Lisa Wagner. Great Quote


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
If you had a million-dollar racehorse, you wouldn't feed it junk food, run it 14 hours a day, and give it no time off for rejuvenation.

Yet most business owners don't realize THEY are their million-dollar racehorse of their business AND their family. Many take care of everyone else, and themselves last.

To be completely transparent. I own the Piranha Marketing Cd set. It makes a great bills due folder. Great case.
I do find alot of gems in what Lisa Wagner puts out there. I find it honest, argumentative and to the point. I wish she would stop wasting her time on ICS. I guess that is better fishing over there though.

I did read the Peter Setlzet()?()(yes those are man boobs) stuff and I think he and the guy from Cross-American should share a room sometime and prognosticate about the industry.

Thought is was a great quote looked at the link on fat people you posted and whole heartedly agree.


Lisa Wagner adds an enormous amount of value to the bulletin boards and through all her other avenues of instruction.

I think she was spot on regarding that quote. It was the perfect analogy.

Pete is quite possibly the biggest man boob ICS has ever seen :shock:


Nov 14, 2006
quote="joeynbgky"]I wish Lisa would post here much more. She has so much to teach, plus she hangs out with Paula.[/quote]

Lisa, as well of the many other "Million dollar Race Horses" are generally not of the Masochist mentality.

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
Run off would not be how I would put it- I believe she just didn't like being insulted & harrassed. Not everyone enjoys that.

John Watson

Oct 7, 2006
Most of you mamby pambies don't know what fat is.

There is a few of us that do have problems with it.

Till Feb. 4,1984, I use to drink more than my share, Hated the taste of beer so would drink straight shots of Snapps during and after my pitchers , didn't use no flippen glass, all the butt bars in Anch. were my sattalite offices, where else could i find crews on a moments notice to go wade in shit. I sobered up and haven't a drink of alky since, now and then I drink an O'douls no buzz beer just to remind me the stuff still tastes like piss.

I was a heavy smoker,3 1/2 packs a day. smoked almost 30 years, quit cold turkey Sept 7,1987 cause I wanted to!!!

I know when I people watch that it's mainly the young skinny fookers that look around and ditch their carts before they get to the corral, But then there is also the assholes like me that ask if we can save them a trip and take the cart back into the store..


Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
John Watson said:
I sobered up and haven't a drink of alky since,

18 years for me tomorrow, John
not a drop..I won't even eat rUmcake..... :wink:

and BTW, schnapps was for CANDY AZZES and wiminz...
when I wanted a "sweet" drink, it was Southern Comfort .
I drank it by the beer mug full when I was a bouncer at the bar.
(makes for a good mouth wash in the morning too... :lol: )


John Watson

Oct 7, 2006
meAt said:
18 years for me tomorrow, John
not a drop..I won't even eat rUmcake..... :wink:

and BTW, schnapps was for CANDY AZZES and wiminz...
when I wanted a "sweet" drink, it was Southern Comfort .
I drank it by the beer mug full when I was a bouncer at the bar.
(makes for a good mouth wash in the morning too... :lol: )

But it made me smell better than Yukon Jack!!!!The cops told me they prefered the pepermint smell, Never did git a DUI on the bike or trk. Hell they even helped me lift the my HOG when I forgot to put my feet down at a stop light. was I ever saused.
Nothing but pure stupidity, I am ashamed of my self for putting others in jeperdy.


Supportive Member
Oct 24, 2007
Bowling Green, Ohio
Steven Hoodlebrink
I haven't smoked a cig in 62 hours. :shock: And no I haven't been chewing or cheating at it either.


Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
I didn't know that quote came from Zig... I've never heard any of his programs (I'm a big Earl Nightingale fan) - but we reference that "idea" in a lot of our conversations with members, so I hear Joe say it a lot. I'll have to look into that, because I like to quote sources when I quote... it's just pretty much become part of my regular conversation - kinda like "The CRI sucks" ... now, I'm sure someone said this first, but I say it so often I can quote the source anymore.

No one ran me off here. I pop in and see what's going on. Chime in on some rug stuff when it seems right ...

Just made a post on rugs that stink - if there's any interest. But I mostly post a lot of "basics" that might be beyond what you are looking for.

So for the more experienced cleaners and restorers here, maybe this blog post is a bit more your interest:

I've decided to mobilize shining a light on the real agenda behind this program - with help from a great group of informed peers - and I'm going to see what mess we can create for CRI to clean up.

I don't get pissed off too often... but the SOA program is an insult, and I'm not one to just sit and bitch, I have a need to actually get up a kick someone's butt.

IICRC is getting ready to discuss possibly SUPPORTING the SOA program - so our voice needs to be heard on this. I'd appreciate any of you who are interested in signing up for updates, and helping me corral some numbers to enhance the statements we make.

There are a lot of smart-asses here... but you are that, SMART - and experienced. I know big organizations have failed at this in the past, but with the on-line world of today, where Lady Gaga can get a billion you tube hits - it sure don't take talent to get all the attention. And CRI has more money than "we" do to market, so the stand needs to be taken now while they still have their heads up their Rug Doctors.


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