Lose the 175 You Hacks!!!

Nov 9, 2008
George Valliant
What you guys are talking about is called "Showcasing". Where you pre-scrub with a 175 and a shower feed brush. Talk about old school. What's next? You're going to start touting the benifits of Host for resi? Give me a break.

Have you ever heard of fiber distortion? Sure, the rug looks great for a while. But, some rugs look like hell after a few weeks because the yarns can become untwisted and matt down twice as bad as before showcasing. What a terrific service you just did for the custy.

No thanks! If i can't get her cleaning using my RX then forget about it and move on. Besides, those freaking shower feed brushes are a beaaatch to keep clean. Then they stank after a while too cuz of all the crud build up. If you must use an adjust-a-glide then do yourself a favor and get a couple afro-picks to keep them halfway clean.

Word to the wise, if the rug in question absolutley needs pre-scrubbing then pre-condition as normal, then use the RX to aggitate without vac or steam. After agitation then connect vac and steam and clean as normal. Less distortion that way.

175 to pre-scrub. Give me a break! hahaha......


Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
The job of the professional cleaner is to know his tools, when and how to use them. The 175 is a very useful tool when used properly. ANY tool can be used wrong and cause damage. On filthy cut pile carpets, a good prevacuuming, prespraying and scrubbing with a soft brush on a 175 can give outstanding results.

Having never used an RX-20, I can only assume that it can give similar results.


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2008
Jefferson City missouri
Jon Coret
I dont use the shower feed but I do use the 175 to agitate the pre spray. now using your rx20 how would you agitite the pre spray on berber or cgd with out a bonnet? the use of a 175 seems to be a pretty standard thing in the world of carpet cleaning. you might be the renisance man however.... good luck on your quest.
Carpet Cleaning Fool said:
What you guys are talking about is called "Showcasing". Where you pre-scrub with a 175 and a shower feed brush. Talk about old school. What's next? You're going to start touting the benifits of Host for resi? Give me a break.

Have you ever heard of fiber distortion? Sure, the rug looks great for a while. But, some rugs look like hell after a few weeks because the yarns can become untwisted and matt down twice as bad as before showcasing. What a terrific service you just did for the custy.

No thanks! If i can't get her cleaning using my RX then forget about it and move on. Besides, those freaking shower feed brushes are a beaaatch to keep clean. Then they stank after a while too cuz of all the crud build up. If you must use an adjust-a-glide then do yourself a favor and get a couple afro-picks to keep them halfway clean.

Word to the wise, if the rug in question absolutley needs pre-scrubbing then pre-condition as normal, then use the RX to aggitate without vac or steam. After agitation then connect vac and steam and clean as normal. Less distortion that way.

175 to pre-scrub. Give me a break! hahaha......
Nov 9, 2008
George Valliant
Good question..

Using the RX, why would you ever need to agitate berber or CGD? But, if pre-scrubbing is your thing then get yourself a pad driver and a green striped bonnet and knock yourself out.


May 19, 2007
I have the RX and the problem with it is that it leaves the carpet wetter than a wand. With the right ammount of pre-spray on the carpet, your carpet will be properly lubricated. Both do a fine job. But an RX is way over priced compared to a wand and 175.

Although most don't agree with me but in an open room an RX will produce more cleaning than a high flow wand. At least I've found I can do at least 150 sq ft an hour faster with the RX. In residential it's a bit cumbersome in tight places with 2 hoses and cord that you have to fight.


Oct 7, 2006
Yea Georgie just needs to give a counter rotating brush machine a try and a good wand, he'll be parking the RX on most jobs, and moving faster, and picking up more hair and such, even an RX with steel feet can be hard on "some" carpets, where the CRB won't, and certainly the glided wand won't.


May 19, 2007
I've actually had a hard time with baseboards scratched a few and I've ripped a few seams with the RX-20. I really don't like to use it on residential anymore for those reasons. A glided wand is plenty for 80% of jobs, the other jobs you run a crb or 175 with pad/brush in my case I've got a pad driver for my RX.

Although I do like the Rx on cgd jobs with larger rooms, in fact I used it today on 2 rooms I did to finish up a school so they can move the furniture back, then I go back to finish the rest of the school.


