my weezle of a landlord


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2008
Jefferson City missouri
Jon Coret
A couple doors down from me, one of the other duplexes flooded. The sewer main backed up and flooded out the basement. The landlord told me he was going to have me do the deconstruction and clean up. So 3 days after this happened (which pisses me off he let his tennants place sit that long in that state.) I am told to write a itemized proposal of what I will do then we will begin. That sounded reasonable so I typed up the report and bid. I go to his office and give it to him. He looks at it ( total was around a grand for riping out carpet and pad a foot of drywall and powerwashing subfloor in a small bedroom.) and says oh thanks my guys have been slow ( he owns a surveying business) we can do most of this our self. And then told me he would call if he needed my help. So Im thinkin gee thanks for having me type up the do it yourself instructuions for this asswipe. Im pissed because I could have been spending time with my family while he acted like he wanted that bid asap! The other shame is that nearly a week has gone by and he has done nothing and his tenants are stuck in a house with dried sewer water in the basement. Why would he think he is qualified to do a category 3 water loss on his own? If I was the tenants I would have called the health department on his ass quick! Do you guys ever get people that are out to waste your time getting these estimates in simular fashion?


charge him for the est.. and start looking for a new place to live.. if you did,nt know before know now he,s a dipshit..

it,s just part of the game


Oct 9, 2006
They can also use your estimate as a tool to shop around for a better price. You could always charge for the estimate than refund the money if they have the work done.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
On smaller estimates we usually just do them for free, using it as an opportunity to sell ourselves. It usually works and we get a large percentage of those we estimate.

On fire and mold those estimates can be very detailed and take up a lot of time.

On those jobs we will give a ballpark, but if they want detailed we do as Al suggests, will charge them with the agreement that we will take it off the bill if they go with our estimate.

That charge can be as small as $75.00 or as much as $300.00 depending on the time put into it.

In your case that dude is a jerk, he knew going in he was not going to use you. I would have explained the time it took and how you did it because you thought it was an emergency and he needed the work. Had you know that he was only going to use your estimate, you would have done it for him, but later. Tell him in the future you would appreciate knowing if you're just being used.

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