L&L raffle Items $5 a ticket or 22 for $100 Prize added as they come in

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Here is what we have for sure already in our possession with a ton of stuff promised

L&L Raffle
Benchmade :Knife 470-1 and tool Kit, Hat, Coffee Mug
Barry Costa Repair DVD's X2
Flash Extractor
Streamlight Flash Light
Mag Light
Leather Ipad Case X3
Ivan Turner Signed Book and T-Shirt
Ivan Turner- Marketing to Plumbers DVD Set and T Shirt
$250 in Magnets from Stamp Works
Green Glides your choice X3
B-Air Mini Airmover Red
Jon-Don Force 9 Airmover

Here is Lora's Story and Fundraising Page where you will donate to get your tickets. Let me know when you buy them so I get your tickets in

Hello Family and Friends!

It's a new year and I'm starting my fourth TNT event...another Century Ride (100 miles on a road bike). And this year its in the beautiful state of Hawai'i! (And it only has a few hills!! Yeah!!)

Honolulu Century on September 28, 2014...let's do it!!

I'll be honest, last year's Century was BRUTAL. 5000' of elevation climbing, 4,000' in just the first 35 miles. We started out going down the Vegas Strip. Pretty cool...especially since my friend Barry came EARLY in the morning to see me ride by the Stratosphere for all of 2 seconds! What a friend!!! Then it was up the mountains. Got through with the nearly 4000' of elevation climb and then the wind started, oh the wind...it was 15-20 mph with gusts to 30 mph starting at 11 am until I was done with the course at 5:45. All day long John and Vader (see puppy picture below) "leap frogged" me, made sure I was alright, and kept in touch with friends on the phone asking how I was doing. Towards the end of the day he was on the phone with Barry asking if he should throw me in the truck and make me quit ...and when we reminded each other that's not an option (until cancer is cured anyways), he drove in front of me to give me a wind break! The last hill at mile 93, he pulled over and they walked up the hill with me! All day, he and Vader made sure I was safe! I had my very own support team!!! The course closed at 4:30 before I could finish...but I didn't quit (over 1/3 of the starters didn't finish due to winds) and it only took me 10 hrs 45 mins. And going over the closed finish line, with nobody but Team in Training teammates there was the BEST EVER!!! cool

And who am I doing this for... sadly the list continues to grow...

In memory of Kim. I never met Kim, but she she started her Dad on this path of raising money and awareness...and he has started countless others! Her legacy is amazing! She lost her battle at 19, but so many of us are trying to help other's not lose theirs!

In memory of Roxanne Harding. She is our friend Ray's sister who lost her battle to Leukemia. Ray has supported every one of my events, and I didn't know until recently how personal this is for him. Her name will be in my memory every time I train!!

My memory of my mom's friend Carl. He lost his battle to leukemia last Saturday, March 14, 2014! This sucks... :( He has been on my jersey as an honoree for 2 years... sad.

In honor of our friend Steve Osborne. He was rushed to the hospital with Acute Meylomic Leukemia M-5 this last Christmas. He has a long road ahead of him, but he is facing it with humor and grace! Hopefully he is jumping out of perfectly good airplanes again soon!!!

This year is especially for Steve!

In honor of my friend Jerry! He is fighting the good fight with Leukemia. Still no treatments, as it is early...and he is retiring this year! He and his sweetheart wife Elizabeth get to go have some fun...finally!!! He can beat leukemia...I know it!

Also in honor of several friend's who have beat this thing, Kelli W and Shane W's boy! Good for you, you are proof this can be beat!

Cancer in general sucks...and many have had it in my life. My mom, Kelli D and Diane M have all fought and beat breast cancer, I ride in their honor. Other family members haven't been so lucky... my father-in-law John, Sam L, both of my grandfather's, I ride in their memory too. They are all in my thoughts and prayers. Maybe if we can find a cure to just one kind of cancer, we can start to beat them all!!!

I am looking forward to being on my bike this summer, hopefully a few rides with my husband and Kade too! If you wouldn't mind keeping me in your prayers for safe rides, I'd appreciate it! Two bikers were killed just north of my house last week, one is family of a good friend of ours. PLEASE SHARE THE ROAD!!!

IF YOU HAVE THE ABILITY TO DONATE, WE WOULD APPRECIATE ANY AMOUNT! SO MUCH GOOD HAS BEEN DONE BY THE LEUKEMIA AND LYMPHOMA FOUNDATION!!! Check them out at lls.org! They are making a difference and are honorable and careful how their donations are used! Over 80% goes to research and patient support...VERY LITTLE goes to admin costs, as most are volunteers!!!


Thank you for bringing awareness to Team in Training
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Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Put me down for $100.00 in tickets. You have my current card?

Is that a clean T-shirt of Ivan's or one he's worn? I don't want some sweaty MU t-shirt either!!!

I know how that cat works. :p

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Aztec Financial-New Flash Extractor
Aztec Financial-$10 Strabucks gift card
Hydro-Force-New Flash Extractor
Hydro-Force- AS08 Hydro-Force
Duk Guard X5
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Reactions: J Scott W

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Rotovac Shear Dry Upholstery tool
$400 off a New Rotovac
1 Seat in the WRT with Barry Costa $399 value (must be used within the next 2 WRT classes held here)
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Lora Olson

Mar 5, 2007
This is what your donations are funding...right now...TODAY!!! There are three research experiments going on right now at Huntsman Cancer Hospital here in Salt Lake City using viruses to fight cancer. NO MORE CHEMO could possibly be in our lifetime!!!

Watch this link on YouTube...and see what your donations are doing RIGHT NOW!!!

Thank you everyone for making this possible!!! This is exciting stuff!!! WE ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE, RIGHT NOW, TODAY!!!


John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Awesome! We have 2 weeks left and more stuff to be added to the list so make sure you all get your tickets bought!

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Will Post winners Monday time to clean up. Everyone that bought tickets that didn't when anything I will give them 1 chemical order at 20% and a Sapphire Upholstery tool at 15% or a HOSS at 15% and free shipping as a consolation!
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Reactions: Jerry and SamIam

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