Moonlightling tech


Apr 8, 2010
Started off my day with a stop up the street for coffee.

Lady behind counter.

OH.. I have to tell you. I was looking out my apt window and I saw a carpet cleaner doing a vacant.

I ran down and asked him how much to clean the traffic areas in her 3 bedroom place if he did not have to move anything.

He said, $30.00 cash!

She said sold.

She then told me her husband use to work for Chem Dry and he made a lot of extra money doing stuff just like that.

I asked her who the company was.. She did not know but described the uniform and van.. LOL I know.
Not that I really care.

Not even sure why she told me, except she asked me a month or so ago how much to clean a 3 bedroom apt.. Just traffic areas.

But how do you handle this with your techs?

Seems like a liability of sorts.


Jun 29, 2009
Never happened to me with my 2 part time employee's and all.

If it did happen though I would fire them and call all other cleaning company's in my immediate area letting them know what happened. That way if they want to stay in the profession their gonna have to move.

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
AmazingDB said:
Started off my day with a stop up the street for coffee.

Lady behind counter.

OH.. I have to tell you. I was looking out my apt window and I saw a carpet cleaner doing a vacant.

I ran down and asked him how much to clean the traffic areas in her 3 bedroom place if he did not have to move anything.

He said, $30.00 cash!

She said sold.

She then told me her husband use to work for Chem Dry and he made a lot of extra money doing stuff just like that.

I asked her who the company was.. She did not know but described the uniform and van.. LOL I know.
Not that I really care.

Not even sure why she told me, except she asked me a month or so ago how much to clean a 3 bedroom apt.. Just traffic areas.

But how do you handle this with your techs?

Seems like a liability of sorts.

YOU FIRE THIER ASS ON THE SPOT..... :!: :!: :!: :!:

If the will SteaL from you...They will StEaL...from your cleints..... :evil:

"ZERO TOLLERANCE"... :shock:
Nov 8, 2006
Ron lippold
Id take the sob 45 min out of town and pull up to a gas station give him 5 bucks to buy gatorade and as soon as he hit the door id haul ass..... you would be suprised how that will make a guy think...........


Jun 29, 2009
AmazingDB said:
Never happened to me with my 2 part time employee's and all.

How do ya know? What messures do you have in place?

Both do vct maintenance... they don't have their own vct equipment. If they tried to load up a 17 horse propane buffer I think the night manager at either store would call me lol.


Apr 8, 2010
Both do vct maintenance... they don't have their own vct equipment. If they tried to load up a 17 horse propane buffer I think the night manager at either store would call me lol.

Oh, so we are not talking apples to apples.


joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
AmazingDB said:
Never happened to me with my 2 part time employee's and all.

How do ya know? What messures do you have in place?

You pay them well enough ...that they DON'T have to STEAL.... :idea:

If they have a great job...they won't jeopardize their job... :!:

We have a minimum of TWO man crews....Less likely to steal if NOT alone...

They NEVER get away with it...!!! they always will get CAUGHT.... :roll:

ps Crews are REQUIRED to call the office upon ARRIVAL & give approximate time to
complete job...Then the are to call-in when job is completed...


Apr 8, 2010
They NEVER get away with it...!!! they always will get CAUGHT....

You hope.

2 man crews can reduce the risk, but if they both like the taste of PBRs and a little short on a hot day.
Heck, look at MLB. How many guys covered for team mates that were juicing.

So I think the keys in all your answers are.. A great job that pays well.

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
AmazingDB said:
They NEVER get away with it...!!! they always will get CAUGHT....

You hope.

2 man crews can reduce the risk, but if they both like the taste of PBRs and a little short on a hot day.
Heck, look at MLB. How many guys covered for team mates that were juicing.

So I think the keys in all your answers are.. A great job that pays well.

