new airpath?


Supportive Member
Nov 17, 2006
Does anyone know when the new style, cheaper Airpath is available?
Oct 7, 2006
Shawn Forsythe
The new price is $499.00.

The new Airpath does not mount to the unimover. It was envisioned not necessary for the following reasons.

1. The Airpath is designed for carpet cleaners, not restorers.
2. The design, the reason, the accomplished goal of the Airpath is to make redundant units rather unnecessary. The unit is designed to follow the cleaner from room to room, being powerful enough and having laminar airflow to replace two or three so-called "comparable" units).

Other less powerful units, without the patented louvered exhaust and 1 full HP running an 8 bladed aggressive flow fan, require multiple units to match the production of the single Airpath. So people "think" that a unimover would always be helpful. The other so-called comparable units are like a single shot pistol, necessitating six guns to match the firepower of one six-shooter(the Airpath)

Hence, the Airpath is much more logical, the user needing only one per vehicle, maybe two if you are running multiple wands (for that, the Airpath is indeed stack-able)


Apr 6, 2007
I don't have the oldschool airpath. I have the newer one by drieaz.

will my newer flimsy looking one stack on the new one coming out in October? I always wanted two (To make up for my lack of V-ness)


I couldn't stand the new airpath - traded it for a rotovac - I got the better deal...

the dri-eaz airpath is too plastic-y and I felt I would break it carrying it around - plus in order to dry a room you had to move the thing every few minutes... kinda defeats the whole notion of saving time


Aug 12, 2007
With 2 airpaths you don't have to spend as much time moving them, hence you have a faster and more efficient work flow. Additionally, you leave the carpet dryer than you will with one airpath. You still need a Sahara pro type airmover for stairs and hallways. Three airmovers are a lot to carry in and out by hand. A unimover would make for a much more efficient, faster and less fatiguing working system. The combination of these 3 airmovers make a dynamite drying system!!
A couple of points: The airpath is LOUD as it is moving a large volume of air. If you leave the airpaths behind in rooms that you no longer occupy, you don't have to listen to such a loud sound. As the last room cleaned is usually the largest room, that presents a problem with only one airpath. If however, after cleaning the great room, you bring in the 2 airpaths and the Sahara pro, the room will be nearly dry by the time you are loaded up. WITHOUT HAVING TO BE IN THE SAME ROOM LISTENING TO THE loud NOISE!!
One really nice thing about the unimover is that it can be loaded in a van the same way you would load a porty and without having to remove any of the air movers. It is too bad that the airpath will not work with the unimover, it would have been a sweet system for carpet cleaners that want to leave carpet dry to the touch when they leave!


Oct 8, 2006
San Jose, Ca.
Albert Lazo
Anything over 30 lbs is too much for me. Not that I can't carry it in, just makes me not want to use one.

I always look at those fans that power the dancing balloons and wonder if they can be tweaked for cc aplications.


diamond brian

Mar 28, 2007
"Three airmovers are a lot to carry in and out by hand". "Anything over 30 lbs is too much for me".

You guys are killing me! Why don't you stay home and let your wives clean carpet? Wow! It's true, we are nowhere near as tough as our forefathers! If we had to rely on modern man to fight the British, we'd ALL be talking like harryhides now.


Jan 11, 2007
I like my new dri eaz, although I don't have any thing else to compare it too. But it sure does feel flimsy If me or my tech drops it I bet it is bye bye Airpath



Aug 12, 2007
Interesting take Brian. While the tough guys are in a wheelchair with bad knees, hips, back and hearing, some of us will be enjoying swiming and hiking with our grandchildren and will be able to hear what they say. Personally I will not be in the same room with the sound of an airpath and I will not hand carry 3 airmovers in and out of homes 10 times a day (for 5 jobs).

If dri-eaz will make the airpath work with the unimover, I will gladly buy 2 airpaths and 1 unimover, otherwise, nada. After consulting with a time and motion engineer, it appears that a second airpath WITH a unimover would pay for themselves in only 2 months at our price per hour. After that is is a free savings of at least 20 minutes per day with 5 jobs and much dryer carpet.
As to hand carrying 3 air movers in and out for a total of 10 times for 5 jobs in a day, sure I could do it. I am tough enough alright but I am more smart than I am tough.


Aug 12, 2007
Yes, it is a very cool cart for air movers. Even if you only take in one or two air movers, the unimover can be a nice setup for carpet cleaners. Considering the way the unit loads and unloads in a van, it can be a time and step saver. In place of the top air mover you could add a spotting kit. You could add clips to hold a grandi-groom, stair tool a beer cooler or any number of goodies that you like to have handy on a job. The unimover seems more useful to me for a carpet cleaner than for restoration. If I understand restoration correctly, you take air movers in one time and leave them for 2 or 3 days. With carpet cleaning, there is a lot more in and out. With 3 air movers and 5 jobs that is a total of THIRTY trips hand carrying 1 air mover per trip or 20 trips if you carry 2 then 1. Dri-eaz has a couple of good web videos on the unimover. Worth checking out!!

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