My first job with the Mytee LTD


Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Joey J.
My new LTD5 arrived the day before yesterday. The first thing I noticed after unpacking it was no chemical metering kit, no defoamer kit, no accessory tray and no manual of any kind. I checked Mytee's website and see they now list those things as "optional accessories". My distributor says he will get those things to me seeing as they were advertised as included back when I initially placed my order.

Now to the good stuff, actually cleaning carpet with it. My first and only job with it so far. First thing I plugged in both cords, the audible circuit detector was great most certainly saved me from tripping breakers. Next I ran the dump hose and fill hose. I could only get a trickle of water to come into the machine, could be user error but I have no idea because of no manual. After about 15 minutes of trying to get it going and looking like an ass to the customer I gave up and just stuck the hose in the top of the tank to fill it.

Next I attempted to adjust the pressure. It read about 450 psi with no wand keyed and about 150ish with the wand keyed, no matter which way I turned the knob I got the same readings and the pressure didn't "feel"as if it was changing. Since I felt like the pressure was somewhere between my 200psi portable and the 500psi I run the truckmount at I decided to just go with it.

I got one whole room done before my next problem showed up. I very suddenly lost all water pressure at the wand. I peaked down the hall at the machine and sure enough there was water flooding the floor underneath the machine. I then had to drain the tanks to access the guts of the machine, drain hole for the fresh water tank is a great idea although it's pretty much impossible to get the cap off without spilling it and then putting the cap back on while it's still draining(because the buckets full) is quite a chore. Opened up the machine and found what you see in the pic below, basically a pressure hose blew right off the crimp. Of course it would be the hose that runs up the center of the machine to the pressure gauge. All in all though it wasn't too difficult to get off, the main issue was having to drive 45 minutes one way to the closest hose repair shop. In the end the job turned out great other than that empty 2 bedrooms took about 3½ hours, and after I gave a discount to the customer for the inconvenience I made $50.

To sum up the auto dump worked great, the audible circuit indicator was great, I didn't pop any breakers, I didn't get auto fill working at all I'll try to figure it out this weekend and of course the blown hose on the first job was not a good start. As for the vacuum, I ran 50 feet of 2 inch hose straight to my 2 inch wand and I felt it was a bit stronger than my dual 2 stage machine at 25 feet which is really all I was hoping for or expecting. I think without a booster 50 or MAYBE 75 feet is its limit, at least for my expectations. I don't think this machine at 50 feet can even hold a candle to my truckmount at 150 feet but again I didn't expect it to, I just put that out there for the people who think ANY portable can compete head to head with a truckmount. Don't get me wrong I am happy with the vacuum, I don't expect to ever have a need or desire to run more than 50 feet and certainly never more than 75 feet.

All in all after finding out you could not get the 1000 psi pump with the three stage vacuums like initially advertised I probably should have switched my order to the M5, I just don't see how an extra $600 is justified especially now that the tray, defoamer kit and chemical injection kit are not included.


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Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
I would recommend running any machine like this for an hour or so under load, heat and duress in one's garage FIRST before taking it out into the field.


Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Joey J.
Re: Re: My first job with the Mytee LTD

Mikey P said:
I would recommend running any machine like this for an hour or so under load, heat and duress in one's garage FIRST before taking it out into the field.

Good advice but the truth is I was supposed to be cleaning an empty unit, I picked the key up at the front desk and got there and the power had already been disconnected. The job I ended up doing was just for some dude I met in the elevator, who just happened to be planning to rent a rug doctor that same day.

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Oct 7, 2006
Benton KY USA
Lee Stockwell
Any new toy, machine or tool will glitch in the first hour if it's going to at all.

That particular hose would hold up better with a two piece crimp, especially with that pump.


Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Joey J.
Re: Re: My first job with the Mytee LTD

Erskine Allin said:
you're an mow-ron for using a brand new , untested machine in a custy's home


Very insightful. Did you miss the part that I was supposed to be cleaning an empty rental, you know, as in no one home? When I wasn't able to do the original job due to no power and I had another job in the same building fall in my lap I suppose you would have turned it down on the assumption your brand new machine was going to fail? Well IMO that would have been a mistake because I think the guy is likely to send me more business in the future. He was very understanding and in fact impressed that I was able to get the machine fixed and the job done.

