Need some pictures of Greenhorn Mounting of the manifold.

steve frasier

Supportive Member
Oct 9, 2006
portland oregon
steve frasier
here you go Rich, if this doesn't help then let me know, I will be up in Vancouver on Monday morning and can meet you if you want to see it in person

Apr 4, 2007
Looks like the way that I set mine up. The first thing that I noticed is the jets stream really hits the carpet with impact and you will notice the it makes the prespray turn white for a second. The carpet has a fuller appearance now to. What PSI where you running yours with you 421?


May 19, 2007
Bob you shouldn't knock the jet placement and angle till you try it. The angle allows the water to not penetrate the backing even with the high flow and the extenders get the heat to the carpet for minimal loss. I find the system ingenious and love it. I find my greenhorn cleans as well as an rx by itself and out cleans it with mechanical agitation and does it faster and leaves it dryer because the backing isn't wet. And that is the main reason the franchises "stanley" leave the carpet wet.

bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
"as well as an rx by itself "

Well THAT explains a itsef!

I thought this was the Pro-Board???

steve r

Feb 12, 2007
i dont know how much pressure it takes to wet the backing but you know the backing is pretty darn thick and tough. ive seen carpet get soaked and scrubbed over and over and when the carpet was lifted it did not go all the way through.
in my opinion to wet the backing all the way through the liquid must sit there for a very long time.
the reason ss and many other cleaners around here leave them wet for days is because they dont do dry passes or they choke down their vacuum with 1.5 hose and are moving to fast.

and of course this is just all my opinion but i also think most guys under estimate the resilience of latex backing.

again think of it as a wash clothe. if you dont ring it out real hard it holds more water but even if you ring it real hard its still wet.
Apr 4, 2007
bob vawter said:
I thought this was the Pro-Board???

Bob I felt the same way about a glides, Releasit and now this greenhorn wand. The second I put the glide on I knew it was there to stay. When I tried Encaping on commercial carpet I knew that was a good product as well. I had the Blueline wand and I can tell you this greenhorn kit works very well.

I would have never have known any of the product where good till I tried them. Now I can voice my opinion because I tried them. I only have a few years under my belt and I will tell you this. Yes I'm a Professional carpet cleaner that is learning more and more everyday, the second that I say I know it all someone pinch me. New products are coming out all the time and I'm more then happy to be part of this industry.

Bob I would keep a open eye on this one, or at least try a buddies then leave a feedback.


May 19, 2007
steve r said:
i dont know how much pressure it takes to wet the backing but you know the backing is pretty darn thick and tough. ive seen carpet get soaked and scrubbed over and over and when the carpet was lifted it did not go all the way through.
in my opinion to wet the backing all the way through the liquid must sit there for a very long time.
the reason ss and many other cleaners around here leave them wet for days is because they dont do dry passes or they choke down their vacuum with 1.5 hose and are moving to fast.

and of course this is just all my opinion but i also think most guys under estimate the resilience of latex backing.

again think of it as a wash clothe. if you dont ring it out real hard it holds more water but even if you ring it real hard its still wet.

Yes I agree with what you're saying for the most part. You have to keep your pressure down and you wont wet the backing. And it's easier than you think to wet it. However with the greenhorn you can pump it up, put out a ton of water and not wet the backing because the jets don't aim straight down and it flows at an angle so that it water flows just at the wand lips and is recovered really quickly. Now if you run a bane I can understand not being able to wet the backing easily 150 psi compared to 500+ psi which I run and the greenhorn has 1.5 gpm flow.

Now think about it you get more flow and penetration throughout the carpet and you don't leave the backing wet which makes for quicker and better cleaning in addition you have far less heat loss because the jets are that much closer to the carpet which equals better cleaning. No I'm not saying I know it all but this is what I've found with this wand and I do own one. Before someone knocks something down they need to try it out. And that means you Bob. Greenie sent James cooper a wand, Bob needs one to try so he can learn something new....just leave his glide off cause he wont ever figure a glide out.

bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
I don have ta jump off a tall building to know that i would splat upon impact wit the ground.....common sense tells me that!

bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
This is NOT an attack on Greenie OR Lisa as i have found them both to be well above board in ethics and honesty....jus a little short on practical in the field knowledge....!
Apr 4, 2007
bob vawter said:
I don have ta jump off a tall building to know that i would splat upon impact wit the ground.....common sense tells me that!

