New Tech One Month Review


Supportive Member
Jun 17, 2008
Billy Lewis
Well it's been slightly over a month and he's still the best I've had. He isn't on his own just yet (just waiting on Dot physical testing). I have had to work on a few things, he had the apartment cleaning mindset of going a hundred miles an hour, it took about 2 weeks to get him to be a more consciousness cleaner and just slow down! Also, he had worked for one company that didn't move any furniture so that's been a mind shift for him. Had to improve his stair cleaning (actually drying technique) but all and all a great experience. We had a tardy issue a couple of times so as we sat in the drive I reversed roles with him and said if you were the owner what would you do to fix this problem, he suggested two things and we flew with them and he has 't been late since.

I have learned a half a dozen or so things from him also and we're just scratching the surface. He ask for a bump in pay after 2 weeks and was willing to sacrifice a couple of things for that so I gave it without hesitation because I understood his situation.

He was responsible for a strong lead that landed a 250 town home account that I am giving him 10% referral fee on each new unit that we clean the first time. He has another contact with another larger company that we can probably pick up as well but I am holding off to make sure I priced this first one correctly before stepping out to far over my head.

He has given me another lead for a tech that actually trained him and I have interviewed and am excited about this prospect as well. He brings 4 years of duck cleaning and WRD experience to the table as well. The main reason I want to bring on another is he won't be able to maintain my crazy schedule for long so this will give us both a break and I will be able to turn him loose on his own very soon (biting my nails). Of course he has fed me with some bs lines but I feel like I've recognized this up front and cut it off at the head immediately.

All and all I am still very excited about what he brings to the table and he is the first I've had that I feel like will allow us to grow, (now I'm knocking hard on some real wood)!
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Sep 14, 2008
New jersey
David Mirfin
Glad to hear it is working out. Some people say never hire trained techs they may have bad habits. I am looking for someone now and hope to find someone with experience.


Supportive Member
Jun 17, 2008
Billy Lewis
I was very fortunate to find a guy that had been trained by one of the better cleaners in town. I actually have biscuits and gravy at DQ with the co-owner around once per month. The "fast" habits were picked up when he worked 2 years for a company that cleaned mainly aparts and he was solo doing sometimes 10-15 per day. So his base training was very good so it has been a fast transition back to the "slow down &take your time & do it right" mindset.
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Feb 5, 2013
that's good to hear, i also have a new tech with the bad habit of hurrying through jobs. I try to embed it into him every day, slow down its about quality not quantity. And after finishing the e-myth and hearing lately the same thing as in don't hire with experience, i will deff not be hiring someone with a CC background for my next hire. I want no previous bad habits to deal with.


Supportive Member
Jun 17, 2008
Billy Lewis
I hope he lasts past the next 11 months Billy!
He seems like a good feller.

He was really impressed with you to Ashley he said in the brief conversations that he had and we had that you seem to know your sheet! now STAY AWAY! jk


Supportive Member
Jun 17, 2008
Billy Lewis
that's good to hear, i also have a new tech with the bad habit of hurrying through jobs. I try to embed it into him every day, slow down its about quality not quantity. And after finishing the e-myth and hearing lately the same thing as in don't hire with experience, i will deff not be hiring someone with a CC background for my next hire. I want no previous bad habits to deal with.

I have only hired people without experience and I tell you it's a pain in the butt. Seems like it takes forever for some to catch on and it takes a long time to run across some of the challenges that we face everyday. Now I am talking with respect to training one to go out on their own. If you are looking for a helper or grunt person then definately new to the business is best. My biggest fear when I turn them loose is them hiding add ons or sneaking off to do side jobs. However, the phone tracking (ie.Richard) and the fact that we call back within 2 business days to check on every single job should detour this from happening. I have mentioned serveral times to him about conversations that the office has with clients and I have informed him that if a tech ever steals off me even one time they are gone!

The guy that owned this other company and I had a long talk when I called for the reference and he (as does Tom King) does a one day on the job evaluation before making the final decision. I did this with this guy, I said hey meet me at Golden Corral (my most sf regular job) and let's see how you hang and if we are compatible. We were jabbering so much on the way back that I got pulled over in a 55 doing 75 and I told the officer that it was his first night on the job and we were just talking about things on the way. He let me go with a notice!

I am not a novice to catching theives (ie 34 years in the restaurant business) I have put a many of cashiers in jail and had them pay restitution for theif.
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Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
I had to send my helper home on Friday for dressing like a bum.

I spoke to his Mom about it at dinner that night.

Hopefully, she is taking him shopping today.

Will Reed

Aug 13, 2012
Missoula, MT
Will Reed
Since he had the hurry up and get jobs done I am assuming he is used to working on straight commission? What are your thoughts on paying hourly or a combination of hourly + commission?


Supportive Member
Jun 17, 2008
Billy Lewis
I had always paid hourly up until this guy. None of my hourly's never made it to solo. So I had some thoughts on comission on jobs or on up sells but we never made it that far. I have pumped his weekly salary and he only gets commission on new jobs sold now.
Sorry, I could 't offer better advise

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