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
Pulling out the 175 tonight for the oil company up the road. They get their carpets cleaned every 12-15 months whether they need them or not :twisted:
Nov 9, 2008
George Valliant
Dude, don't get me wrong. I'll give up 2 RX-20's before I let anybody take my Greenhorn away.

Since the greenhorn my RX's see minimal usage.

I've logged an hour or two showcasing with a triple counter rotating machine before. Does that cound? Cimex. Sold it and bought an RX.

the trick is to get the rug clean without distorting the fibers. Can't be done with a single, double, or tripple brush design.

Still going to unwind the twists in the yarn and rug will look worse the next time you go to scrub it. Fact.

I'm not knocking it. Heck, i showcased for more than a decade.

Also, you have to spend an extra 10 minutes after every single job to afro-pick the crud out of your brushes to keep em halfway clean. The time i save PM'ing my equipment i can squeeze an extra job in per day...

Btw, I've got a used Powerflite 175 for sale if anybody want's it. CHEAP!


May 19, 2007
How much for the powerflite?

And don't you have to spend time cleaning the RX shoes? Also oiling the ring? it's a pita too.
Nov 9, 2008
George Valliant
On second thought i changed my mind. The Powerflite 175 is no longer for sale. I've decided to take it out to the west mesa and blow it to smitherines with a 12 gauge shotgun and a 40 caliber hand gun.

I will record the event and post for all to see.

Anyone want to bet?
Jul 12, 2008
Ive done both the RX-20 and prescrub with a rotary.

Dislikes on RX

3- cord PITA
wetter carpet
NOT residential friendly
slower than a good High flow wand add 15-30 minutes

Rotary prescrub I only use it on trashed places or bad traffic areas and most of the time I only use on the liv/din cuz those are usually the worst. I bought one and a RV360 due to my back but since I swapped to a Ti GG..I sold them both.

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
George, practically everyone of us who just posted has a RX and we all have lots of experience with them. The 175 wins for most applications.

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
although I would really like to have a 175 on the truck because there are times I could use it the RX in most cases will do the same thing and you don't have to scrub and extract..it is all in one step....

I have gotten a load of empty home in the last few weeks and have found it much easier to rx the whole place and hardly ever touch the wand....

If your RX is leaving the carpets to wet then re-jet it to work better with your machine so it uses less water.. ( got to find that balance ).I am RXing some pretty dirty places from base board to base board and the carpets are just barley damp....also if you are worried about hitting the base boards ..get a hold of Greenie and see is he still has those funky shields that go around them....they take some getting use to and I would recommend filing the bottom edge to make it round so it glides better....I used it for awhile and finally go to the point where I can get about an 1/2 inch from the wall and not touch it so I gave mine away to another cleaner because he was always hitting them....

Nov 9, 2008
George Valliant
Bob Foster said:
George, practically everyone of us who just posted has a RX and we all have lots of experience with them. The 175 wins for most applications.


Since your so passionate about the 175 I'll let you call where I put the first blast.

The motor housing or the T-handle?

You call it!



I gots green glides with my rx and dont have any dry time problems just like a wand you have to make some vacuum only passes


Oct 7, 2006
The GuardZilla was a cool tool, pushes cords out of the way, protects base, good training wheels for newbies.

I just assumed all RXs were glided these days.

A glided RX on berber is pretty sweet.

Someone got a pic of a real Counter Rotating Brush machine for George, I think he missed that little detail, they really are cool machines, and self clean the hair from the brush as you go.


Apr 6, 2007
I need to get my RX 20 running for some big commercial accounts. I am killing myself wanding these 10-20K sq. ft. monsters. Most my Saturdays booked out for a while....

I am going to see about just getting a new head. I priced parts at $500.00 to get it running straight plus glides for $200.00, or just a new glided head for $1000.00. Prolly just get the new head.

If I am running a greenhorn at 12 flow (4 #3 jets) what should I jet my glided RX at?


May 19, 2007
6 flow is plenty on mine. I have the HE head and it has 3 jets. It makes my TM hover around 200 ATM and it's plenty hot. Actually I ran out of water on one of my machines this week and the CDS kept up with my .10 flow greenhorn and my RX and both were steaming on CGD to finish a good size room. Of course the truck engine was probably about 220 and the temps outside were around 100+ so it may of been that it was hot enough for that one room and maybe would of cooled down if I kept running it like that. I may try it some more shortly, it will be nice to save some cash not having to buy propane for the 2nd machine.
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