


SO Mike,

Now that Cooper has dummied up about the whole scandal... whos next to be let back on for entertainments sake?

How about Rob Allen, Tre, Kevin Price and a few others?

That'll get the posting up

Welcome back Coop, are you still going to try and shut down Mikeyfest 6?

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
I'm working on getting Chris Connor, Tom Cullen and Mike Charles back.

and I heard from Rawknee this morning, he'll be on later.


whats there to say Fred ? Basically I took what was said and posted it to try to damage folks ? I didnt have to make it up . The problem with boards is folks tend to forget its not a locker room where your telling jokes to friends . Eventually , someone is going to see things and not understand how they were intended. It happens all the time in politics . If you post risque jokes , they can bite you in the ass.

Lets not forget the main thing, I was wrong about Rob. But some of you guys were being dirty too, and I am sure Mikey will admit to being dirty too. We all crossed the line.

If you guys are expecting a tell all into the inner secrets of *** , I think thats tacky , UNLESS the attack me . Then the chips can fall where they may. I just wanted my website released and to be done with them PERIOD.


What about Nick? If Cooper and jImMy'S white hooded girlfriend Conner is gonna be here, then we gotta have Nick!

bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
Mikey P said:
I'm working on getting Chris Connor, Tom Cullen and Mike Charles back.

and I heard from Rawknee this morning, he'll be on later.

Mike Charles wife sez ta call her!

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
this thread belongs in the bird room
But see cooper can't view there
so I'd ask the mods of this room to let it stay until "mr hitman" sees it

further note to the sensitive types here, there IS some strong language that some my find profane

james cooper wrote:
Hold on guys . I can see this isnt a constructive thing for the clean room - not telling you your business, but I am tired of stirring shit with MB - I regret what I did, I feel like everyone went overboard, and I am not walking away from it. Maybe move this terd of a thread to the bird room.

Now on the website, Tre finally released it yesterday, he didnt make it go down , that was when we changed the server.

Personally , I didnt deal with Tre a whole lot on *** , mostly it was Rob. I dont think Tre knows the extent that Rob is hurting that board and the dirty dealing Rob does, but its gonna bite them on the ass.

I am done with the slamming , it aint constructive , I got my site back , so Im moving on .

I apologize to the board not for the fight but for the level it rose to - it became a no holds barred thing without consideration from either side . Im not the only one here that should be sorry , because for everyone involved it was a sorry mess. So when you guys are throwing mud at me , save a little for yourself.

cooper, jam your rationalizing, weasel words right up your STINKING ASS!!!

"I feel like everyone went overboard,"

NO "everyone" DIDN'T!!
MOST of the stuff from here was directed at DIRT BAGS

YOU on the other attempted big time damage to INNOCENT parties
YOU were the instrument of a scorch and burn attempt while some SNAKE whispered your ear

"it became a no holds barred thing without consideration from either side" .

now you want to RATIONALIZE your DESPICABLE behavior???

"Im not the only one here that should be sorry"

MORE weasel d!ck rationalizing

I apologize to the board not for the fight but for the level it rose to

you ignorant ass
stuff that NON apologize up YOUR A$$ TOO

"so Im moving on" .

I think that's a great idea
you better "move on" back to your own house and get the fck out of this one!


Oct 7, 2006
Ditto what Larry said...get outta dodge James...you are not welcome here..


First Larry , glad you are proud of your rant , but just to clue you in , I do have access to the bird room . I saw your post and I thought it was pretty lame. It was even lamer that you closed the thread so I couldnt offer a reply , but it seems you have given me the opportunity here so I will reply.

As I have said before, I have no desire to continue the verbal garbage which you are attempting to engage in. But I can give you a few clues. To get your point across , you dont have to litter your posts with expletives - it cheapens the point you are trying to get across , and it may give folks the impression you have been drinking . As I know you are on the wagon , I dont believe this to be the case , but folks that arent in the know wont undestand this is your first real attempt to join in on the fray .

