity sounds amazing.
4. Vacuum is very Visually appealing. The Dyson looks really cool and new age.

So Dyson has done a AWESOME job at marketing. They are geniuses at it. They continue to add models and different Dysons (like the canister Dyson or the light weight Dyson) and make improvements to there image and their product.


A nice buffed out Kirby that looks all chrome is very nice and is very cool. With the newest model of Kirby they have done a good job of modernizing it. However the problem with the Kirby is when people look at it in their minds eye they think of their grandma's Kirby and think it's the same thing (even though its not).

The Dyson has this new bagless system like no other vacuum. It looks very modern and very new age. It has all these tubes and looks very cool. Plus most people test suction with their finger or hand (not a accurate way). So when you turn on the vacuum it actually sounds powerful you can hear it and when you shut off the vacuum it sounds like a turbo shutting off. Also the suction handle is narrow at the top so when you put your finger on it it feels like amazing suction.

So on this test there was no contest.

Test # 9 Marketing and Cool Factor = DYSON

Test #10 - Suction & Vacuum Seal
Aside from the test vacuuming up the dirt I think this was the most important test. I kept it until the very last because I had to order some special equipment for this test. For this I used a suction plate and then I attached a set of scales that measures resistance (see picture).

This test actually measures Suction. Remember we already tested airflow so the other test to see how good a vacuum tests, is Suction. This will determine if the vacuum actually seals down on the carpet and gets the deep down dirt or if the vacuum is essentially a "good sweeper" with a some suction.

So the suction plate represents your carpet. So what I did was to put it on the Dyson and Kirby vacuum (shut off the brushroll so it does not knock off the plate) and then when it seals to the powerhead I am going to put the pull scales on the suction plate and see at how many lbs of pulling before the suction plate comes off. The higher the # of lbs to pull off the suction plate the more suction the vacuum has and the better the Deep Cleaner it is. This tension scale is harder to pull than you think I pulled on it as hard as I could and could only get it up to about 35 lbs.

The Dyson vacuum had 1.5 lbs of pressure on it before it came off. I could easily pull off the suction plate by hand but it had enough power to hold the plate on against gravity. I think one of the main problems with it was again all the suction was on one side and no suction on the other side so as far as vacuum and suction it was very weak.

The Kirby vacuum had 12 lbs of pressure on it and it was very hard to pull off by hand.

Winner of Test #10 - Suction and Vacuum Seal: KIRBY

Listed below are the improvements I would personally try to make if I was the manufacturer. After doing all these tests these are the suggestions I would make for improvements.

Kirby -
1. Try to make 5 lbs lighter.
2. Make it so you can use the hose without taking the head off.

Dyson - 1. Make the suction tubes larger so there is more airflow and less chance of clogging.
2. Get rid of so many seals and if there was a less chance of clogging you would not need to be able to take the vacuum parts apart. Where you needed seals I would make the seals tighter and better.
3. Make the vacuum out of a higher grade of plastic (like what Electrolux did).
4. Make suction all the way across the head instead of just on one side. Do this by having the suction tube on the middle of the power nozzle.
5. Improve airflow and power. Partially this would be solved with the bigger tubes. The motor is large enough perhaps put larger fans in. I would like to see it pull a 5 on the meter.

If each of the vacuum manufacturers did those things wow then that would be a PERFECT vacuum.

1. Winner of the Test #1 Best Vacuum not to Clog: KIRBY VACUUM
The Kirby vacuum had almost twice the size of suction piping (see pictures in test #1). The Dyson tubing at its smallest point measures right at 1 3/8 inches, the Kirby tubing at its smallest point measured 2 1/4 inches nearly a inch larger.

2. The winner Test #2 The most Airflow and Vacuum Power is: KIRBY
The Kirby had over 3 times the power and airflow as the Dyson when testing it with the airflow meter.

3. Winner of Test #3 - Most Power full of dirt = KIRBY
Full of dirt on the dirt meter the Dyson pulled a 2.8 and the Kirby pulled a 5.9 with a bag full of dirt. The Kirby did lose power when full of dirt (pulled a 7 with a empty bag) but was still almost twice as powerful when full. The Dyson pulled a 2.8 empty and a 2.8 full so Dyson was right it did not lose any power as it filled with dirt.

4. Winner of Test #4 - Best Cleaner = KIRBY
In our dirt test Kirby dominated. It pulled up almost double the dirt that the Dyson did. The Dyson pulled up 40% of its dirt in this test and the Kirby pulled up 75% of its dirt in the same test.