Bob... Your alright. :D

Bob you have me convinced that I should break out the Greenhorn and clean another room in my house. Maybe I was wrong on what I seen? :?:

bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
I kin do more wit TWO 02 jets...using proper jet placement and proper pressure...than any of yous rug flooders can do wit that abortion lookin' contraption.....
Apr 4, 2007
bob vawter said:
I kin do more wit TWO 02 jets...using proper jet placement and proper pressure...than any of yous rug flooders can do wit that abortion lookin' contraption.....

Bob do you have a check mark on the Spell check in the box? It's getting hard to understand what you are trying to say.

steve r

Feb 12, 2007
tim, actually the way you hold your wand will determine jet height and angle too. for example when folks complain about streaking i think its because they are tired and hold the wand too low to the ground.ive had this happen to me too so its not all pressure.

i do beleive the glides and greenhorne work well like many attest to i just think its for other reasons. yes angle will help alot at higher pressure but you dont need that much pressure for carpet cleaning.flow is probably more important and the glides give you a sharp edge to scrape the water out of the fiber. thats why glides work for banes too so ive heard.

high pressure will or can blow the soil away from the wand.ive seen it and had to redo some because of this. i know the guy and how he operates and thats not his only problem.

i also agree with the heat loss being less when your closer to the carpet and yes some backings have more clay that allows them to wet summerfest there were various machines used and some were prespraying and really soaking it and running high pressure and padding over the same spots over and over and i think there was only one spot that you could see that might have gotten damp.

and speed is an issue too. i know im slower than most but im ok with that for now.

remeber we are only cleaning carpet fiber and in some cases the surface of the backing.

Rex Tyus

Oct 7, 2006
Steve R,

I once thought almost exactly the way you do. Your opinion will slowly change over a couple of years and then it will be like

" DAMN! I can't believe I have been missing out all these years."

bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
Mikey P said:
How long do you carpets take to dry Bob?

Depends...since i'm only using 02's i ain't flooding them..number one and B it depends on the thickness and how dirty it was....

My 1 1/2" really dirty $72.00/ Frieza reverse twist takes about TWO hours.....
Apr 4, 2007
bob vawter said:
[quote="Mikey P":nlxjdx0o]How long do you carpets take to dry Bob?

Depends...since i'm only using 02's i ain't flooding them..number one and B it depends on the thickness and how dirty it was....

My 1 1/2" really dirty $72.00/ Frieza reverse twist takes about TWO hours.....[/quote:nlxjdx0o]

Where do I get this wand?


Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
I suspect the difference in Bob's view of the utility of a GreenBean wand in relation to the standard wand is due to the difference in his cleaning philosophy and that of most of the Mikey's Board crowd. Bob, from what I can tell, follows the traditional approach to steam cleaning while most of us follow a more ... ICS ... approach. (Or, at least we claim to.)

It seems interesting to me that the vast majority of bulletin board cleaners are "ICS" in nature, while at the same time not very "successful" in relation to those who make the real money in our industry. Now, I'm not claiming that Bob makes big money. I have no idea of the size or financial success of his business. What I am saying is that anybody who wants to "see" can, if they look, quickly be made aware of the fact that companies who run multi-truck operations and make the big money in our business all follow a Stanley Steemer approach, more of less. Very few vacuum, run acid rinses as a rule, or prescrub with a rotary. They don't run glided wands with angled jets either. The ones I've talked to have tried glided wands and angled jets and tell me they can't turn in the necessary production numbers using them.

They say they need the agitation provided by downward jets and scrub wands. The also say the find that a glide hampers the wands ability to pick up hair and other debris that is left behind unless the carpet is prevacuumed, and they can't spend the time prevacuuming at the prices they charge. Bob is targeting a lower income group of customers who seem not to require, or expect, a high level of quality. I would imagine if you asked Bob he would agree that he is cleaning for appearance. If it looks clean to his customers, then it's clean. I, for one, don't see anything wrong with that approach. In fact, I find myself saying if those making the money in this business feel that is appropriate, who am I to argue with it?

I have taken the time to call and email quite a few business owners over the years. Most of the successful owners don't post. A couple do. The common thread I have found between all of them, those that post and those that don't, is they get a good laugh at those of us on these boards who constantly gloat at our stated prices and high multi-step cleaning process. Those that will say, always say they find it funny that a bunch of BDCC's (not their exact words, but it's basically their view) say so much, but have so little to show for it.

