My CDS has a leak, need troubleshooting help....


Mar 25, 2007
I think I have a problem with my Hydramaster CDS 4.8(1999 no Salsa package)
My Automatic Pumpout was not working. My Machine has an APO flush feature where I can hook up a pressure line from the wand connection back to a line that goes into the APO pump> I did that and it started working again. So while I was at it I decided to clean the waste tank( it was starting to smell bad) and filled it with fresh water with some bleach. Then I heard this dripping sound and sure enough, somewhere there is a water leak.Kind of in the middle near the APO pump but I just could not see anything.My machine is 12 years old and I had a leak in the tank before but I don't think that's it this time.When it get's dark tonight I will stick a shop light underneath the tank and look inside the waste tank for any leaks.That's how I found the first leak I had.
When I ran the machine to see where the leak was and suck out some of the water that it was leaking at the same time, I noticed there was rusty water coming out of the machine exhaust. I don't know what that means. I have had a little bit come out of there but this was more than usual and it was rusty.
That's all i know so far.

Are there any CDS owners here who can help me trouble shoot this?


Mar 25, 2007
OK, I checked the tank and there doesn't seem to be a leak in it.
I just thought of a possibility.When I filled the waste tank from a garden hose to disinfect and clean it, I might have over filled it. I saw a hole in the tank where the float switch comes into the tank. I might have gone up that high, I don't know. If I did that could I have done any other damage? I'm worried about the rusty water that came out of the machine exhaust.


Mar 25, 2007
Hi John,
I hope that's all it is. I'm going to clean my own carpet tomorrow to make sure the machine is OK before I take it to someone else's house. I sure hope that's all it was. Just to make sure I don't mess this up, are you talking about the standard think that I always do. Spraying into that little opening on the front panel with my hand covering the vacuum opening? Or should I take the lid off and spray WD40 into the blower intake inside the waste tank?


Mar 25, 2007
Update: I'm gradually filing up the waste tank. about 1/3rd full now. No leaks at this point.That was my biggest worry. My tank is old and pitted in the inside. I was able to fix one leak a few years ago. I don't know if a tank like that is even available anymore if it failed in a bigger way.I might be able to take it out and have a shop rework it, has anyone done that?
Anyway, so I just wanted to establish that first and it seems like I'm OK there.
Next possibility could be the APO pump. Is it possible that I somehow broke something when I connected the pressure out into the APO pump flushing input?
Maybe I should have reduced the pressure . I had it at about 200psi. I have a shutoff valve on that connector line that I used and when I opened it up the pressure gauge went to zero right away, so it did what it was supposed to do. But still, I have never used the APO before and maybe bcause the pump was frozen for so long it has sprung a leak somewhere? I don't know, I'm just speculating.
So if that's it and I don't use the APO and just use the gravity tank drain like I always have so far, then I should be able to use my truck without leaks is that right?
I'm only thinking out loud here.
Maybe some body can tell me if I'm looking at this the right way....

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