
Jeremy N

Supportive Member
Nov 25, 2006
Half the time I don't even want to do this crap.

I know it's me but I get extremely bored and unmotivated at times.

Help a brotha out here.
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Oct 8, 2006
Snohomish, WA
I cycle..

Set a financial goal.. Become a goal setter.. Work being the means.

Thats what I do.. Cuz, just cleaning carpets a guy can do well, but to live and do better you have to be a goal setter...

Over the recent years I have been a lazy goal setter.. But in the past couple of years I've been banging them out.

Jeremy N

Supportive Member
Nov 25, 2006
I do WD...not very much carpet cleaning at all. I run a very small crew and do pretty decent. I've been fortunate enough to have a solid stream of work from a couple of good sources. If I tried I could push it up a whole bunch more but it just hasn't been a love of mine for a while.

I answer all of my calls and have for 6 years. This keeps me on call 24/7 for years in a row. I get to where i hate my phone sometimes. Maybe that's the problem?

I have all of the tools and knowledge in the world but just struggle with the want-to as far as application.

I have owned other successful businesses before as well.

Honestly, I have other passions that I spend time with. Occassioanly I think of all of the missed opportunities and things I should have applied and then it kind of fades for me in a few days.
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Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Yeah, if you don't find joy in saving peoples belongings and structures you may want find something to do that makes you happy and a buck

Al Bradham in SC loves WD work with a passion, you should talk to him and see if some of it rubs off

Personally when I dabbled in it, I grew tired of the negativity of it all real quick.
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Shane Deubell

Supportive Member
Jun 30, 2011
You know what they say... If you are talking about retiring/quitting you already have!

Find something you truly enjoy, not worth being miserable everyday.
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Jeremy N

Supportive Member
Nov 25, 2006
The term miserable might be a stretch. Just a lack of fire and passion.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
I do WD...not very much carpet cleaning at all. I run a very small crew and do pretty decent. I've been fortunate enough to have a solid stream of work from a couple of good sources. If I tried I could push it up a whole bunch more but it just hasn't been a love of mine for a while.

I answer all of my calls and have for 6 years. This keeps me on call 24/7 for years in a row. I get to where i hate my phone sometimes. Maybe that's the problem?

I have all of the tools and knowledge in the world but just struggle with the want-to as far as application.

I have owned other successful businesses before as well.

Honestly, I have other passions that I spend time with. Occassioanly I think of all of the missed opportunities and things I should have applied and then it kind of fades for me in a few days.
I think you're burned out from being on call 24/7. WDR is a tough business, relentless at times, don't feel bad about getting burned out it happens to us all.

You need to get away from that phone tether even if it's just paying for an answering service to weed out the non emergency calls. You say a small crew, no shame there, it doesn't take a lot of people to run a successful WDR company. I'd look at training one of those tech's to take calls for a week, kick him some extra money just for answering the phone that week, have him call you if it's anything they can't handle.

Use that break from being "On Call" to re energize yourself, with a clear head you can think about whether you want to stay in the industry. Whether you do or don't, what you'll want to do is start building your company to sell it.

Just like a car you want to sell, you detail it to the point it's nice and shiny and someone wants to pay a premium for it.

I have some stuff on training a crew leader to answer the phone, most of it I'd shared here and there but if you'd like just PM me your email and I can email it over to you. I love WDR work it's in my blood, I was born for it. However no matter how much I live the WDR life, there are still times when it wears on me.

It just comes with the territory, hang in there! :icon_cool:
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Shane Deubell

Supportive Member
Jun 30, 2011
^^^^^^^ That makes a lot of sense.

Know how you feel jeremy, we are mostly commercial so sometimes we have people working from 6am -2am mon-sat. Someone is emailing,calling or texting me constantly some days. As richard said you have to delegate some of this, maybe give the phone up 3 days a week even.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
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Joining the Emergency Response Team is a serious commitment, to this company. Chavez Restoration is built around providing 24-Hour Emergency Response to those in need. By joining the Emergency Team you are taking a step forward in your employment with us.
You will need to stay in the service area when “On Call”, or arrange to have some one cover for you, if you need to be off for some reason.
It is your responsibility to inform your Crew Leader of any schedule changes that should arise.

