Mold Q-


Oct 7, 2006

A friend of mine has mold in her house. She's pretty frantic at the moment. She's going to be leaving the place. She's pregnant to boot. I'm no expert, but figured I'd come on here & ask some things for her.

What steps should she take immediately?

Is her house salvageable?

Is there anyone near Brainerd, MN that does mold remediation work? If so, could you please call her at 218-838-3468? Her name is Tami.


Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Danny how bad is it? It's generally the dose that makes the poison. A little is generally not a problem for most people. Her being pregnant could be a concern if there truly is a problem. What is the source? How much is affected?

If it is enough that she needs remediaton have her call a CIH and have the home inspected for mold. Preferably NOT by someone who also does remediation.

Mark Saiger

Mr Happy!
Dec 26, 2006
Grand Rapids, MN
Mark Saiger
Probably best to call Steve at Moldex from Minneapolis-St. Paul. I have two phone numbers. 612-366-9269 or 651-769-1919. They are good at what they do I am told by one of my distributors. I don't know of any other company in our area specializing in mold remediation.


Mark Saiger


Supportive Member
Nov 2, 2007
SoCal jungle
DannyD said:

A friend of mine has mold in her house. She's pretty frantic at the moment. She's going to be leaving the place. She's pregnant to boot. I'm no expert, but figured I'd come on here & ask some things for her.

What steps should she take immediately?

Is her house salvageable?

Is there anyone near Brainerd, MN that does mold remediation work? If so, could you please call her at **************? Her name is ****.


And she is ok with you posting her name and phone number on a public place like this?

Any goofball can see that here and that may not be a good idea.

By the way I agree with Larry: mold is not as bad as it sounds.


Oct 7, 2006

Thanx for the responses. It's bad enough that she's moved out. Her cousin, who also does her repairs, said she needed to gut all 3 bathrooms. Apparently there's a leak under the tubs or from the surrounding area. It's gotten on to the floor in the next rooms (the rooms connected to the bathrooms). That's kind of how this all came up. Then when she said it was due to mold (for gutting the bathrooms), that's when I came here and asked.

In a related incident, she's been sick a lot recently. She thought it had been because she was pregnant. Her husband isn't sick. But she had said it wasn't the same kind of sickness that she had with her first kid. She's been sick for a couple of months. Dizzy, tremors, etc. She had loss of vision for a little while, but she thinks that was cuz of one of the medicines they had her on. She's been to a doctor. They thought it was her heart, or maybe a virus in her brain.

Mark, thanx for the info. Minneapolis is a bit aways from her, but I gave her the numbers. It's probably too far for him to go, but maybe he'll know someone up by where she lives. So again, thanx a ton.


Oct 7, 2006
Yea, she was fine w/ the #. I asked her before I posted. This place is pretty safe all in all. I'd think that most people could get each others numbers if they wanted em.

Even if there was some whack job out there, which I doubt, ya'd have to weigh the chances of the whack job calling her cell # & bugging her a few times vs her getting some help from here.

Able 1

Apr 12, 2008
The guy next door to me had 175,000gals of hot water in his house after a pipe froze. I saw the restoration guy and started up a conversation: I said "man you guys aren't wearing any masks or anything going into this place?" He said "we never do, worst I've had is the shits every once and a while" I've seen Jimmy naked :lol:

They were working in this place for 3 weeks...

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Mold isn't bad unless you or your kids or your parents etc are the 1 out of 10000 that are highly allergic and they drop dead or end up in the hospital with severe respitoray ailments. Other then that it ain't bad nah hell don't even clean it up.....seriously wtf guys....we do what we do because of the what if's can be the end of someone not because it makes you money.


Nov 8, 2006
Shorty Glanville
Ruff Hewn said:
How's come folks in the tropics aren't dropping like flies ??
They live with mold everyday


Maybe I'm immortal, just like Jimmy and Marty, but, I digress...............

Living in the tropics, the only flies I've ever had drop was MY ZIPPER.

And I don't mean the one for cleaning carpet.

Hell, three decades ago we used to wash down moldy walls and ceilings with bleach, believing we were doing the right thing.

No bloody face masks, PPE, etc; but we did drink a lot of milk that lined our throats and stomachs to stop the burning sensation. yes, I really clean up pet shit for a living Dad..