5. Winner of Test #5 - Reliability = KIRBY
The Dyson is made of plastic and the Kirby is made of metal. We don't know how long Dysons will last on average but we have personally seen a 25 year average lifespan with a Kirby. We have to pack the Dysons with much more bubble than Kirbys when shipping to avoid breakage. According to "a leading consumer products magazine" the Kirby ranked #1 in reliability and with the least number of repairs needed. They ranked it based upon 134,000 reader responses and ranked it based upon a point system. The lower the points the more reliable. The Kirby was #1 with only 4 points while the average vacuum they tested got a 10.25 So the Kirby was not only #1 but much more reliable than the average vacuum tested.

6. Winner of Test #6 - Weight & Ease of Vacuuming = Dyson
The Dyson was a little over 5 lbs lighter than the Kirby when we weighed them on our shipping scales. Ease of vacuum the Kirby was better but with on board tools and lower carrying weight the Dyson won this contest. When we tested how long it took to use the tools it took the Dyson 19 seconds and the Kirby 25 seconds.

7. Winner of Test #7 - Tools and Accessories = KIRBY
The Kirby won this contest because it had about 3 times the tools and accessories as the Dyson.

8. Winner of Test #8 - Filtration = KIRBY
Test #8 was very close. They actually said they had the same filtration .1 of a micron. However the concern we had with the Dyson is it had 7 different seals (they were not very tight seals) that air and dirt could possibly leak out. Kirby had 2 seals but were very tight. When "a leading Consumer Products Magazine" tested emissions (filtration) they gave each the same rating.

9. Test # 9 Marketing and Cool Factor = DYSON
The Dyson dominated this test. IMHO Dyson is genius when it comes to marketing. I personally feel that Dyson did not create the best vacuum but they created a vacuum that would lead us to believe it was the best vacuum. Visually it seems to do a very good job and looks very cool.

10. Winner of Test #10 - Suction and Vacuum Seal = KIRBY
The Kirby dominated the Suction test. The Dyson only had 1.5 lbs of pull before the seal was broken and the Kirby had 12 lbs of pull before the seal was broken. The air coming into the vacuum on the Dyson appeared to come from on top of the carpet. Where on the Kirby the air coming to the vacuum appeared to be coming from under the carpet. Also the Dyson had great suction on one side of the power nozzle and no suction on the other side (see picture) while the Kirby had suction all the way across. To see more on this check out my guide called "Picking the Right Vacuum", by Clicking Here.

I am tired :) These tests were so thorough that it took almost a week to do them and type this up. If I had known that I probably would never have done this guide. I have tried keeping my thoughts to a minimum in all the tests we did. Here is where I get a chance to give my thoughts. Out of 10 tests the Dyson won 2 and the Kirby won 8. The Dyson won the most user friendly and best marketing and Kirby basically won all the performance tests. In Dyson's defense they are only a few years old (unlike the Kirby who has had decades to make the perfect vacuum). The good news is they are constantly making improvements. I will test them again in a few years to see if they have improved. I believe Dyson is here to stay and will continue to make improvements. As it stands right now the Kirby and Dyson are not even in the same playing field. In these tests we performed the Kirby handled the Dyson and just blew it away. In the performance tests it seemed to do 2 to 3 times better. Of course for new vacuums the Kirby asks 2 to 3 times the price as well. I have to say I was a little disappointed with this test. Before I started this guide I really thought it was going to be close. I had seen and heard so many good things. I was fully expecting the Dyson to do a lot better than it did. Remember how above I said "I personally feel that Dyson did not create the best vacuum but they created a vacuum that would lead us to believe it was the best vacuum. Visually it seems to do a very good job". I think Dyson did such a good job marketing that I actually thought it was as good as they wanted to me think. I personally think that as consumers we see the dirt disappear from on top of our carpet and we see the bagless part fill up with some dirt and we think WOW this thing works great! That's why I write these guides and do these tests.

Sorry Dyson lovers...The King of Vacuums is the still THE KIRBY

A LEADING CONSUMER MAGAZINE tested over 65 Vacuums. Between the two vacuums of our test it had the following information. What was different about this edition vs. previous editions was they did a Pet-Hair Test. What was Ironic was "the DC14 was one of seven uprights (out of 40 uprights) in this report to score only fair or poor at removing hair from carpets" According to their scores on Pet Hair the Dyson DC 14's scored a FAIR, the Dyson DC15's scored a POOR and the Dyson DC07's scored a FAIR. On the Pet Hair Test the Kirby scored a VERY GOOD on Pet Hair.

