M7F class descriptions

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Lisa Wagner's
The Dirty Secrets about Rug Cleaning

There is a lot of BS being tossed around by instructors/suppliers in this business. Spending tens of thousands on big rug cleaning equipment and thousands on rug cleaning education is not a prerequisite for being a successful rug cleaner. It is the prerequisite for being - or attempting to be - a successful rug cleaning product distributor.

There is not just one way of becoming the "go to" rug expert in your town. Lisa Wagner lays out the options in settling up a rug cleaning operation from low-cost low-tech to high-cost high-tech, and the dirty truth that just because someone's set-up is an expensive one does not mean he's automatically making BIG bucks at it.

Come learn the truth about this business, and discover the resources that some rug instructors will wish you didn't have.

Jeff Cross

Monetize Your Marketing Methods

You may think your marketing methods are the best. But if they aren’t “monetized” (in other words, making you money) then you need to rethink your strategies. Jeff Cross, senior editor of Cleanfax magazine, will lead a group discussion on which marketing methods are best in today’s competitive marketplace. Learn what is working for some of your peers and what you might decide to remove from your marketing platform. Come prepared to work as teams to analyze print advertisements, how to write better, attention-grabbling headlines, and how to “imitate” advertising platforms that are proven to work in virtually any industry. A Q&A session will wrap up this seminar.

Jeff Cutshall

If some aren’t familiar with the VAST (Value Added Service for Technicians) information they can go to JonDon’s website. I believe Art Kelly posted some information about the class from their website a few days ago. (Hopefully Mr. P.S. himself will show up and we can convince him to participate. I’m still working on him.) Below I reposted some points I’ll be discussing. We’ll have to shorten them up quite a bit though since the class is normally 7 hours. Since I know we’ll have a lot of owner operators in attendance I’m planning on adjusting the presentation to fit both smaller owner operator type companies and as well as companies with employees. Either way the concepts of Value Added Service apply.

Value-Added Service Technician Cleaning (VAST) Class Overview
This one-day course takes the concepts from Strategies For Success and applies them to the technician in the home. A step-by-step program with how-to exercises shows technicians how to turn every customer into a “Customer Cheerleader.”
Transformational concepts such as the “80% rule, moments of truth, the value line and exceeding expectations”, turn the technician into a customer relationship expert. This has the effect of supercharging the technician with confidence in turn improving employee retention.
The customer’s perception of your company is heavily weighted by the interaction with the technician in her home. Make sure it is a good one.

Seminar Highlights
• Learn how to create "Customer Cheerleaders"—step by step

• Learn dozens of ways to avoid creating negative customer experiences

• Learn how to answer the homeowners unspoken questions

• Learn why "a satisfied client" just isn't good enough anymore

• Learn seven "moments of truth principles" that will transform the way your technicians work and view the customer—guaranteed!

The other JeffC
P.S. So Steve, are you coming or not?
P.S.S. Steve, please reread the first P.S.

Business Owners round table discussion w/ Ken Snow, Joe Harper, Greg Crowley, Brian Robison, Greg Cole and BIG Mike.

Getting Into Commercial Cleaning presented by Dane Gregory

Most cleaning industry technical training is focused on the "what"
and the "why" of cleaning. You will learn all about the surfaces you
will need to clean and maintain, how they are made, what they are
made of and how those characteristics will affect you as a cleaner.
We take training beyond this to a more practical,money making level.
We concentrate just as hard on the "how" of cleaning. You need to
know what products to use, and when, how to use them and most
importantly how to get the jobs.

Encapping large commercial carpet accounts and hard surfaces accounts will be covered.

Successfully Dealing With Urine Contamination presented by Scott Warrington

There are hundreds of products for treating the odor, stains and contamination caused by pet urine.
How can you choose the right product for a particular situation? Do you need a shelf full of products
just to deal with urine?

Class will include demonstrations. Each student will get a manual.

