Learning to respect Greg Crowley

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
-What led you to get into this business?

-Describe your best cheerleader and what it took to make him or her so.

-Where was your business five years ago and where will it be five years from now?

-Who do you emulate in this industry and why?

-Start over from scratch, how would you go about it?

-How have the Boards helped your biz?

-What Mikey Boarder would you like to punch in the throat the most?


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
I will fill this out when I get back from "Bolt" with the boys


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
What led you to get into this business?
My oldest son was a special needs student and running restaurants and foodservices for hospitals I learned that uneducated people are treated horribly in any industry. They are constantly told they can lose their job at anytime. I didn't want that for him so I did a little research and found that you can make a pretty good living cleaning carpets. So I started Crowley Carpet Cleaning.

-Describe your best cheerleader and what it took to make him or her so.
2 guys have turned into great cheerleaders for me
1. Kevin who owns a carpet retailer. He has always gotten compliments on my work so refers me to everyone. He trust I will do the best possible job.
2. Chad VP for Sales at Reebok. Kevin had Chad call me for a gallon of green paint that chads son spilled on the carpet. I came in and got everything out and cleaned the place. That was over a year ago and he tells everyone the story about his son which inevitably leads to selling my services. I get more leads from him than anyone and these are RICH< RICH< RICH people homes I would have trouble getting.

3.-Where was your business five years ago and where will it be five years from now?
5 years ago I just bought my dual-3 stage diamondback, my rotovac and it was going to be easy money.Hahaha. Thing took to long to dry. I didn't have any knowledge of how to really clean a carpet and I was IICRC Certified without ever putting a wand in my hand. Things didn't really start to take off until year 3( I was still part time)
5 years from now it will be a 4 truck operation with my oldest son(if that is what he chooses) basicly running the show with my oversight and an office manager. My guess is I will be back into the what I use to do.

-Who do you emulate in this industry and why?
The business model is trying to be similar to Ken Snows with more steps. I think the formula that he has is great. I am low to midrange priced and like to keep busy with an eye on expansion.

-Start over from scratch, how would you go about it?
I would skip alot of what I have done and wasted money on. I would come out of the gates in what I would consider a top of the line Truckmounted unit. Then I would get the training on carpets, upholstery and tile before I went out the door. I would go to carpet retailers and flooring companies first and try to build that relationship. I would skip the yellow pages and go to direct market postcards. Build my website and do whatever I had to to keep any debt down. I would volunteer, volunteer and volunteer some more locally getting my name out. I would hit all the family oriented companies and discount them for my sign in the windows and do much more with donation postcards

-How have the Boards helped your biz?
ICS basicly screwed up my whole vision of what I needed to do and get accomplished. I bought equipment based on trolls saying how great it was only to find out they worked for the companies etc
when I moved my time here there was such an array of opinions and differences in business models I have been able to form a much better opinion on what works and what doesn't My feril debates on this board also check my own systems and try new things out. I could go on forever about the varied things I get from this board. Including a bunch of crap from some people. As you know I love the attention :)
I can honestly say if it weren't for this Bulletin Board it would be a much longer rougher road. Wish it was here 5 years ago

-What Mikey Boarder would you like to punch in the throat the most?
Most people on this BB even the ones who give me sh^t are great and very helpful but it is Funny there would only be one that really could use a good throat shot and I don't even think he is a carpet cleaner



Oct 7, 2006
Nice interview, Greg. I like your 'troll' comment! Good to have you here.


The Preacher

Oct 13, 2006
i know being a college football player almost without a doubt make Greag a type A personality, so i bet he's driven to succeed!

you have a good guy in your neighborhood named Fred Boyle, who is successful in his biz model. he's someone you could network with who knows what he's talking about and doesn't beat around the bush about things!

i think Barry Lictenstein (sp) and Barry Costa are other guy's in your near vacinity who would be a good resource (their pro IICRC) so they'll lean that direction on ya!

i have a feeling Greg would be fun to pound beers with, but we'd have to seperate if he gits drunk, cause i don't put up with a-holes when alcohol takes over!!!

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