My Dream Truck Mount


Supportive Member
May 17, 2007
Is a truck mount that has plenty of suction with a 47 blower or better with a engine provided consistent heat exchanger, paying attention to water flow plumbing both for the vacuum and from the water pump. I want a sleek dependable guage built into the wand that tells me how hot my water is while cleaning. I also want hoses that are flexible yet flow very well. My biggest thing that I would like is remote control like I have seen on many car alarms that will remotely start and stop the truck mount for me while I'm inside the house attending to a spot or just got all my hoses hooked up, come on that's a simple one. I want my truck mount to be very well designed that I could still work on it if I need to but still be able to have the bells and whistles. I want it to fit in my van nicely and have well designed hose reels. And final and last thing I would like to see my ultimate truck mount is to be American built ,and cost less than $15,000
This is just my thoughts on a well built machine they need to make.

P.S. the machine needs to be made out of good materials and have nice welds, and machined metals. 8)

Oh yeah add to the list guys.


May 19, 2007
Don't forget a reliable set up for solution mix tank. One that don't depend on water flow and can adjust on the fly. I guess it would be similar to an in-line sprayer metering device but would meter at a slower rate to mix the chems evenly and properly for rinse.

However I agree with most of what you say I'd like a #5 blower with 2 2.5 ports to dual wand if needed, maybe also an additional 2" port for upholstery while we are dreaming.


Supportive Member
Dec 9, 2006
San Lorenzo Ca
that would be close as it gets to


SRI Cleaning

May 4, 2007
West Chester, PA
Anthony Firmani
Chad, just this week i decided i was gonna buy a remote starter for a car and rig it to my machine. Only problem is the choke and the fact that it has to crank for a while when its cold. But I'm sure I'll find a work around. i'll let everyone know how i make out!!
May 12, 2007
Great post. I always want to hear from people about what they like and don't like in a truckmount. We listen and are not afraid to ask people's opinions about ideas we have for improvements and we take suggestions seriously. Both the Can-Am and the Reactor truckmounts are improvements of existing models. These improvements came about directly from suggestions made by the good folks on this board. Thanks for everyone's help.



clean one

Mar 7, 2007
Hey Les one thing i've done to mine for changing the oil i put a fitting in ea drain on the engine. Run them two lines to a T then hook up a longer piece of the line and put the drain plug there. Now i have a line i lay out the back of my van to drain the oil. Unless you are one that doesn't change your oil like you should.

Duane Oxley

Moon Unit
Oct 18, 2006
Smyrna, GA.
Duane Oxley
"a truck mount that has plenty of suction with a 47 blower or better with a engine provided consistent heat exchanger, paying attention to water flow plumbing both for the vacuum and from the water pump. I want a sleek dependable gauge built into the wand that tells me how hot my water is while cleaning....I want it to fit in my van nicely and have well designed hose reels. And final and last thing I would like to see my ultimate truck mount is to be American built ,and cost less than $15,000... P.S. the machine needs to be made out of good materials and have nice welds, and machined metals."

"...Don't forget a reliable set up for solution mix tank. One that don't depend on water flow and can adjust on the fly."

Chad... Except for the price less than $15,000 for a #47- based system, The Nemesis is exactly what you describe above...

Tim... Same thing, regarding the mix... How about no mix tank at all? It adds complication that I don't see as necessary. But self- adjusting, depending upon flow rate is something that I designed in years ago...

I've been talking about the Nemesis for a while now. As I said, "Good things take a little longer, so the Nemesis must be great.". And it is. I'll be giving you real- world reports and pictures as soon as it's ready...
May 12, 2007
clean one said:
Hey Les one thing i've done to mine for changing the oil i put a fitting in ea drain on the engine. Run them two lines to a T then hook up a longer piece of the line and put the drain plug there. Now i have a line i lay out the back of my van to drain the oil. Unless you are one that doesn't change your oil like you should.


That's a good idea that we have been talking about. Bob and Greenie brought it up about a week ago. We are thinking of taking it one step farther by having a drain port each on the front panel for the blower and the crankcase that will allow a quick and easy oil change.