I sometimes think I need a different group of friends before it's too late for my business.

That's not an invitation for you to call, Bob.

I love my GreenBean, glided wand. I also love what adding Greenies 2.5 inch port and 2.5 inch hose has done to my unit. The dry time improvements are excellent, and the physical stess of cleaning is much reduced. I appreciate that enormously. What I need to do is find a way to incorporate these improvements while at the same time maintaining a sense of production efficiency necessary to make some actual M-O-N-E-Y in this business.

steve r

Feb 12, 2007
dang marty im impressed. well put.rex, i have run with a friend who has the performer 405 so i do know what im missing and one day when i can afford it i would like a BIG machine. but for now im happy making money. and anyone who thinks the term deep cleaning means anything you have been sold on a marketing term. are you cleaning the floor underneath?clean is clean no matter how you get there.

bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
Ya jus gots ta git yor ass up on top the BEEch and hump yor ass off...wit an emulsifier....all yous lazy ass.. low one arm pushers...don know squat!

Yes Marty ..thank FINALLY get me....!
Nov 10, 2006
admiralclean said:
I suspect the difference in Bob's view of the utility of a GreenBean wand in relation to the standard wand is due to the difference in his cleaning philosophy and that of most of the Mikey's Board crowd. Bob, from what I can tell, follows the traditional approach to steam cleaning while most of us follow a more ... ICS ... approach. (Or, at least we claim to.)

It seems interesting to me that the vast majority of bulletin board cleaners are "ICS" in nature, while at the same time not very "successful" in relation to those who make the real money in our industry. Now, I'm not claiming that Bob makes big money. I have no idea of the size or financial success of his business. What I am saying is that anybody who wants to "see" can, if they look, quickly be made aware of the fact that companies who run multi-truck operations and make the big money in our business all follow a Stanley Steemer approach, more of less. Very few vacuum, run acid rinses as a rule, or prescrub with a rotary. They don't run glided wands with angled jets either. The ones I've talked to have tried glided wands and angled jets and tell me they can't turn in the necessary production numbers using them.

They say they need the agitation provided by downward jets and scrub wands. The also say the find that a glide hampers the wands ability to pick up hair and other debris that is left behind unless the carpet is prevacuumed, and they can't spend the time prevacuuming at the prices they charge. Bob is targeting a lower income group of customers who seem not to require, or expect, a high level of quality. I would imagine if you asked Bob he would agree that he is cleaning for appearance. If it looks clean to his customers, then it's clean. I, for one, don't see anything wrong with that approach. In fact, I find myself saying if those making the money in this business feel that is appropriate, who am I to argue with it?

I have taken the time to call and email quite a few business owners over the years. Most of the successful owners don't post. A couple do. The common thread I have found between all of them, those that post and those that don't, is they get a good laugh at those of us on these boards who constantly gloat at our stated prices and high multi-step cleaning process. Those that will say, always say they find it funny that a bunch of BDCC's (not their exact words, but it's basically their view) say so much, but have so little to show for it.

I sometimes think I need a different group of friends before it's too late for my business.

That's not an invitation for you to call, Bob.

I love my GreenBean, glided wand. I also love what adding Greenies 2.5 inch port and 2.5 inch hose has done to my unit. The dry time improvements are excellent, and the physical stess of cleaning is much reduced. I appreciate that enormously. What I need to do is find a way to incorporate these improvements while at the same time maintaining a sense of production efficiency necessary to make some actual M-O-N-E-Y in this business.

Quality does not always equate high profits.
Lack of quality can still lead to profit.
Business/checking account size does not affect happiness.
Sad state of Free world.
However high quality does factor in longevity of customer retention, whether few or many.
Rob Allen.

bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
"However high quality does factor in longevity of customer retention, whether few or many.
Rob Allen."

I'm cleaning for CHILDREN of customers that have died and passed me on....NO SHIT!

Jimmy L

Oct 7, 2006
Jimmy L
To all of you newbies who have been in business for only a couple years I have to say....EnCApSuLATiON is NOT a NEW method but simply a new marketing term for an OLD method called SHAMPOOING.
Apr 4, 2007
Jimmy Ladwig! said:
To all of you newbies who have been in business for only a couple years I have to say....EnCApSuLATiON is NOT a NEW method but simply a new marketing term for an OLD method called SHAMPOOING.

Thanks for the info. But you can't tell my clients. :)

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