For the record I wasn't trying to come off like I was bitching about the machine. I don't attribute the hose crimp failing to the quality of the machine at all, I think that was just a fluke thing. What I was trying to do was post my honest, as objective as possible, experience with a brand new machine to the market in hopes it may help someone make a good buying decision.

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John Watson

Oct 7, 2006
Erskine Allin said:
you're an mow-ron for using a brand new , untested machine in a custy's home


Larry, To save your hand and eyes, do you have your neighbor fire your new toys first????

Sum of us sorta expect things to work out of the box..

Now with that being said, We always did our own carpets when we ever got a new machine. In fact My Helen insisted on it. (only way to get ours done it seemed like)

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Re: Re: My first job with the Mytee LTD

joey895 said:
Erskine Allin said:
you're an mow-ron for using a brand new , untested machine in a custy's home


Very insightful. Did you miss the part that I was supposed to be cleaning an empty rental, you know, as in no one home? When I wasn't able to do the original job due to no power and I had another job in the same building fall in my lap I suppose you would have turned it down on the assumption your brand new machine was going to fail? Well IMO that would have been a mistake because I think the guy is likely to send me more business in the future. He was very understanding and in fact impressed that I was able to get the machine fixed and the job done.

For the record I wasn't trying to come off like I was bitching about the machine. I don't attribute the hose crimp failing to the quality of the machine at all, I think that was just a fluke thing. What I was trying to do was post my honest, as objective as possible, experience with a brand new machine to the market in hopes it may help someone make a good buying decision.

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I'm sorry Joey...i didn't realize it was you, i thought it was the other Joey..he's the mow-ron.
You were just foolish :lol:

yea, I'd of at least run it for a minute after it arrived before taking it to it's first job
Check function, check for leaky fittings, etc

Larry, To save your hand and eyes, do you have your neighbor fire your new toys first?

only the guns I think might blow up :shock:

I actually do have a protocol i go thru with any new or used pistol.
It gets one rnd in the mag and fired,
Then 2 rnds loaded and fired X's 2.
Then I'll fully load and shoot.

It gets a several hundred rnd shake out before I'd ever consider taking it to a game or competition.
and even more than that before I consider it carry/home defense ready !gotcha!



Supportive Member
Dec 6, 2009
Youngstown, Ohio
Robert Hodge
Re: Re: My first job with the Mytee LTD

joey895 said:
Mikey P said:
I would recommend running any machine like this for an hour or so under load, heat and duress in one's garage FIRST before taking it out into the field.

Good advice but the truth is I was supposed to be cleaning an empty unit, I picked the key up at the front desk and got there and the power had already been disconnected. The job I ended up doing was just for some dude I met in the elevator, who just happened to be planning to rent a rug doctor that same day.

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I guess it was just a "WTF" moment. All my new toys (TM's) spent their birthing hour or so at my house or shop.

When I got my 1992 Powermatic, with the conveyor system, I went out to a big hallway job. I parked my new van and TM near the street, pulled the TM out on the conveyor just to impress the passing public. I wish I had a pic of that! Well, time came to push it back into the van and it would not move. 1200 lbs, trying to push it slightly uphill back into the van. I had to call out the troops to get it back in. But at least it ran A-1 with no problems.


Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
I don't have a problem with Joey thinking he could depend on a brand new lectroweenie to work correctly right out of the box.

What I think is funny is how Mikey acted just like Rob.
Oct 7, 2006
Benton KY USA
Lee Stockwell
Marty said:
I don't have a problem with Joey thinking he could depend on a brand new lectroweenie to work correctly right out of the box.

What I think is funny is how Mikey acted just like Rob.

No..Mike didn't delete the thread.
Most who have been around the block agree with his practical advice.


Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
You need to get out more, Lee.

Rob is now in the habit of publically disc'ing posters who don't agree with him.

With Bob gone (this month), you need to be careful or you'll be the next radar.

