Looking for a new simple TM<<<<<<<<&


Oct 15, 2007
Hi guys I am planning on starting a business up next march. I currently own a used HM TM with propane heat. I am not sure on how much longer it will last and I don't want any hang ups when I go all out on my business next year. So I figure it would be a good time to buy a new TM.

Here is what my needs are:

1. 4 to 4005 blower
2. 100 gallon recovery tank
3. easy, simple design with no real bells or whistles. I want to work on it myself.
4. Easy financing with low monthly payments ($200-300) a month. I want to keep it below $10,000.

I have been looking at the dynachem 300 and I heard they are great machines.

I have 2 jon dons in my area now. I know they have used machines but I just feel more comfortable with some thing new.

Sorry guys I don't want a vortex or a AT, I just need something nice and easy and in budget.

Let me know if you know of any other TM fit my needs. Financing is important too.

Thanks for any help guys.


Oct 15, 2007
Vincent I took a long hard look at the $15,000 price tag of the el diablo and that's about it. Is there a cheaper model?

Tim I have never heard of a Judson machine, is there a website?


PowerClean Liberty has a 24hp liquid-cooled engine.. Small blower 33roots.. around 10K..

HM spitfire 3.2 is a good entry level TM..

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