Second bit of advice - let it go , its not worth it. Its not fun , its time consuming , and their are never any winners. And it usually takes you places you dont want to go , as I have , and others have. I understand you may have hard feeling towards me - I respect that , but these kinds of posts are out of character for you , so leave this crap for the other dumbasses that like to engage in it - as I said I am done. Now if you want to ban me for having my say , thats fine . I dont
want a war with MB , you , or anyone.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
I'm in no mood for your bolony and i don't want nor need your advise

the war is over
you lost

think of it as the Nuremberg trial now and I've appointed myself as the judge, jury and executioner

you option is to leave on your own accord or unless someone can persuade me otherwise, you be gone in the morning after I've slept on it

there'll be no debate with you over it, that I can assure you



meAt said:
I'm in no mood for your bolony and i don't want nor need your advise

the war is over
you lost

think of it as the Nuremberg trial now and I've appointed myself as the judge, jury and executioner

you option is to leave on your own accord or unless someone can persuade me otherwise, you be gone in the morning after I've slept on it

there'll be no debate with you over it, that I can assure you


you do what you want Larry , I was invited back , I didnt break in . And the Nuremberg trial ? a little much , dont you think ?


don't worry about MeAt, Coop

If he bounces you, I will send you a PM over on your board with my username and password here so you can get back on

I did that with Mikey over on your board and seeing how I consider you bother kindred spirits at this point, I don't see the problem with doing it

In fact if you want it now, just PM me

actually you should probably call as Mikey probably reads other peoples PMs

I am willing to do this despite that you just took a subtle jab at Larry regarding his sobriety and a shot at some of those that stuck by Mike during the time when you were really playing hard ball as a *** mod.

Why not, I mean after all none of us should take any of this seriously, its just a BB. There aren;t any loyalties or true friendships attached to these keyboards.


fred boyle said:
don't worry about MeAt, Coop

If he bounces you, I will send you a PM over on your board with my username and password here so you can get back on

I did that with Mikey over on your board and seeing how I consider you bother kindred spirits at this point, I don't see the problem with doing it

In fact if you want it now, just PM me

actually you should probably call as Mikey probably reads other peoples PMs

I am willing to do this despite that you just took a subtle jab at Larry regarding his sobriety and a shot at some of those that stuck by Mike during the time when you were really playing hard ball as a *** mod.

Why not, I mean after all none of us should take any of this seriously, its just a BB. There aren;t any loyalties or true friendships attached to these keyboards.

Fred , that would just be wrong - Im gonna pretend you didnt say that.
Oct 7, 2006
Benton KY USA
Lee Stockwell
This has been better than American Idol, and a little akin to The Biggest Loser.

I didn't see all that went on before this, as I had my own drama to deal with at the time.

Better for all to just move on, and make Mikeyfest/Winterfest as successful as possible...for the right reasons.



shouldn't you be retired by now old man?

Go pay your health insurance and landscaper bills


Lee Stockwell said:
This has been better than American Idol, and a little akin to The Biggest Loser.



Oct 7, 2006
james cooper said:
[quote="fred boyle":2tl3ilq6]don't worry about MeAt, Coop

If he bounces you, I will send you a PM over on your board with my username and password here so you can get back on

I did that with Mikey over on your board and seeing how I consider you bother kindred spirits at this point, I don't see the problem with doing it

In fact if you want it now, just PM me

actually you should probably call as Mikey probably reads other peoples PMs

I am willing to do this despite that you just took a subtle jab at Larry regarding his sobriety and a shot at some of those that stuck by Mike during the time when you were really playing hard ball as a *** mod.

Why not, I mean after all none of us should take any of this seriously, its just a BB. There aren;t any loyalties or true friendships attached to these keyboards.

Fred , that would just be wrong - Im gonna pretend you didnt say that.[/quote:2tl3ilq6]

:lol: @ Fred, good one, too bad it went right over cooper's head like a lot of things do - I wonder if Mikey "got" it ?


Oct 7, 2006
Wow, I'm trying to keep up on this but it is tougher to follow than my wife's soap opera. At least here dead people don't come back on the "show".

truckmount girl

Oct 7, 2006
Sun City, CA
Lisa Smith
Okay, Cooper and Co. have worked dilligently to destroy me and I don't give a shit if he stays or goes, but mark my words, I remember every one of you, because I did nothing to deserve what you all did to me. Nothing. I've never screwed anyone. I've never responded in kind and I've never sought vehgeance or retribution because it's not my style, but I did let each of the players know how I felt about it.

Befrore the crap with Nick and Ken I had a much higher opinion of James.

Take care,


truckmount girl said:
Okay, Cooper and Co. have worked dilligently to destroy me and I don't give a shit if he stays or goes, but mark my words, I remember every one of you, because I did nothing to deserve what you all did to me. Nothing. I've never screwed anyone. I've never responded in kind and I've never sought vehgeance or retribution because it's not my style, but I did let each of the players know how I felt about it.

Befrore the crap with Nick and Ken I had a much higher opinion of James.

Take care,

Lisa, you were married to and in business with a very opinionated person who worked very hard to destroy others . That feud had a everything to do with that and nothing with you . But Im sure you already know that.

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