Kevin B

Nov 17, 2006
Coeur D Alene ID
Kevin Bunce
since my maxx470 has electronic speed control, I could probably have a car system place rig me up a switch that will kick it up to speed 1 and speed 2. It would be very nice to down throttle the machine when I am prespraying cushions, etc...

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
The remote oil drains are a must. Sure makes life easier. Having a remote oil filter for the engine is something to add as well. Of course adding some of this starts to make the unit look very complicated.

A remote start/stop would be great. Esp when cleaning over 100' from the truck or in an apartment and at the end of the job. Just pull the wand and hose and wand out and shut it down before stepping out of the house.

SRI Cleaning

May 4, 2007
West Chester, PA
Anthony Firmani
Ron, I agree. Or if you have to stop to do some spotting or if someone stops to talk to you. Especially since my machine has a tendancy to overheat in minutes!
Oct 2, 2007
Rochester NY
R.J. Povio
I have thought of the remote start/stop idea for safety. What if a solution hose breaks and starts spraying all over the would want to stop the machine as soon as possible. All of the remote start systems are supposed to be connected to a vehicle that has fuel injection...b/c if carburated you would have to pump the throttle and I guess the remote start systems do not work well with out fuel injection.


Feb 6, 2008
Speaking of remote start/throttle, it could come in handy. No matter how well I prep a job, there are times I have to lay the wand down for a minute or two, although almost never with a helper.

I do wonder why there are no fuel-injected (air-cooled) engines used in cleaning units, they should provide quicker startup & longer life while saving a substantial amount of fuel.

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
I have a remote start on my truck...being diesel it was a little more touchy but it can be done on a machine very easy

as for the carburated machine..(like the diesel with a glow plug) after the first start of the day you should not have to worry about having to pump the throttle to prime it......same goes for the choke......but if that is a issue then just a a basic electric choke on it.....

As for would be no different then breaking a hose and having to haul ass out there to shut it down...... One would think a remote would be faster ...I can kill mine from about 150 ft away.....

2 things to remember....on remote starts...
they have a safety feature that is set to shut themselves down at a certain other words if it is remote started and throws a belt and the RPM's go up to a certain point it will shut off automatically But ..if you get a good unit you can teach it higher RPM's to accommodate your machine if necessary......

another safety feature is time...I was told there are infinity run remote starts...I have never see one but that don't mean they are not there.....
all the ones I have seen have a hour run time..unlike the RPM thing cant teach one time ...after the hour it shuts off.....
a cheat switch built onto the machine will help this.....just a simple toggle that tells the auto start that there is a key in the on position in the machine....

they really are pretty easy to play with once you get into it....I can tell you mine has saved me a lot of steps.......
May 5, 2007

In the search for fuel savings,we will be offering the following.

Kohler CH740,aircooled,fuel injected engine,28HP.

Kohler LH 775,liquidcooled,fuel injected engine,31HP.

Good luck, Judson

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin just floors me that manufactures that sell PTO units don't offer this type of security

If I am in a rough area or happen to be behind a building at night and my truck and machine is running is a great piece of mind to know my cab is locked down and armed and if someone tries anything it will go into shut down.....

I racked my brain and added relays and things to make it do different things but a basic unit I wound think should be a option a auto pump out.....


Feb 6, 2008
Yeah I asked Butler years ago about a remote. You would think for what they charge they could do that and make the thing about 40% quieter as well.

About the Kohler, I am glad to see it, I wonder what the fuel savings is?

Also I know you guys have done a couple of Diesels, what brand did you use and do you know anything about the new Kohler line which they bought from someone else?


May 19, 2007
You know I think part of the problem is that they are probably a bit like the auto industry. They have things figured out for about 10 years or more in the future as to what they are going to add to their vehicles etc. How they are going to increase fuel economy etc. TM manufacturers aren't going to do anything unless their competition does it and sees that they are going to loose sales from it. And face it 95% of the cleaners out there are happy with the way TM's are built now.
May 5, 2007
Kohler prediction on fuel savings is 25%.