The Kirby Vacuum ranked #1 in the "Brand Repair Test" and had the fewest repairs of any vacuum tested. However because of its weight they gave it a POOR score in "handling" and dropped its ranking to #9 out of 65 vacuums. It scored 3 EXCELLENT's in The Carpet Vacuum test, The Bare Floor test, and The Emissions test (filtration). It also scored 2 VERY GOODS in the Tool Airflow tests and the Pet Hair Test. In fact of all the 65 vacuums tested there was only 1 vacuum that rated better with 4 EXCELLENT's and one VERY GOOD (vs. the Kirbys 3 EXCELLENT's and 2 VERY GOOD's). The Dyson DC14 ranked #16, the DC15 the Ball ranked #17 and the DCO7 ranked #24. It had two Excellent Rating in The Bare Floor test and The Emissions test. It had no VERY GOOD ratings as the rest of the ratings where GOOD and FAIR.

My Thoughts - Even though they did not do as many tests as I did, or test the deep cleaning as much, I could probably have saved a week of my time by reading this article first (I read it after I was all done with my tests). I usually dont put much faith in their reports because they should be testing these models used, not new and some of the vacuums they say are good perform totally different used, but this article was interesting. The data they pulled was very similar to what I found. To sum up the data I found was the Kirby is the most dependable and least likely to break. As far as all the performance tests the Kirby was quite a bit better. As far as User Friendly (lighter, on board tools) the Dyson was better. They tied when it came to filtration. Of course the main reason we vacuum is to get the dirt out of the floor and out of our house. The Dyson is easier to use, but when it comes to vacuuming power the Kirby is better by far.

I spent a lot of time on this guide and tried to be very fair and thorough. I hope it was useful to you. We are one of the largest vacuum dealers on the internet and we know vacuums. If you are still confused by the exact vacuum that is best for your needs go to our "Best Vacuum for You" Form or check out our vacuums on our website. We don't always suggest the Kirby. For example if you have mostly hardwood, back problems or lots of stairs, then we would not suggest the Kirby.

Thank You,

Dustin Chaffin
Great-Vacs Manager

dan mabes

Jan 6, 2009
Not sure who did the test but Consumer Reports just did a rating on Vacuums. They are obviously unbiased.
I know the Dyson was one of the rated vacuums, not sure about the Kirby.
The two best rated vacuums for the money were
Hoover Wind Tunnel T-Series bagless and the Miele S 7210 Twist.

Two years ago my grandson started working for the local Kirby distributor. My wife bought one. It was the first and only one he sold.
We used it about 6 or 7 times. It is difficult and heavy to use.

Dustin, if you'd like to buy an almost new one, I'll give you a great deal on mine.

Dan M


Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
Of course, I don't have the time to read all of that, but I got the impression it was anti-Dyson after the first paragraph. That's fine, no arguement from me about that. However, even if they were unbiased in their "testing", and have no hidden agenda, I look at the comparison like I do with carrying 2.5 inch hose to the wand vs 2 inch.

2.5 inch may flow more air, but is it worth it to you to put up with the hassle?

A Kirby may be better than a Dyson, but is that weight and the head hassle worth it to you to carry?


Nov 11, 2011
Which one is a better cross contaminator?Which one is a better enabler?


May 27, 2011
Most important business lesson.

9. Test # 9 Marketing and Cool Factor = DYSON
The Dyson dominated this test. IMHO Dyson is genius when it comes to marketing. I personally feel that Dyson did not create the best vacuum but they created a vacuum that would lead us to believe it was the best vacuum. Visually it seems to do a very good job and looks very cool.


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
dan mabes said:
Not sure who did the test but Consumer Reports just did a rating on Vacuums. They are obviously unbiased.
I know the Dyson was one of the rated vacuums, not sure about the Kirby.
The two best rated vacuums for the money were
Hoover Wind Tunnel T-Series bagless and the Miele S 7210 Twist.

Two years ago my grandson started working for the local Kirby distributor. My wife bought one. It was the first and only one he sold.
We used it about 6 or 7 times. It is difficult and heavy to use.