Back then, we just didn't know any better.

Much like spraying down Trike 111; onto upholstery, wearing a useless pair of cotton coveralls, inadequate respirator and rubber gloves.

I do agree with what John Olson said, and it's my opinion that guv-urn-mint red tape and bullshit along with money hungry, gutless, legal eagles that call them selves solicitors, lawyers and the like, have spurred the imagination of the gullible, and pushed the dishonest to continually sue, sue, and sue again, to gain more money for themselves.

Taking responsibility for ones own actions is long overdue, and in this day and age, information for most whatever one seeks, is only a matter of a computer away.

We are a race that has become too greedy.


PS::: There are excellent products now on the market for mold, even the old stand-by of vinegar (acetic acid) and distilled water works well to kill the spores, followed up by the bleach to remove the stain.

PPS::: Now I've stormed a hornets nest. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Mark Saiger

Mr Happy!
Dec 26, 2006
Grand Rapids, MN
Mark Saiger
DannyD said:

Thanx for the responses. It's bad enough that she's moved out. Her cousin, who also does her repairs, said she needed to gut all 3 bathrooms. Apparently there's a leak under the tubs or from the surrounding area. It's gotten on to the floor in the next rooms (the rooms connected to the bathrooms). That's kind of how this all came up. Then when she said it was due to mold (for gutting the bathrooms), that's when I came here and asked.

In a related incident, she's been sick a lot recently. She thought it had been because she was pregnant. Her husband isn't sick. But she had said it wasn't the same kind of sickness that she had with her first kid. She's been sick for a couple of months. Dizzy, tremors, etc. She had loss of vision for a little while, but she thinks that was cuz of one of the medicines they had her on. She's been to a doctor. They thought it was her heart, or maybe a virus in her brain.

Mark, thanx for the info. Minneapolis is a bit aways from her, but I gave her the numbers. It's probably too far for him to go, but maybe he'll know someone up by where she lives. So again, thanx a ton.

Hey Danny,

They do take on jobs out of the cites a lot and have even come up this far. I don't think it would be a problem. Hope it all works out.

Mark Saiger

Mark Saiger

Mr Happy!
Dec 26, 2006
Grand Rapids, MN
Mark Saiger
DannyD said:

Thanx for the responses. It's bad enough that she's moved out. Her cousin, who also does her repairs, said she needed to gut all 3 bathrooms. Apparently there's a leak under the tubs or from the surrounding area. It's gotten on to the floor in the next rooms (the rooms connected to the bathrooms). That's kind of how this all came up. Then when she said it was due to mold (for gutting the bathrooms), that's when I came here and asked.

In a related incident, she's been sick a lot recently. She thought it had been because she was pregnant. Her husband isn't sick. But she had said it wasn't the same kind of sickness that she had with her first kid. She's been sick for a couple of months. Dizzy, tremors, etc. She had loss of vision for a little while, but she thinks that was cuz of one of the medicines they had her on. She's been to a doctor. They thought it was her heart, or maybe a virus in her brain.

Mark, thanx for the info. Minneapolis is a bit aways from her, but I gave her the numbers. It's probably too far for him to go, but maybe he'll know someone up by where she lives. So again, thanx a ton.

Hey Danny,

They do take on jobs out of the cites a lot and have even come up this far. I don't think it would be a problem. Hope it all works out.

Mark Saiger

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Mold is a funny thing, we all live with it and it doesn't seem to harm us for the most part. However elevate the levels and those that are more sensitive are going to be affected by it even though you or I may not feel any different.

Anyway here is the deal.

Attorney's believe mold is real, it is for them, they make a ton of money suing unknowing and unsuspecting cleaners, remodelers and builders.

So individually believe it or not but be fore warned.

If your customer believes it and makes a claim to an attorney that believes it, you're going to be in a world of hurt if you did something to spread the contamination. Errect containment, establish critical barriers and use air scrubbers and neg air machines to keep yourself out of hot water and out of court.


Supportive Member
Mar 29, 2009
Pittsburgh PA
To the person looking for service.

Find 2 companies, one to test, one to do the service. Make it clear to the company doing the testing they will not be getting the job, just initial (pre) and clearance (post) testing - this way they know giving a false positive is getting them nowhere. Have them test before the work, and then after the work to obtain clearance. Do not let either firm recommend the other.