When texted for a loss, you will need to call the Lead Tech right back and arrive at the shop within 30-minutes from the time called. Our goal is to arrive at the job site within an hour.

Failure to respond to an “On Call” will result in losing an “On Call Bonus” a second offense would result in removal from the “On Call Team, and possible termination.
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We have a rotation, a lead and an assistant take a week of "On Call" duty as does a supervisor on call who answers the phone.Friday night to next Friday morning guys serve once every 4th or 5th week.

In recent years we've added a couple of the Lead's to taking the calls, taking Dan & I out of the loop. We compensated them for stepping up and getting trained to make that move.

Jeremy N

Supportive Member
Nov 25, 2006
Married? Kids?

Where are you located?

Why not carpet cleaning?

Married with 6 kids. 8, 11, 12, 14, 18, 21. I am the head football coach at a private school. That is my real love/passion.

I am in between San Antonio and Austin.

Honestly, I haven't pushed CCing because it seems like you have to be more in tune from moment to moment. I've been out pushing a wand and I thought that doing the worked really sucked. I have a box van and Truckmount dedicatd to CCing because I see it as a good opportunity but I would never want to be on the field every day. Maybe I should get a guy going in the field full time? I've question the chances of me offering a quality, consistent product without me being in the field. Honestly, I wouldn't say that I am skilled, so ow can I teach a guy to be a CCer? I'm not saying that I can't but can I?

Sheesh, I sound like a whiny woman.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Carpet cleaning is very basic, what makes a difference is have a tech that is "Consciousness" they have to want to do a good job whether you're on site or not. They also need to be a people person, someone that can read a person well and tries to please them.

Technical skills can be easily taught, those other traits have to be an integral part of the person you hire to begin with.

Jeremy N

Supportive Member
Nov 25, 2006
I see guys who are very dedicated to their craft in the field. I totally get how being the best in the field, staying on top of your game and charging premium rates can add up to a operator being extremely successful. I really do admire that as well. I just don't know if that formula will work for me. There are also guys who offer a mediocre CCing service and advertise well while being extremely successful. I'd have to fall somewhere between those I think.

Jeremy N

Supportive Member
Nov 25, 2006
This conversation is helping me out. Dang I need an attitude adjustment.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Only you know whether you want to continue down this path. There are always people looking to get into this business, a new start up is tough sledding, where as if you have something worth selling you can cash out and have something to carry you on to your next career.

Polish up what you have and decide if it's time to sell or pursue deeper. You have a few children of age that might want to have buy in and do something with what you have. If not shop it around if you're ready for something else.

Jeremy N

Supportive Member
Nov 25, 2006
My older kids don't want in. My oldest is just bought a truck and welding rig and is pipeline welding making ridiculous money. My 18 year old is heading to nursing school in January.

The others...I don't know about yet. My 14 year old is a high achiever. He wants to know anything and everything about business.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Smart kids....ummm I mean that's unfortunate. :winky:

I encouraged my son to find a better paying job elsewhere. Soon after than we implemented a "no more family policy" keeping my girls from asking.

The twins were accepted at KU so hopefully the make it through college or at least......marry someone with money! :p They will need it to support those girls, someone spoiled them to the point they will be hard to live with. LOL

Jeremy N

Supportive Member
Nov 25, 2006
My 14 year old is an entrepreneur at heart. Maybe he will take over the world system through restoration.

Shane Deubell

Supportive Member
Jun 30, 2011
Wait a minute you have 6 kids AND a wife? :eekk:
Second thoughts you better keep that phone on you at ALL times.

Seriously, i think every single one of us go through this process at some point.
It's healthy imo.

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
Half the time I don't even want to do this crap.