We used B&S/Diahatsu diesels in past,many problems.

New Kohler diesels/lLambrogini 6.7 HP to 35 HP air cooled.

Liquid cooled 17 HP to 65 HP.

Have no price info.


Rex Tyus

Oct 7, 2006
I want to see Judson's make a true PTO available in a van or cab forward with a 56 or a 59 blower. I don't feel the need to list specifics because from what I have seen in their units they do it right when they do it.


Supportive Member
May 17, 2007
Rex I couldn't agree with you more a vortex style truck from Judson's Would probably be spectacular. 8)

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
Just wait about a month and we will show you and awesome box truck with a Judson slide in. Guaranteed to please. I am working on it now and it should be completed by the end of May or so.

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
Rex, you need to spend some time with a Judson unit and you will find out that exactly the opposite is true.

PTO units driven off the transmission are a possibility ( a very remote one) but I doubt that you will ever see a Cleanco-Butler style unit driven by a shaft to an air-conditioning clutch ever from Judson.

There are now more than ever some serious changes of attitude occurring regarding slide ins. This mostly being driven by the current situation many people find themselves in regarding cost of operation, ease of maintenance and reliability - the stalwart - that most people have always perceived the PTO was better for these things than a slide in.

Ask people how much cost and hassle they have had with service by the local "experts".

Ask how many would want a more reliable unit.

Ask how many are out there right now that have had it with their current slide in or PTO unit who are looking for an alternative if for no other reason than significantly reduced fuel costs.

Why have a gas guzzler sitting in a driveway cooking the electrical system, transmission, and other components when you could have a quiet, lower fuel consumption unit running in the back of the truck that is just as or more powerful and as hot or hotter extraction as a PTO unit and not much more complicated than a pressure washer and a lawnmower.

Not all slide ins are the same. Over the years many manufacturers have made their fitments proprietary. This has caused a lot of people to be held hostage by their distributors or the manufacturer of their unit. Many times the service quality of some (I said some not all) distributors could be held into question.

The new generation of many of the big name units have fancy grilles but behind them is a rats nest of complicated mechanisms built on top of other dependent mechanisms that make it hard for many regular guys from working on their units for all but the most basic of maintenance routines. This is quite deliberate on the part of the majors as they and their distributors have a lot of overhead. They do have a choice to make things user serviceable, user understandable, user fixable but they won't.

Judson has the exact opposite attitude. The damn machine is a pressure washer with a positive displacement blower sucking on a tank. The hell with all the crap hanging off of it because IT IS MORE TROUBLE THAN IT'S WORTH.

They want you to be able to go to a local parts stores for replacements at competitive prices, they have made their units accessible for easy service and not complicated to understand. They use quality components and not the Chinese knock off crap found on some.

Stainless steel, battle hardened design, American made. I dare anyone here to compare a Judson unit for suck power blower size for blower size to any unit on the market. Most all the other similar looking equipment is a copy of the Judson but with lesser materials and components substituted. Don't confuse the look-a-likes with the real deal.

Shilling? - you bet I am and damn proud of it!

Rex Tyus

Oct 7, 2006
BOB, the topic was "dream truckmount". Everything you said about Judson units is why my "dream" truckmount is a PTO from Judson. Cause I just like PTO's better. I know there are pros and cons of slide ins. The day may come when I want a slide in, it may even be sooner than later. But for now I am Still dreaming of a Judson PTO. Because if they do do one I feel it will be done right. Know what I mean? :D

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
Yeah I do Rex and I definitely respect your opinion when it comes to PTOs.

So here is my non-slide in dream unit.

Asin tranny with a Chelsea running a hydraulic pump that runs the system in a Ford LCF 14" box truck with a drop floor

I wish I could run hydraulics but every one in the CC industry that has built them has failed. Hydraulic spools, flow budgets, weight, hydraulic cooling has got them every time. It costs too much to build.

Hydraulics would give the freedom of equipment placement that is so severely limited with the current belt and direct PTO driven equipment in box trucks.

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