"It helps if you don't HIRE ..."WhIte TRaSH".... :mrgreen:

We have a unfair advantage over ...most company's...there is ALWAYS a family member
on the job site... !gotcha! Many O/ not have that luxury... :idea:


Apr 8, 2010
Many O/ not have that luxury

Hmmm, I'd think most owner operators are just that.. Owners and operators of the company..
Kinda implies the owner is operating the equipment.

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
AmazingDB said:
Many O/ not have that luxury

Hmmm, I'd think most owner operators are just that.. Owners and operators of the company..
Kinda implies the owner is operating the equipment.

Some OWNERS....OWN the operators... :lol: :lol: :lol: " It is a GENETIC thing..":mrgreen:


Apr 3, 2010
Central Oklahoma
Some guys are flat out thieves and some just make a stupid mistake now and then. As the owner/mgr, it's your job to figure out which catagory this guy falls into.

If you feel he just made a stupid mistake and will repent and never let it happen again, I'd write him up, sit him down and give him a serious talking to and then keep a tight leash on him. If he's a good guy and wants to keep his job, he'll do whatever it takes to win back your trust. If he's not, he'll resent your tight oversight of him, complain, or maybe quit. Either way, you'll find out what kind of person he is.

Good luck. Let us know what you decide and how it turns out. This could be an interesting and insightful lesson to all owner/operator/mgrs.


Apr 8, 2010
Good luck. Let us know what you decide and how it turns out. This could be an interesting and insightful lesson to all owner/operator/mgrs.

I'm gunna drop it, I could give a rats ass.

Perhaps some reply before reading all.. Hmmmmmm


Apr 3, 2010
Central Oklahoma
Perhaps some reply before reading all.. Hmmmmmm

Um, Don, if you're referring to me, uh, YOU'RE the one who posted,

But how do you handle this with your techs?

Seems like a liability of sorts.

I was simply replying to your request for help.

With that said, I thought I DID remember that you posted that you were going to let it go. But, when I scrolled up to find where you posted that you were going to let it go, it was gone. So, what's up with that?

If'n you don't want advice, don't ask for it.

If you "weren't" referring to me, then - well - forget I said anything.

Have a beer on me and I'll drink to your success.


Oct 9, 2006
How would you ever know? I believe my guy's wouldn't do it, they will do a quick job if it pop's up and they have from time to time but they turn in the money. Last week a guy(the neighbor of a job Kyle did) talked Kyle into doing a room for 70.00 and wrote the check to cash.
Kyle turned it in, we talked about how he could have kept it and he said he would feel terrible if did that. He felt great when I gave him the 70 bucks. 8)

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
Like somone else said, make sure your handbook addresses this- it is theft and illegal. It has happened to us a few times over the years (that we know of) and every time we give the employee an opportunity to write a written confession at the moment of confrontation and if they refuse or deny (and if we have proof) we call the police and treat it like the crime it is. Either way they are terminated immediately~ the written confession makes unemployment case a slam dunk.

Only once has it come to that and when the police came they relented and wrote the confession. We also require them to pay us back what "we know" was stolen.


Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
AmazingDB said:
They NEVER get away with it...!!! they always will get CAUGHT....
You hope.

2 man crews can reduce the risk, but if they both like the taste of PBRs and a little short on a hot day.
Heck, look at MLB. How many guys covered for team mates that were juicing.

So I think the keys in all your answers are.. A great job that pays well.
I call this technician "side work" the hidden cancer of our industry. And many of you guys are just ostriches hiding your head in the sand. It does happen and IF you have employees out there working unsupervised AND without accountability very likely IS happening right now in your company.

And I'm sorry, Don, not even a "great job that pays well" will keep "amoral" people honest. (Don't ask me how I know this. :( ) And today many, many folks are amoral which just means without a strong moral center- sad but true!

