Lumber Jack (Devastator Filter) - Tell us more...

Sep 3, 2007
Victoria, BC
Bill Soukoreff
Tell us more about your new disposable liner for the devastator filter.

Could the liner be used without the bag or do you still need to use the bag for support?

If you changed out the liner everyday, how often would you need to clean the bag?

How much do the liners cost?

I use on average 3-4 knee highs a day with the pool filter. Sometimes I need to change it during a job as the side get a film on them that seriously effect airflow. The cheapest I can get them here is at Wallmart for $0.50 cents each. So if your liners can last a whole day and are price competitively it would be a no brainer to switch over and get more airflow.

Lumber Jack

Bill Soukoreff said:
Tell us more about your new disposable liner for the devastator filter.

Could the liner be used without the bag or do you still need to use the bag for support?

If you changed out the liner everyday, how often would you need to clean the bag?

How much do the liners cost?

I use on average 3-4 knee highs a day with the pool filter. Sometimes I need to change it during a job as the side get a film on them that seriously effect airflow. The cheapest I can get them here is at Wallmart for $0.50 cents each. So if your liners can last a whole day and are price competitively it would be a no brainer to switch over and get more airflow.

I have been testing the new throw away bags that we just got in. I have been changing my TM over to my van I was using a trailer and just got swaped out.
1. The Throw Away Liners(TAL) Could be used by themselves as they are stronge enough but we designed them to be used with the heavy duty bag,the reason is it gives it more support.
2. I clean the nastiest carpets as I have built my biz around Property Management companies and a lot of sec 8 type of tennants that I think only own a broom to clean carpets with, and I can clean all day with one TAL. This is the beauty of the Devastator Filter,(and I owe it to my Wife for the idea) She said it would look better if the Cool Cuffs were recessed in the back. What this added to the filter is when you are done with the first job you stand the filter up Looks like a cig butt can. What I then do is take the lid off and hose down the debris inside till the sides are nice and clean. Then I put my hoses and stuff away while it naturaly drains. When I'm done putting everything away I go over put the lid back on and put the filter in the VAN and it is ready for the next job. I have done this for 2 days and still maintained 300 + cfm through the filter.
3. You don't need to take it out and clean it like you are thinking with the other type filters just hose it down so the sides are free of debris,as of right now I need to talk with Joe about the TAL as I think we can make them a little better not better quality just more user friendly.
This is something you all need to understand these bags are very durable so say you have 2-3 TAL's you finish the first job and you have a ton of debris inside take it out set it aside put a new liner in you CAN wash them down and use them again and again prob get a month of cleaning with one bag if you choose to clean the TAL's at the end of the day. You could start fresh on each job if you choose to do so. That is up to You on how you want to use the TAL's everyone is different some will toss them some will clean them but the bottom line they are more cost effective than Panty hose and because of the material (nylon, polyester ) they hose of fairly easily with just a garden hose and nozzel.
4. About $1.25 a piece.

Sep 3, 2007
Victoria, BC
Bill Soukoreff
Thanks, looks really good. I like the recessed cool cuffs so you can place it on it's end.

The one in the picture is the large devastator?

Lumber Jack

Yes its the large one. The smaller one I think is more suited for porty guys if they want a filter.
I will post some new pics of the filter as we are finally getting the parts in that we have been working on.
When you stand the filter up on end it really makes it easy to clean up then I wash my wand out any hair or trash that i get out I just throw it in the Devastator before I put the lid back on I even thrown my latex gloves in it when I'm done,The Dev loves to eat ;)

That Filter you see in the pics is one of the first I made so it doesnt have all the cleaner parts inside like the newer ones I just retierd it yesterday as I made a new one with all the new parts. Much cleaner, It still works great and no leaks been useing it for a year and eveything held up really well so I know the new ones are going to be awesome, And the price is going to fit in alot more of your guys buggets, Some really good things have been happening as far as price for parts, and a really Great Friend and biz Partner Helping me out.

Oh Yeah the bags work awesome


Apr 20, 2009
Just commenting on the filter videos. I noticed you CFM tested the pool filter, and it was pulling like 330 cfm (clean obviously). Your version of the devastator obviously pulled a few more cfm, and has a much large filter so it won't get clogged as fast. But... you were only running ONE pool filter in your 4 to the door setup! When we run one wand only (which is rarely), we run 2 inch hoses to two modified pool filters, and then run the Y pipe (with small 1 ft hose sections attaching them to the pool filters) AFTER the 2 pool filters. I never have any CFM loss on an Everest (405 CFM). In fact, it's almost too much CFM with a greenglide on the prochem wand.