Find a company with mold specific certifications behind their names, that know how to contain affected areas under negative air and abate properly via spore removal, not just a killing "treatment", any structural materials not ripped out should be abrased/blasted, then sealed, likely the hvac system should be cleaned/sealed as well.

For every good mold abatement firm in our area, there are 15+ complete moronic firms (such as pressure washing the interiors of houses, fogging and walking, etc.)

Based on your description, the job is going to be of considerable expense - on the low end breaking into the 5 figures, but it depends on so many factors. I quoted a similar job last week with only one bath as the source area, three affected adjoining rooms, and unfinished basement at $32,000 - not counting the rebuild side.

Ruff Hewn said:
How's come folks in the tropics aren't dropping like flies ??
They live with mold everyday


Same reason allergy shots work, same reason you get the squirts in Mexico and the locals don't - a resistance is built up.

3 years ago I was diagnosed out of the blue with E.E. (eosinophilic esophagitis). Dealt with this for over a year and a half. Lost the ability to swallow most days, almost ended up needing a feeding tube because I couldn't drink the elemental diet in enough qty, and I am an in shape guy, run 5 miles daily plus 90 minutes in the gym x6 a week. This completely took the legs out from under me. I went from 35 years old to 90 in a few months.

I had some hvac service completed at my warehouse near the end of that year and a half, the service guy asked if I knew the attic was infested with mold, I said no, went up, tested, stachi count through the roof (no pun intended).

I moved, a few months later, the EE went away less any treatment. Nobody else in the building had any symptoms - just me.

It is a person to person thing, sometimes psychosomatic, sometimes real - in any case, it's real to the person suffering with symptoms. The whole point of abatement is to remove the potential danger. No different than on a cat 3 water loss. No guarantee someone gets sick if you try to save something considered by standard to be unsalvageable, but you remove the risk.


Supportive Member
Oct 24, 2007
Bowling Green, Ohio
Steven Hoodlebrink
Storm Warning said:
Mold is a funny thing, we all live with it and it doesn't seem to harm us for the most part. However elevate the levels and those that are more sensitive are going to be affected by it even though you or I may not feel any different.

Anyway here is the deal.

Attorney's believe mold is real, it is for them, they make a ton of money suing unknowing and unsuspecting cleaners, remodelers and builders.

So individually believe it or not but be fore warned.

If your customer believes it and makes a claim to an attorney that believes it, you're going to be in a world of hurt if you did something to spread the contamination. Errect containment, establish critical barriers and use air scrubbers and neg air machines to keep yourself out of hot water and out of court.

There IS a difference between an air scrubber, and an AFD, know when to use both. Many machines on today's market can be used for BOTH, the difference is in the set up.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Neg air in the chamber keeps contaminants exhausted away from unaffected areas and the occupants. Air scrubbing can be used as extra insurance in the occupied areas and to clean the air post remediation.


Oct 7, 2006
Hey folks,

Thanx for the responses. I haven't gotten a hold of her today, I hope she called the guy Mark suggested. Part of me thought for a bit I was over reacting in my original post. I still might be, until she finds out what's causing her to be sick. A lot of ya's don't seem to think mold is that bad. Others have had challenges.

So I'm not sure what to think here. I appreciate all the input though.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
I wouldn't tie her being sick just yet, more likey it's the pregnancy. However Stacybotrus is one of the more serious molds and could be a hazzard. Stacky is a water loving mold it needs plenty of water to thrive. The kind of water an on going leak "might" aid in it's growth.

Proceed with caution but don't be an alarmist, those areas are fairly remote unless someone disturbes the spores.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
DannyD said:
Hey folks,

A lot of ya's don't seem to think mold is that bad.


I'm really not implying that, Danny.
i don't know the extent of your sister's damage .
I do however think many, if not most mold concerns are blow way out of proportion.

if you saw some of sec 8 cheese eaters i do, you'd understand .
They'll frEEk at the thought of "black mold" , but live in filth and think nothing of the baby crawling around on their carpets that the dogs have turned into a cesspool and the cat littler box overflowing turds on the tile

I flat out told one cheese eater,

"lady, you turned your whole home into a health hazard .
The least of your concerns is 1 square inch of mold in the corner of the utility rm"


again, not at all implying that's your sisters case


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