Frankly this whole subject makes my skin crawl. We WANT to believe in our employees. But ya gotta make them "accountable". How? There is a long list but here is one key step in an excerpt from my guide to "Adding Employee Accountability to Your Company":

"However, while physical verification of Production Day Sheets and/or GPS tracking are important they do not deal with your potentially greatest problem- what is happening inside your customer’s home. You deal with this by regularly performing …

Random “just stopping by” checks- Never make your people feel like they are working under suspicion. Everyone deserves respect and dignity. However, this concern for your employee’s feelings must be balanced with the simple fact that without accountability unsupervised employees tend to create their own “little kingdoms”. At best this means they stop following your consistent company procedures. At worst, your employees will fall into performing side work for cash money in their pocket! Fight this tendency by just “stopping by” with routine surprise visits. (In the previous “Clearly Defined Expectations” section we examined how to set up routine Mystery Shoppers to check on employee consistency.)

You (and your company managers) should always have a copy of each employee’s Day Sheet. Then “just stop by” without notice ahead time. When you walk in on the job check that company procedures are being followed. Are the door mat and/or booties being used? Is the employee’s uniform clean and his or her photo I.D. badge visible? Are company cleaning procedures being followed in the home? And most importantly, are the areas being cleaned noted on the work order with the prices filled in? (Stress at hiring that any and all areas the customer asks to be added to the job ticket MUST be written on the work order before the employee starts cleaning the additional work. If not, it will be assumed they are doing "side work” and yes, they will be held accountable!)"

Respectfully submitted,


PS I know some of you are going to post on how your employees are HONEST and GOOD people and "they would never steal from me!" I used to believe that too ... Once again, it is all about adding "employee accountability" in a respectful and dignified manner.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
I concur, Steve.
I remember you speaking of this at SFS. Thanks for that.

I believe that good people make stupid mistakes and everyone can fall prey to greed.
I do believe in second chances...I've made stupid mistakes that I would never make again and I am thankful for the people who gave me a second chance.

No I wasn't an ax murderer or anything...too bloody. !gotcha!

Even with my business structure, things like this can happen.
I thought a tech was stealing from me in another state. I sent him on an estimate and then the job "was never done". I called the customer and they said they found someone else. It just felt like the customer was in on the scam...which happens more than you might think.
I have a pretty good working relationship with that tech now...he was new when I was suspicious....and yes, I will never know. But I did talk to him about it.

I just said "You won't receive any more work from me if I find you are doing this"
Of course I was all Rico suavey about it. shiteatinggrin

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Side note

When I was on the truck I was surprised at how many homeowners would ask me if I did "sidework". I told a few that I was the owner and they got quite embarassed. After that I would just say I couldn't do that.

That just gets you thinking about how many of your Techs are being asked the same thing.

I pay guys 50% of the job...if they offer to cut the job from $200.00 to $150.00 for "sidework". Both the customer and the Tech are happy.
Happy criminals...but happy.

So the threat is always there.

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
Brian R said:
Side note

When I was on the truck I was surprised at how many homeowners would ask me if I did "sidework". I told a few that I was the owner and they got quite embarassed. After that I would just say I couldn't do that.

That just gets you thinking about how many of your Techs are being asked the same thing.
Once again, Brian, it is the "dirty little secret" of our industry. Techs and home owners happily conspire against the business owner. (I even feel dirty talking about this subject but whatcha gonna do? A business owner can face up to it and take steps to help honest people stay honest or they can live in happy delusion. The choice is yours.)

There are measures to take that greatly help with "side work". OK, Brian, you just talked me out of another excerpt:

"Add accountability with Mystery Shoppers- A major part of this Fast Track Training outline should be focused on how to deliver a great customer experience as the carpet cleaning is performed. In other words, your new technician should understand that they are an "actor on a stage" and the curtain goes up anew every time the door opens. Accountability for an actor means examining the anxiously awaited reviews of their performance. So at hiring explain that your company arranges periodic Secret Shopper exams where a pre-selected customer fills out an in-depth questionnaire reviewing their carpet cleaning experience.

