New Releasit "GREEN" Encap Detergent --- BIO-ENCAP


Oct 7, 2006
St Petersburg, FL
Rick Gelinas
We've been working on a product that's certified green for quite a while now. And I'm excited to say - I think we've come up with a winner!!! The new "Green" DfE Certified detergent is Releasit BIO-ENCAP. It's a Double Strength DS product at 32:1. It cleans extremely well! And it's DfE certified.


Our original Releasit formula Encap-Clean DS could be considered GREEN since it contains no harmful ingredients, it can clean 300 sq ft per gallon of water, and it produces no waste water. Yet as green as Encap-Clean is, it does not carry a "Green" certification. And in today's world that can be important. Many buildings are now requiring a GREEN certified product, and if a product doesn't display a recognized certification, it doesn't matter how "earth friendly" it might be - it's not going to fly. So we went to the drawing boards. And what we came up with is a totally new DOUBLE STRENGTH 32:1 encap detergent that has the EPA's DfE (Design For the Environment) certification. I'm pretty excited about it!

"When you see the DfE logo on a product it means that the DfE scientific review team has screened each ingredient for potential human health and environmental effects and that—based on currently available information, EPA predictive models, and expert judgment—the product contains only those ingredients that pose the least concern among chemicals in their class.

Product manufacturers who become DfE partners, and earn the right to display the DfE logo on recognized products, have invested heavily in research, development and reformulation to ensure that their ingredients and finished product line up on the green end of the health and environmental spectrum while maintaining or improving product performance." — from the EPA's website.


What's cool about BIO-ENCAP is that beyond its truly green characteristics, it's also a very powerful cleaner. Hence the slogan.. "Green Doesn't Have To Be Wimpy!"

Take a look at the test photo below to see how it cleans:
First we took a piece of carpet and totally trashed it with Mountain Dew, Coffee, Milk, Beer, dragged it around outside, walked on in it the warehouse for a few days, even the UPS truck drove over it. Then we took a Cimex with BIO-ENCAP and cleaned a swath across the middle. We made a single wet-pass, followed by 3 dry-passes with the Cimex. You can see how this trashed carpet cleaned up in the photo below.


I think BIO-ENCAP can compete well with what's in the market. shiteatinggrin

Here's the product page for more info



Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
Chemistry young Daniel-san, chemistry

it just works......not everything has to be explained out to you does it??

As you have read on these boards, i am sure you have seen "secrets" people use to just get the job done, it may not be what you think, and you may scratch your head..AND it may not work for every close circumstance....

but it works and it gets the job done...
Apr 3, 2010
Danny Strickland
now put that same carpet in a place that gets heavy traffic, not vac'ed properly, improper cleaning compounds for a few cleaning for lets say a year, then clean it with a single wet pass and a few dry passes.

that would be REAL World testing and outcome IMO!!!! that testing you did was to get a good photo op!!! :roll:


Oct 7, 2006
St Petersburg, FL
Rick Gelinas
Yes, that was with FiberPlus pads on the Cimex. Yes it's crazy how the encap method can make a carpet look instantly clean. It's basically soil displacement. As you know, the soil is still there, it's just no longer on the observable surface of the carpet. There's more SPACE than fiber in a carpet, so the soil gets displaced into the encap fluid. And if you're working with a good encap detergent, that displaced soil should be able to be recovered during the normal routine of post vacuumings.

Yeah. We wanted to get some of that fancy CRI designer test dirt, but we couldn't get our hands any of it. !gotcha! Instead we had to settle for doing the most damage to the carpet that we could in the most practical way possible. We've also cleaned carpets that have "normal" soil with BIO-ENCAP and the results were equally impressive.

The smell is pleasant. But it doesn't have any added fragrance. However the raw ingredients in the product give it a very light and pleasant smell that's barely noticeable. It's also easy to breathe if you're using it in a "spray" application - with NO COUGHING.


Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
There has to be a carpet somewhere that's been down for 10 years and never clean...hit your local ghetto apt building
I'm sure the tennants would let you try the juice for free.


Oct 7, 2006
St Petersburg, FL
Rick Gelinas
I just got an email from a cleaner regarding Bio-Encap. It was a good question, so I'm posting it here, in case anyone else is wondering to....

Hi Rick,

How does the Bio-Encap work compared with DS? I get that the Bio-Encap is "green", what makes the DS not "green"?

Thanks for the help!

Hi Josh,

Good question.

As I'm sure you know, Encap-Clean DS is a serious encap detergent. Its performance is awesome. The RTU cost is quite low. It encapsulates soil extremely well. And it is NOT hazardous to the technician, building occupants, or the environment. So what makes BIO-ENCAP different? Bio-Encap is a totally different animal altogether from the ground up.

To receive the EPA's DfE certification, a product has to have every single ingredient evaluated by the EPA. Beyond the fact that each ingredient needs to be safe, the raw ingredients also have to work safely in conjunction with all the other ingredients in the product. The EPA regulates every ingredient for its safety, and the manufacturer has strict compliance guidelines to follow. So in the case of Bio-Encap, every ingredient has been evaluated and deemed safe. Being awarded DfE certification means that a cleaning product is clearly sound for the environment. And with a DfE certified product you can approach buildings that require a "Green" certified cleaning product for their building.

From a cleaning performance standpoint Bio-Encap is on par with Encap-Clean DS. Its level of cleaning is excellent! It builds foam nicely and it can handle a wide range of soil conditions. It's also easy to breathe without coughing if the product is used in a spray application.

So that's an overview of what makes Bio-Encap what it is. If you'd like a sample let me know and we'll get a sample right out to you. Thanks for the question. Have a great day!

Kind Regards,
Rick Gelinas


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