Memorial Day Ken Snow style

bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
although i knew (of) Ken Snow......we kinna were competitors in the Royal Oak and later in Pontiac areas.....i kidded him about coming in MY ghetto......and we kibitzed here back and forth.......
i really never knew Ken till a month before his death.........
when Shaun died..Ken asked me if it would be OK to come to the memorial...i said sure.....a little scared that this big shot is walking into a Hatfield clan where guns could be drawn........
the flowers appeared first.....a giant spray that Shauns picture sat in front of...SO PERFECT......but im still nervous...
so i see him pull in the parking lot (big Lincoln) and i greet Ken by the door........
it was as a tranquility walked into the room.....he was so warm and gracious to all eight of Joans sisters as he moved so effortlessly
thru the room........talking to Shauns children.....even talked to some of our neighbors......
The only damn time i seen him and he made the largest impression of anyone i've met yet...............
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Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Just a class act! He always treated me like I was the "only one" he was helping.

Then I read there were dozen's of others he was helping and it just makes me smile. :biggrin:

He was so cool, so classy he just made everyone feel as if they were the only one. :icon_cool:

Jim Pemberton

MB Exclusive.
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Pemberton
Thank you Chris

The hurt of losing Ken is still as fresh as it was last September. But the positive way he impacted all of us and those around him remains...and will remain as long as we who were privileged to have known him remain.

I am a sadder man for having lost him....I am a better man for having known him.


Supportive Member
Oct 24, 2007
Bowling Green, Ohio
Steven Hoodlebrink
I still kick my own ass for not taking the time to drive just an hour and half north and spend the afternoon or day with him. I often wonder what I could have picked his brain about and I am admittedly envious of those who knew him better than I. What treasure that must have been. Ken taught me to leave my ego at the door and treat everyone with kindness and love. I'm not an extremely wealth man, but I think it is safe to say we are all richer for knowing him.

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