As you develop your Secret Shopper check list focus on the essential Moments of Truth that you want consistently delivered at each and every home. Make sure that your Secret Shopper home owner understands the importance of checking off each point as it is delivered. Then don’t leave your employees guessing on what your expectations are for them. Share your Secret Shopper check list with your people. Explain that if they fulfill the Moments of Truth detailed on this check list and do so with a cheerful, positive attitude their customers will be delighted and you will be too!

Your technicians should know that just as theater reviewers do not announce their presence, so too your Secret Shopper will be anonymous. If the review of the job is positive, it should be cause for a public celebration, giving well-deserved recognition and praise to the employee(s) responsible. Remember that your goal with the Secret Shopper program is, to echo the words of Zig Ziglar, “Catch somebody doing something right.” (Of course, this very public celebration also serves as a reminder to your other employees that their appointment with an anonymous Secret Shopper may occur on any job. Accountability!)"

Brain, the Report goes on to mention that while you don't want to "entrap" an employee one of the things on the Secret Shopper list is for the home owner to ask the employee if they could throw something in for cash". Let your people know they will be "secret shopped" at least twice a year. When an employee "passes the test" give them a public bonus and lot's of recognition. (I would publicly hand my employees a crisp new 100.00 bill along with lots of applause when they passed a Secret Shopper test!) But of course along with all this celebration you also sending a silent but very important message to your other employees. :)

Or a business owner can ignore the entire issue and continue in happy ignorance.


PS Brian, I'd post the link to the Report but then the wrath of the MB Mafia would descend upon us. It is on the SFS web site. Also the Secret Home Owner Checklist and Orientation Sheet is in your SFS Ops Manual under "Marketing- Customer Feedback". If you implement this program it would do wonders for your sub-contractor compliance.

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
bob vawter said:
I had "snitch customers" that would rat them out for me......
Yeah, Bob, what you so accurately refer to as "snitches" we called Secret Home Owners. Same thing. :)


PS I would usually use a family friend, relative (with a different last name) or even a long time and valued customer. The deal was they would get their carpets cleaned free in exchange for filling out in detail a two page form grading every step of their cleaning experience, including the initial phone call and the pre-inspection. So NO ONE in the company except me knew exactly when the SHO visit was going to happen.

On the other hand, everyone knew every tech and our office staff were going to get "secret shopped" once or twice a year. We told them this at hiring and constantly reminded our people about the SHO program. Why? Accountability.


Jun 29, 2009
The industry needs a "blacklist" for this. Whenever it happens to one company they can blacklist the employees name and that way he/she can no longer work as a CC tech anywhere in the U.S.

"Sidework" hurts us all because it lowers the price and causes the customer to undervalue quality work.

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
Out Of Character said:
Many of the GPS trackers have the ability to record additional events. You can have it notify you every time the tm turns on/off.
Yeah, Chico, we recommend "real-time" GPS tracking units for multi-truck companies at SFS. BUT where most of the thefts occur is in active collusion between the home owner and the employee where they are already booked. GPS units won't tell you what is going on inside the home.

This is where the Random "Just Stopping By" checks (I tried to make an unannounced "stopping by" check on each crew at least once a week) and the Secret Home Owner program will really pay off big.


PS Ryan, with respect the "rotten employee blacklist" would very probably be illegal plus this industry can't cooperate on anything! A nice pipe dream though!

steve frasier

Supportive Member
Oct 9, 2006
portland oregon
steve frasier
I had a fried that worked for the Iranian dude who has some coffee shops, he tried to get me to clean his rentals a few times a year for free coffee. I said no thanks so he tells me he got the coit guy to do it.

Well the guy does some duct cleaning as well and along comes winter and the furnance doesn't work and the guy no longer works for coit

I just LMAO at the coffee shop owner, told him you got what was coming to you

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
LOL- There is a local company here that use to post on mb occassionally that has virtually every ex employee we have fired for stealing working for them. We are happy they are there- we know it is negatively impacting their business cause most were marginal employees.

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