Bruce DeLoatch

"Easily Increase Your Repeat and Referral Business With Newsletters and E-mails. • Why do most paper newsletters get trashed without ever being read? • What makes a paper newsletter interesting? • How important are colors and graphics? • How to create great newsletters even if you aren’t a good writer. • The easy way to send email newsletters that get opened and read • How to legitimately gather email addresses and have your customers voluntarily “opt-in” to your newsletter and email list • Free or low-cost methods of email and newsletter marketing Bruce DeLoatch, “The Cleaner’s Coach”- Technical Advisor for Truckmounts & Cleaning Solutions (TCS"

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Re: Lisa Wagner @ M7F

Her seminar last year was full of great information, I was very impressed and frantically taking notes.

Lisa does an excellent job of presenting and I'm sure you won't want to miss this class if you are currently doing or thinking about doing area rugs. 8)

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Re: Lisa Wagner @ M7F

Doc Holliday said:
Her seminar last year was full of great information, I was very impressed and frantically taking notes.

Lisa does an excellent job of presenting and I'm sure you won't want to MISS this class if you are currently doing or thinking about doing area rugs. 8)

I think you meant to put that there right?


Re: Lisa Wagner @ M7F

If it aint about sales and marketing ...or drinking i aint going


Oct 12, 2006
Portland, Oregon
Re: Lisa Wagner @ M7F

Will she be teaching actual cleaning or is it a loss leader for JP and rug secrets ?

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
Re: Lisa Wagner @ M7F

I would assume it would be both- she is a sharp person and not going to do this without some business motivation with 150 plus prospects there. Any industry supplier would be a fool not to want to make business connections.


Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
Re: Lisa Wagner @ M7F

rhyde said:
Will she be teaching actual cleaning or is it a loss leader for JP and rug secrets ?

You might ask with my two presentations last year at MF what exactly I "sold" to the crowd.

(Here is a hint - NOTHING.)

You might also ask what I was paid to give those presentations.

(Here is a hint - NOTHING. I didn't even take a table to set out a single flyer for me or for Piranha.)

I have no problem at all with selling, isn't a thing in the world that happens until a "sale" is made, but industry events never translate into big sales - unless it's a Piranha event. These are social events, not money-making events. It's not a big leap to come hang out and talk some "shop" like I do on the forums when I'm in the area for other business... and I figured I might as well pick a topic that would play well to the anti-selling "I-already-know-everything" crowd as well as the "I-want-to-clean-rugs-but-don't-have-much-cash" crowd too. This way the anti-success crowd will enjoy me calling out the bullsh*tters, and the others I can genuinely help to get systems up without having to sell their kids to pay for it.

That leaves the only challenge for me to find something of value for Ken Snow - since he does not fall into either of those groups. =)

The guys here who want more education and strategies from me contact me directly. I don't have to do a dog-and-pony show at an industry event, which is good because I'm allergic to dogs.



P.S. Actually, I'm looking forward to seeing some of you there... and I hope you at least enjoy what I present - one hour ain't much time to have impact, so I'll see what I can pull off. I thought last year went well... and actually I enjoyed it more than I had expected, and I never speak for free but last year I did MF only because I scared Ruth off and I felt like a schmuck about that. I didn't mean to. And this year I'll be in the area that time again, so I was happy to be asked back again.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Re: Lisa Wagner @ M7F

You might ask with my two presentations last year at MF what exactly I "sold" to the crowd.

(Here is a hint - NOTHING.)
I too thought the same thing when I heard that Lisa was speaking last year, so I understand the concern.

However her presentation was very informative and helpful to those doing or interested in doing oriental rug cleaning. A very open and honest speech, no BS, not the usual "I'll give you a taste but to get the real info it's going to cost you".

Her information was something that the average guy could take back and apply towards what they were currently doing with rugs.

While I always knew she was an authority on rug cleaning, I gained much more respect for her after seeing how she approached her speech and Mikeyfest.