I know it's me but I get extremely bored and unmotivated at times...
Maybe it is having that head coach's income coming in that leads to lack of motivation. With my company being my ONLY source of moeny going to the grocery store was enough "motivation" for me! :)


PS Review what you have in your life and if you don't feel "grateful" than it is time to change something.
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Jeremy N

Supportive Member
Nov 25, 2006
Maybe it is having that head coach's income coming in that leads to lack of motivation. With my company being my ONLY source of moeny going to the grocery store was enough "motivation" for me! :)


PS Review what you have in your life and if you don't feel "grateful" than it is time to change something.

Steve, you must not know how much money it's COSTS to coach football at a private school. Seriously.
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Mark Saiger

Mr Happy!
Dec 26, 2006
Grand Rapids, MN
Mark Saiger
Steve, you must not know how much money it's COSTS to coach football at a private school. Seriously.

I was a High School Band Director in our Small Northern MN town. I know what it costs....LOL. I am also looking at dumping my Flood and Fire division. We have instructed our insurance agent to get us numbers as to what we are paying extra just to have restoration. I am also looking at the equipment which is paid for and I never had to finance it. I have top of the line water equipment and if I were to sell, it would be a heck of a deal and some real nice equipment and set ups. I am just tired of the local adjusters, the other restoration companies making it miserable for those of us trying to be very honest and upstanding, and just getting tired of the constant negotiating that goes with that side of the job.

We do most of the carpet cleaning in this area and run two vans daily. We are the more expensive carpet cleaners in town, but also offer incredible service and cleaning. I turn down water jobs on a regular basis just because fortunately enough we are busy swamped and I am picky now who (or what insurance company) I do work for. We use Xactimate and I get tired of all the insurance companies cutting my invoice or expect discounts because the franchises will. I am also still trying to collect smoke and water monies from a year ago that the insurance company did not put my name on the check and the clients spent it (and it's in my contract that they are supposed to).

Do I need a recharge in that part of our business? Maybe....but I am more than happy cleaning carpets and making people happy everyday....and most of the time not on a weekend, late evening or Holiday. It's a happy day when we are cleaning carpets in someone's house vs showing up for emergency fire/flood. Not as happy clients.

Just how I feel today and I am trying to make my life easier and better. I also have my families support and that means a lot.

Best wishes on your search for a happier moment or recharge. It is a tough decision. Don't make a rash decision (I have been researching this for over a year) but as educated of decision as you can.

And anytime you want to talk and show battle scares....I can do the same. :)

Mark Saiger
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Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
I those are feels that are becoming more and more common. We had two smaller player drop off restoration from their services . They too said tired of dealing with adjusters and difficulty with payment. I see it as a trend, when you're not totally invested and have other options then its an easier decision to make. These were both full service companies that just chose to drop restoration entirely and only do non insurance work.


Supportive Member
Feb 20, 2012
Aliso Viejo
After 18 years I find that working towards the next surf or snowboard, vacation, etc. Is really what helps me and motivates me. I work a five-day workweek and have a lead technician so I can at the drop of a hat get a surf or snowboard and when it's good

Sometimes I want things to, like big things such as a cabin in the mountains and a big beautiful motorhome


Jeremy N

Supportive Member
Nov 25, 2006
Thanks for letting me blab. It has my wheels turning and thinking about what to do next. I think it is mostly an attitude adjustment.


Everyday is Saturday.
Sep 20, 2008
Fort Worth , Texas
Do you have other financial avenues to create wealth?

Are you creating wealth now?

The answers to these questions must carry weight. I don't have kids now, but I know how hard I am willing to work now without kids and would work harder if I did have kids. I think you are just having a regular burnout session in your biz cycle and it happens to almost everyone at least once.

I keep myself so heavily motivated at all times it almost feels like I apply more pressure to myself than any " boss" could ever apply successfully.

A lot of times it just will feel better to talk about it like you are doing now. Then step back and see all the blessings and realize how fortunate you are to be in the position you are in.
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