Jimmy L

Oct 7, 2006
Jimmy L
Picking on advertisers LOL!

How this board has changed!

You can pick on the cross american recoil but when issues about mytee come up about build quality whoa ....back off!

By the way I wouldn't buy either one of them.
Oct 7, 2006
Benton KY USA
Lee Stockwell
Who has said "Whoa, back off"?

Fact is, the original post, review and picture are completely intact...warts and all. I know it's human nature for a mod to alter/delete embarrassing or incriminating posts. Marty that didn't happen here...Mr "pot-kettle".

Mytee needs feedback like this, and although they wish it had been better, they will fix it. They won't say "that's not MY machine, where did you get it?" like another portable mfg did.

Jimmy L

Oct 7, 2006
Jimmy L

Back away from the MB Koolaid!

Don't they factory test these POS before they go out the door?

Today's economy is forcing smaller companies to employ illegals and retards and thus the quality issues arise.


Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
How would he have known if it was tested or not? Unless it broke down on the first job, like this dudes machine did.

Otherwise, a new machine is not going to look any different after testing than if it was shipped straight from the back yard garage to the customer.

Ooops, we're not talking Teri here ... we're taking Mytee, my bad. So I should have said if it was shipped from the commercial facility to the customer.

I get all these lectroweenie makers mixed up.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Do you think Eric would let me go on WOC and berate their stuff or an advertisers product?

Many have given Mytee shit on MB and I never said a thing.

as a matter of fact, I give John shit almost every time we talk.

sam miller

Bummer Joey! When You get it going right let us know how it performs! thathurts


Thanks for your experience on your machine Joey.

Personally , I don't think you should have to test a machine before you use it , provided it is an assembled piece of equipment.

All equipment should be manuf. tested before leaving the facility.

Every new or reconditioned Butler unit I've purchased has at least an hour run time on it before I accept delivery.

I have a Mytee portable that was a floor demo and I have had no problems for the first, 6 months, although it is only a 200PSI model


Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Joey J.
I hope my post didn't come off as me hating on Mytee because I'm not. I just wanted to share my experience with idea it may help someone in some fashion. The portable this machine is replacing is a 5 year old Mytee that has been used and abused and I've never had a lick of trouble with it. I simply wanted the auto fill/dump and a little more power so you see I'm a big Mytee fan, in fact I never even considered the possibility of another brand, my only decision was LTD5 or LTD12 or M5.

PS Lee, I'm curious, what "warts" are you referring to in my original post?

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Oct 7, 2006
Benton KY USA
Lee Stockwell
It meant you gave an honest opinion.

When English politician Oliver Cromwell was having his portait made by famous painter Peter Lely, who often made people look way better than they should have, he told Lely to paint him as he was..."warts and all".


Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Joey J.
Thanks Lee, learn something new everyday.

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Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
was the swedge job done by Mytee or from a Parker shop type biz?

Swedging is an art form from what I've seen.

wow, I actually got form from right for once...


Supportive Member
Dec 6, 2009
Youngstown, Ohio
Robert Hodge
Jimmy L said:
Don't they factory test these POS before they go out the door?Today's economy is forcing smaller companies to employ illegals and retards and thus the quality issues arise.

Now that there's funny....I feel bad for the "retards".

Larry Cobb

Oct 7, 2006
Dallas, Texas USA
Larry Cobb

The part that failed is a pump pulse hose.

It is crimped at the hose factory, not at Mytee's plant.

It usually has a test pressure of 1500 PSI to absorb pulsations from the pump.

I agree, that it should not fail with a 500 PSI pump system.



Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
Jimmy L said:

Back away from the MB Koolaid!

Don't they factory test these POS before they go out the door?

Today's economy is forcing smaller companies to employ illegals and retards and thus the quality issues arise.

yup and cars and other "stuff" to....

point is shit or used....

yes he should have tested it at his place...but he thought he had a "test" area to use it on

funny thing is...John will probably ship his shit out to him by weeks end....

THATS what makes Mytee better....

and the other distys/mfg/posters who choose to give/take abuse, and then still help people out....
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