I'm glad she chose to be a part of it again this year, she has nothing to gain, yet certainly adds to the line up for Mikeyfest.

Thank you Lisa for giving your time and sharing your wisdom with the MB crew! 8)


Jan 15, 2008
Bloomington, IL 61704
David Sweeney
Re: Lisa Wagner @ M7F

So Doc, with all of your praise,, have you instituted any of her advice, or are you still surface sucking them there rugs? :mrgreen:

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Re: Lisa Wagner @ M7F

That's a good question and thanks for calling me out....you bass-turd! :mrgreen:

No we haven't, but it's not that don't see a value in it, it's more about how few rugs we do clean and how many would of those clients would we still have when we would increased our rate.

As you can see rugs are less than 2% of our total sales, investing more in them could be money we would not see a return on.

I see several service we offer that have more potential for growth before we would look at area rugs.

But thank you for asking. :x




Jan 15, 2008
Bloomington, IL 61704
David Sweeney
Re: Lisa Wagner @ M7F

Why your welcome!
:mrgreen: Just kinda of thought you were developing a crush on here.. thats all!

This seems appropriate here!

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Re: Lisa Wagner @ M7F

Why your welcome!
:mrgreen: Just kinda of thought you were developing a crush on her.. thats all!

This seems appropriate here!
Noooo, I just figure there was going to be a big fish story in her speech some where and she proved to be more professional than I gave her credit for.


Jan 15, 2008
Bloomington, IL 61704
David Sweeney
Re: Lisa Wagner @ M7F

Iseeru you are no fun no more!

And to get this back on track! If you haven't read Lisa's blog, or followed her at all in industry, your missing a wealth of information! Even if you don't want to implement a full wash program, there is an awful lot you can learn from her that will keep you out of trouble in many aspects of our industry... not just rugs!


Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
Re: Lisa Wagner @ M7F

Hey - thank you guys. As much as some of you were probably wondering what I'd do, it was the same for me, so I'm glad it was win/win last time. Like I said, I had fun.

I think some of you guys who have been in business a long time understand that there is a point where you are not scrambling for jobs any more because you have constant repeat and referral business. That's where I'm at with our rug plant, and with Piranha, so I look at industry events as purely choosing what I want to do with my time. Same with forum time. If there is a place I get some laughs, and get to chat with friends, or get to throw a few jabs and take a few hits, well... it's a break from the day to mess around.

A lot of my speaking has been entirely funneled through Piranha - so it was nice to step out of the routine to speak at MF, and then this year for UCCI in Akron with Jim. It's my way to give back some - and I do enjoy teaching, and I'm super happy I have the freedom to say yes now and then to that.

So... looking forward to chatting it up with you all in Tennessee... and thanks again.



Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
Re: Lisa Wagner @ M7F

I was trying to put my name in for her class on the sheet but it kept saying I was banned. I want to go to that one
Apr 3, 2010
Danny Strickland
Re: Lisa Wagner @ M7F

LisaWagnerCRS said:
These are social events, not money-making events. It's not a big leap to come hang out and talk some "shop" like I do on the forums when I'm in the area for other business...

sooooooooo Lisa, will you be bringing some fine cigars and beers from around the world like Terry does for his Hotel Patio Round Table seminar???


Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
Re: Lisa Wagner @ M7F

Janitor in a Drum said:
LisaWagnerCRS said:
These are social events, not money-making events. It's not a big leap to come hang out and talk some "shop" like I do on the forums when I'm in the area for other business...

sooooooooo Lisa, will you be bringing some fine cigars and beers from around the world like Terry does for his Hotel Patio Round Table seminar???

That's a great idea... except I don't smoke. But the beers might fly... well, they won't fly through TSA - but I'm sure they got beer in TN. :mrgreen:

It should be fun!

Jimmy L

Oct 7, 2006
Jimmy L
Re: Lisa Wagner @ M7F

You think that's some information I'd like to know?

I like tacos.


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