Latest Mytee BOSS update.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
I have been using number beta4 for 8 days now and two problems arose.

One is a mystery hole right next to the budge that the anchor/insert nut that the top left frame screw goes into. It took 7 days of stress to cause it to leak.

If you ordered one from Olsen once you get it you'll know what I'm talking about. Mytee is aware of the problem and has fixed it in the roto molding.
I suggested they send out a small tube of Nick O' Goo to the 9 owners for an easy fix rather then doing a recall.

Second "problem"...

With all the changes they have made in the tank itself it is no longer a five gallon capacity sprayer.

I thought I was going nuts using so much pre spray, 5 gallons in 300 to 400 feet, so I bucket tested it today. It's more like 3.5.

John said before the changes it was 4.7 gallons.

Still better then a Multi but a HF die hard will have a hard time switching over.
Feb 21, 2008
Poway, Ca
John LaBarbera
As I told Mikey, we just started doing our own molding and evidently on Mikey's(of all the ones to screw up on) they used the wrong insert and it molded a void. Just a process mistake that has been corrected. It's on the inside so it is hard to see.

However, if anyone gets one like that let me know, Mytee stands 100% behind this product and you have my word I will not let anyone be left holding the bag. On the tank capacity changing the wheel wells and other mold changes diminished some of the tank size.

We are committed to building the best products and sometimes it takes longer than expected to work out the bugs. Thanks for your understanding and patience.


John Watson

Oct 7, 2006
John, Hate to be the PITA again,

No I don't, :twisted:

If you molded in the quantity amounts you would have caught that one back then!!! Are you sending out the marks a lot so I can mark my tank when it gets here? Probably be here tomorrow 6-3.. :lol: :lol:


Feb 20, 2007
That's the thing about opinions, everybody has one. Mike says it's still better than a multi sprayer, but I would find that very hard to believe since the multi has removable, replaceable jugs. I have an Omnisprayer that also has wheels and a telescoping handle and it has 2.5 gallon jugs that are replaceable.

In the world of everyone having an opinion, mine is that replaceable jugs wins hands down.

Don't just be a lemming when buying a new battery powered sprayer, weigh the options available and the benefits and drawbacks of each and make a decision based on what YOU like. There are already quality built sprayers on the market.

If a sprayer holds five gallons, you may as well add an electric vac and call it a portable....

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
my question would be.........why would one want to remove the jug and switch it around.........

find a good pre-spray and just be done with it....
I keep different sprayers for .Tile and grout.and protector...
I don't like to cross mix my sprayers...

as far a weight 3.5 or 5 gals......

we can lift 175"s .....RX-20's.......cimax....

lug portables up stairs....why worry about 3.5 or 5 gals of water....

Art Kelley

Supportive Member
May 19, 2007
Rainbow Carpet And Upholstery Cleaning
Jim Martin said:
as far a weight 3.5 or 5 gals......

we can lift 175"s .....RX-20's.......cimax....

lug portables up stairs....why worry about 3.5 or 5 gals of water....

Because it's a pain in the ass?

How much does that hydro-force weigh that we lug upstairs?


Feb 20, 2007
because I use more than one jug per job. I would hate to have to roll that monster sprayer over to the customers sink and tell them I have to refill my sprayer.

I carry 4 or 5 jugs and just put a new one on when empty. I also use the extra jugs to hold doors shut, and screen doors open if windy.

Like I said, it is an opinion and a personal choice. People should think about it and decide for themselves before they jump off the cliff.


May 19, 2007
You refill your multisprayer through your solution line on your truck. Just get a quick connect to put on your line then open it up and fill your bucket. If I'm in an empty I may use a tub to fill it up but a sink forget about it!!!!

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
things are only as hard as we make them..but..I can not say I totally disagree...

there are the days when I am on my 3rd 2 story home and the 17 stairs look like 117 taking everything up............

But we just do what we need to do and get it done........
try to work smart......

I think good quality battery sprayers are going to (in time) make a impact on the industry.......

the HF was good in its day but with the newer truck mounts that can hold high temps.....don't play nice with them...or your dragging in another line and that is just time wasted........

a good quality battery sprayer will allow one to control the chemical cost and the chemical application.......time will tell........


Feb 20, 2007
I agree with Jim. Having used all the options a battery sprayer makes the most sense to me. I have complete control over the amounts and dilution of solution applied to the floor. I love the idea of the hydroforce and how light it is, but you give up control.

I think everyone should give a battery powered sprayer consideration. Also the cost to replace the battery and parts in time are very reasonable.

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
Maybe a drain cock could be put on the tank to empty the unused contents back into another container without tipping it?


Oct 7, 2006
We flow test Greenhorn Wands here nearly every day, I just slam a spare male QD into the hose female QD and fill with the open flow circuit.
Nov 8, 2006
Ron lippold
Yea I love it. it puts down alot of juice Mikey, way more than my multi sprayer and it gets it down faster. I love it Thanks Johns. :D

John Watson

Oct 7, 2006
Got mine today via UPS, box looked pretty ragged, contents appear to be all OK. When I went to give it it's initial charge, (Most battery type units require a 24 Hour initial charge) I saw the green light already on, Boy I had to look for it, small cut out with light glowing.. My instruction sheet under the Charging Section: Is very blurry and the 2nd accompanying sheet is also blurry in the same areas??? (Poor copies or printing)

The switch has 3 positions pump, off, and charge. The instructions state "To charge,plug the unit into a standard 115V grounded outlet. Leave plugged in till the light changes to green. Turning the pump switch to the "off" position will allow the unit to charge more quickly."


