Mikey Question....Rug Plant


Bill G. Martin

From the "Rug Cleaning anf Restoration" Room....Back on December 22, 2008....Last Year, You had a THREAD and pictures about your beginings of your Rug Plant and Drying Room....

I snooped around and I can't see a follow up as to the out come of this project. Any chance we could see what the out come of your project was and what would you do different if you had the opportunity to make any changes?

Bill in central Florida

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Complete waste of time Bill.

With three other plants in town the Dry Cleaner and I could not drum up any volume to speak of.

It would take 3 to 4 visit to the plant for me to finish a rug and at fiddy % it was not worth my time.

I now have a Premium Rug Fag to take mine to who is giving me fiddy just for finding the rugs..

Bill G. Martin

Bummer...Looked like you put a lot of your own blood, sweat and tears into that project. Sorry it did not work out.

Bill in central Florida

PS...I really like the lay out of the BB.....nice to look back at the "good stuff"....there is soooo much good info in the rug room

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