Dustin, if you'd like to buy an almost new one, I'll give you a great deal on mine.

Dan M
My experience with consumer report (and I don't think they are biased) is that the few products I bought through their recommendations were duds.
And I've heard the same from friends.
I Don't know why and I don't suspect them of anything.
Just bad personal experience with their recommendations.


Dec 15, 2006
Ive used Dysons, Ive used Kirbys, Kirbys are hell expensive but they are bulletproof, and they will suck a golf ball thru a garden hose... a dyson is a poor second, actually come to think on it, its a turd!

Shane T

Nov 7, 2006
Waukesha, WI
Shane Tiegs
I don't believe for a minute that Dustin isn't bias toward the Kirby. He stands to make a lot more profit selling them. He has to compete with to many others to sell the Dyson.
I don't know if Consumer Reports has a bias when it comes to any particular product, but I don't put any stock in anything they report. I've owned and used a number of Dysons and while they are not all created equal, they are all good and better than most others. As to the comparison to Kirbys I think the old saying is still the best. "The best vacuum is the one you will use." Most of my customer who have them don't ever pull them out because they are simply too inconvenient to use.
I agree with Jim, Dyson makes to many models and don't even make the best one anymore. I have bought a couple used DC17 Absolutes off Craig's List with good success. The only drawback to the Absolute is it cannot be used on fine wool rugs or long nap shag carpets. I gladly make that trade off.
May 13, 2012
Dyson = 12 amps peak
Kirby = 7 amps continuous

That was a whole lot of verbiage to read. I'm just not that literate.

I have a Kirby G3 that will be glad to suck up the dirt left behind by any Dyson. Right now as it is sucking up mattresses and maybe some bedbugs with the short handle on it at a cheap motel in the area. $20 at a garage sale item...
I have several quarter century old Kirby and Royal vacs that really suck, and I mean that in the kindest way possible.
My main and only new vacuum for moment of truth demos is a 12" Koblenz U-310DC. That's about 85" waterlift, 145 cfm. I love telling the ladies to sit back and watch it fill up with dust, or my favorite, pet hair. They are all proud to tell me the have a Dyson. My $200 Mexican beast probably put 25% of the dust back in the air, this is absolutely true. I know that Dyson or Orek leave 50% of the dust and debris on the floor!
It runs 9 amps continuous. I popped a GFCI breaker in the bathroom of a customer earlier this week. I have a 1000 watt bucket heater bringing the extractor to 130-135 so that my pathetic heater can tack on another 30 degrees if I run at 100-150 psi. 1,000 watts is 8.33 amps. The vac is 9 amps. I figured the peak to be no more than 12 and plugged it in the same outlet because I was lazy. A 20 amp GFCI probably will not tolerate more than 22 amps on a peak.


May 14, 2012
I thought about getting one of those hoover wind tunnel T-series because it was consumer reports best, but on Hooovers own website there are many bad reviews and it was only rated at 2.3 or so out of 5.


Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
My Mom bought me a Kirby 35 years ago as a wedding present. (Needless to say, I was not impressed. LOL) It may suck better than a Dyson, I mean who knows? I certainly am not lugging out that 65 pound tank to test it and see. When I vacuum, I always edge around the walls with an edging tool. I have to take the head off of the Kirby I have to attach the tool.

That right there is enough to make me put it in the garage and use it as a door stop.


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
Marty said:
Aren't most things a bit queer out there on the left coast?
I guess so.
Though, if there wasn't that much inter-marriage in your ...... wouldn't you have turned out a tad bit sharper? Ivebeensold

Larry Cobb

Oct 7, 2006
Dallas, Texas USA
Larry Cobb
When at the Connections trade show in Las Vegas . . .

a high-ranking representative of CRI stated that the D_ _ _ _ vac was damaging to the carpet in their testing.

They still have no vacuum listed on the CRI approved list.


Art Kelley

Supportive Member
May 19, 2007
Rainbow Carpet And Upholstery Cleaning
Ofer Kolton said:
Marty said:
Aren't most things a bit queer out there on the left coast?
I guess so.
Though, if there wasn't that much inter-marriage in your ...... wouldn't you have turned out a tad bit sharper? Ivebeensold
Marty seems pretty smart. I think he has some Yankee blood somewhere down the line.

Fred Homan

Oct 7, 2006
I love my Riccar....Had it about 5 yrs. put a few bucks in it.....It really sucks! shiteatinggrin

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