1 Why a 3 pos switch??? with these instructions it appears to me you never need to put it on charge position.

2 The decal by the switch contradicts the written instructions which say nothing about the charging position of the switch It states " STOP Battery will drain if left in charge mode during storage." Refer to question 1

3 Was the battery shipped fully charged?? If yes, Might be a plus to add on the instruction sheet "Battery is already Charged"

if not why did my green light come on when I plugged it in and flipped the switch to the charging position???

Comparing this charging system to my Multi sprayers, does this one have the choice of hooking to the vans 12VDC system to keep it charged??? My Multi is plugged in all the time and is fully charged and ready to go. If I now have to remember to bring this sprayer into the shop to charge it's gonna be another PITA or do I have to buy some sort of inverter to keep it charged also along side my Multi???

The Instructions gave no data on battery life or how often to charge. How many hours use should I expect between charges

MR LaBarbera I know it is just a sprayer but your instruction sheet which you ask us to read before operating in my opinion is lacking the proper instructions

4 why 2 # 6 spray jets? I understand spraying carpets down with a #6, Correct me if I am wrong the other jet was for spraying uph and other things where you don't need to soak them down. My Multi came with a different sized jet for applying solutions on upholstery.

I haven't checked out the hole Mikey is talking about yet,
Feb 21, 2008
Poway, Ca
John LaBarbera
Thanks Ron, Glad you like it.

John Watson thanks for your comments. UPS can be rough. We are having a manual printed up with an exploded view and parts list that we will forward up to you as soon as it's done. After all the changes we need to update, the printer is working on it. I will try to clarify, I don't have the instructions in front of me and I'm at home right now.

The battery charger is 120 VAC, 3 Amp Hr. So it will recharge faster then a DC charger.

Follow the label instructions. ON=spray, OFF when not in use, Charge=charges battery. If it is left on the charge position and not plug in it will drain the battery. It will not charge in any position but the charge position. You cannot over charge the battery because of the intelligent charger, but the battery can be damaged if it is run to low. Always charge after 60 gals of spraying or less. Usually, after prespraying just plug it in at the job and it will always be charged.

Sorry that the battery was charged, we did know you wanted a dead one.

Jets are a matter of preference, which size would you have preferred?

The leaking problem that Mikey was talking about is a molding issue around some of the inserts. We just started to roto-mold our parts and some molds are harder to mold than others. My guys are trying to learn this as fast as possible and we will warranty any defective parts.


Nov 8, 2006
Ron lippold
i think mine was molded fine but ill let you know. my box was a little rough. but everything looked good and my battery was fully charged whats up with that, it was ready to use right out of the box.


John Watson

Oct 7, 2006
Jimbo, I wouldn't want to buy any of your junk even if you gave it to me!!!!! Well, maybe your shop, cars, boats, scooters, tools, Damn you, you gots great junk!!! :lol: :roll: :p :oops:

This was a first for me, Thank you Mitey, "Sorry that the battery was charged, we did know you wanted a dead one"(Ha Ha ass hole) Ron said "my battery was fully charged whats up with that, it was ready to use right out of the box." This is unheard of, sorry for the confusion but the Norsk in me is still fighting the square peg in the round hole syndrome, The Alutiq is saying if it moves does it taste good? The Ruskie is totally confused and the Army is yelling "Incoming" You throw a great curve ball John LaBarbera!!!!

Thanks for clarifying about manual and about the charging needs of the sprayer. "Always charge after 60 gals of spraying or less. Usually, after prespraying just plug it in at the job and it will always be charged."

So with the intelligent charger I cannot over charge the battery, Great I will try to plug it in the last 1/2 to 1 hour of the last job of the day so it will be ready for the next days action....

As far as the jet size, I think a #1.5 or a 2 for spraying down synthetic upholstery fabrics would be appropriate. Dupont recommends a #4 for their Teflon This is what I have been using for my Multi to apply our pre sprays. Don't know if I can move that fast anymore to use the #6 with out soaking and over applying. We will see tomorrow.

As far as the comments made about extra jugs and filling, This set up with the little basket can carry a 36 oz squeeze measure bottle of your liquid pre spray concentrate or extra powder so if you need to refill during the job, like what was said earlier, put in a male QD and use your shut off valve to fill the required amount with out having to return to the truck or having to carry in an extra jug or two..

I am going to be marking off the amount levels on the side and back in at least 1/2 gal increments so when mixing I will try to mix no more than what I will use that day so I can start fresh every day with hot juice.

John, I do thank you for your response and continued effort to deliver the sprayer and equipment we need.


Feb 20, 2007
These batteries come charged from the battery manufacturer.

John Watson, would you be interested in getting rid of your Multi?

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