Local paper



So... if there is a local paper with a print circulation of 5,000, and about 5,000 web subscribers. Its in a nice area, their median customer is over age 50 with the median household income over $100,000.

Its in the area where you grew up, so many people may know your family.

I want to build a good residential business and need a kick start, defibrillator-style.

Should I take out a 10 inch ad for $80 a week?

Do you think this is a good investment?


Apr 10, 2007
I like the idea of inserts better, making an 8.5x11 ad (bigger) and having something that falls out of the paper, that the customer can keep separately. Make sure it's a good attractive ad, show it to your savvy customers and see if they like it. Maybe have a few different flyers mixed in, see what sells better. Small ads cost too damn much, and they are old news too soon. You'll get calls on a good flyer over several months, because some people hold on to it, waiting for their fabled ROUND TUIT.

that market you describe sounds good. Good luck!

bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
inserts that fall out into Mrs Phiffs lap is MUCH better than an ad that will be gone when she turns the page......
i had a local paper that charged me $250.00/10,000 to spit 'em into the paper!

green flyers work way better!

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
Will they give you a lead-in story about your business?

I will help to warm up this cold way of advertising and give it much more impact.

(By itself newpaper advertising is easy to glance over.)

If it is in the area you grew up in you might want mention it in the ad and remember to get tons of testimonials from clients in the area.


Dave Yoakum said:
Will they give you a lead-in story about your business?

I will help to warm up this cold way of advertising and give it much more impact.

(By itself newpaper advertising is easy to glance over.)

If it is in the area you grew up in you might want mention it in the ad and remember to get tons of testimonials from clients in the area.

good questions for me to ask. the editor of the newspaper is a friend, so theres a chance.
Sep 7, 2008
A lot of old people read the paper. No one under 35 reads the paper anymore. So I guess that is good. Just offer a senior discount and you will be good to go.


Feb 3, 2010
The paper did a story on me when I joined the local chamber of commerce. I was even on the front page...................I landed 1 job from it. So there is your answer from me. lol

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006


Ricky Thurman

Oct 9, 2006
Being that I was in Radio Sales for a couple of years, let me give you a little insight into newspapers.

- With any advertising, you have to buy the correct frequency in order to effectively reach the mind of the local consumer. Your message must be seen/heard at least 3 times in a 7 day period to be effective. According to the newspaper industry, you must run your ad 4 days in a 7 day period to reach a "Frequency of 3". Simply put...one ad per week will not give you ROI.

- Newspapers are losing subscribers every day. Why? Its old news by the time it hits the paper. It happened yesterday or even the day before. Its easy to access instant news for free on the internet or tv or radio.

- 5,000 internet subscribers? Most newspapers have gone to a paid online subscription, but if you are a print subscriber, you get online for free. I would advise you to ask how many of their online subscribers are unique subscribers (how many are not print subscribers).

- Remember that newspaper readers, in general, do not read the newspaper front to back. Most have a favorite section, so be careful about where they put your ad. Also keep in mind that this means that although there are 5,000 subscribers, that does not mean that 5,000 people will see your ad.

- Ask to see their most recent sworn post office statement, which is required by law once per year for the paper to report total number of copies printed each issue, and the MOST important number, total PAID DISTRIBUTION. It does't matter how many they print and put in stands. How many are paid for?

- Lastly, on the subject of paid distribution, ask if they have a "Newspapers in Education" program. This is a program where the paper gets corporate sponsors to pay for newspapers to be placed in school classrooms. The newspaper companies are allowed to count these Newspapers in Education copies in their total paid distribution. If they do have a NIE program, make them tell you how many copies go to the school with each issue. I'm sure 5th graders don't care about your company, do they?

I hope that helps. And, although that seems like I'm bashing the newspapers, I will say this. Used correctly, Print advertising works well for Price and Item type advertsing. (Ex. Picture of a couch on sale and the price) General branding advertsing is not effective in print.

My 2 cents.

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