My point is, could you run a legitimate test with 2 modified pool filters with the Y pipe AFTER the pool filters? It is quite obvious the pool filters are a huge bog down, but with 2 connected before the Y filter, the bog down disappears.

Also, I would be interested to see what the cfm is with 2 wands connected to it at once. We run 2 wands everyday on a Prochem Everest (405 cfm). Our issue is the 405 cfm is split (200 cfm each). If one wand is left open, the other has a huge vacuum drop. If we stop wanding, we block the teflon glide with a towel, so we don't get the cfm drop on the other wand.

Btw, to clean the panty hose, just cap one line, and put a pool filter in front of the other. It sucks the pantyhose clean, and it's good to go. You can either clean the other filter, or just replace it. They only cost 33 cents for 2 pair at Walmart. C'mon guys, are we really that concerned over a buck or two a day? If so, just wash them out, I have had them last like 5 jobs before.


Bob Savage

Oct 7, 2006
Dayton, Ohio
Bob Savage
Kevin said:
Also, I would be interested to see what the cfm is with 2 wands connected to it at once. We run 2 wands everyday on a Prochem Everest (405 cfm). Our issue is the 405 cfm is split (200 cfm each). If one wand is left open, the other has a huge vacuum drop. If we stop wanding, we block the teflon glide with a towel, so we don't get the cfm drop on the other wand.
Are you sure your CFM is split in half? The answer is NO, it is not.

If 1 wand has a huge vacuum drop with the other one left open, your machine is not set up right to run dual wands. What I mean is, the components are there, but the plumbing is not.

How do I know?

I've only been running dual wands on almost every job for 18 years now, and with a #45 blower, which does not drop any noticeable vacuum when the other wand is laid down, even when each wand has 300 feet (600 feet total) of vacuum hose attached.

We can even take the vac hose OFF one wand, and lay it open on the carpet - still no noticeable vacuum loss to the other wand which is cleaning.

Lumber Jack

drierisbetter said:
Just commenting on the filter videos. I noticed you CFM tested the pool filter, and it was pulling like 330 cfm (clean obviously). Your version of the devastator obviously pulled a few more cfm, and has a much large filter so it won't get clogged as fast. But... you were only running ONE pool filter in your 4 to the door setup! When we run one wand only (which is rarely), we run 2 inch hoses to two modified pool filters, and then run the Y pipe (with small 1 ft hose sections attaching them to the pool filters) AFTER the 2 pool filters. I never have any CFM loss on an Everest (405 CFM). In fact, it's almost too much CFM with a greenglide on the prochem wand.

My point is, could you run a legitimate test with 2 modified pool filters with the Y pipe AFTER the pool filters? It is quite obvious the pool filters are a huge bog down, but with 2 connected before the Y filter, the bog down disappears.

Also, I would be interested to see what the cfm is with 2 wands connected to it at once. We run 2 wands everyday on a Prochem Everest (405 cfm). Our issue is the 405 cfm is split (200 cfm each). If one wand is left open, the other has a huge vacuum drop. If we stop wanding, we block the teflon glide with a towel, so we don't get the cfm drop on the other wand.

Btw, to clean the panty hose, just cap one line, and put a pool filter in front of the other. It sucks the pantyhose clean, and it's good to go. You can either clean the other filter, or just replace it. They only cost 33 cents for 2 pair at Walmart. C'mon guys, are we really that concerned over a buck or two a day? If so, just wash them out, I have had them last like 5 jobs before.

Yes we are getting ready to do that exact test as Joe just sentme 2 new moded 2.0 poolies to test head to head. Let me point out something as I know the test will show some fairly close numbers.

Poolies moded @ $150.00 x 2 = $300.00
SS basket @ $ 40.00 x 2 = $ 80.00
Y connector Complete @ $ 85.00 $ 85.00
Total $ 465.00

One Devastator 4 2 Door Model @250.00 Thats a lot of money saved and its a life time filter.
Due to Joe and I working together we have been able to come up with a way to lower the cost of the filter 2.0 model down to $ 199.00 with the 2.5 and the 4 2 Door models just a bit higher to cover the cost of the Cool Cuffs being used on the other models, We did this to to lower the chances of being knocked off and to make it more affordable for everybody.
This filter will help everybody out there and that is what we want to do. This is a HIGH PERFORMANCE FILTER not just a filter. The throw away bags are $1.25 each but in no means are they cheap if you want to wash them out after the day of use they will lass upwards of a month if you want to deal with cleaning them MORE SAVINGS over PantyHose.
" I'll I have to say is thanks Joe Bristor for the help"

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