one chimp or two?

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
The subject has been beat to death but lets hear the reasoning why you multi truckers choose to run two Techs instead of letting them fly solo.

Are the routes that much more productive?
Do the female home owners really feeling that much safer?
Are upsells really higher?
By the end of the year how many more jobs ares completed per truck?

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper have DEATH..... :oops:

"Might I suggest that you use the SEARCH button...?"

JHC...Sometimes YOU act like you own this PLACE...."LaZy bAstUrD"... :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Oct 7, 2006
None...until I find the right chimp...

free biz included



Supportive Member
Nov 25, 2006
st augustine fla
dave gill
more guy is pre spraying while the other is setting up
and one guy is packing up while the other is squaring up with the customer.
no one can tell me they can do the sane amount of work as 2 well trained
people..not possible!! just the steady flow of cleaning while the hose is being
pulled and straightened out take a bunch of time off the job. me..the ladies (new customers mainly) feel much better
with 2 in the home than one..

my lead tech loves to fly solo but we only allow it on past customers
that have been with us for years..and he never gets as much dont
in the same time as when he has his guy with him..but every few
months he gets a bug up his butt and requests a solo day..
he gets paid more commission but makes less because not as much is
being done..


Supportive Member
Feb 1, 2008
Anderson sc
too do this cleaning right
you need two
just for a gofer
my god run to the van seems like 30 times
i am talkiin to a top notch job .
We really go beyond the call of duty for our customers and its hard as heck to do this one man
though we do one man crew most of the time but i am really rethinking this.

my lead guy was off this week and i had a helper and there was no way i could have held out by myself.
So thats my 2 cents mr pay a lot

Art Kelley

Supportive Member
May 19, 2007
Rainbow Carpet And Upholstery Cleaning
There is no reason that one man in a TM cannot be highly efficient, more so than transporting two men to the same jobsite. I worked with helpers for ten years when I started because we used portables. As soon as I got a TM I fired the PIAs and was able to do more work in less time. I worked with a helper for a few weeks after my hand injury this summer and it shaved about an hour off the day's schedule. Not worth the expense. One man needs to focus on efficient use of his time; minimize trips back and forth by carrying as much as possible each time. A rhythm develops as the days and weeks go by.


3 guys and 2 trucks works for me, but I'm a working owner.

Jobs and crew number is determined based on scope and size of route.


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
Art Kelley said:
There is no reason that one man in a TM cannot be highly efficient, more so than transporting two men to the same jobsite. I worked with helpers for ten years when I started because we used portables. As soon as I got a TM I fired the PIAs and was able to do more work in less time. I worked with a helper for a few weeks after my hand injury this summer and it shaved about an hour off the day's schedule. Not worth the expense. One man needs to focus on efficient use of his time; minimize trips back and forth by carrying as much as possible each time. A rhythm develops as the days and weeks go by.

Are we talking owner operator or multiple vans?

If owner operator, I agree with Art. One person will be better.
Practically, all high grossing motivated owner operators that I've known said that the helper slowed them down.

Less aching or missing body parts with a helper though.
And you may actually be able to recognize the wife before falling into the nightly comma ritual (aka 'sleep'.)
Take your pick.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
If you have the jobs to support it, you are better off having 2 guys on one van than buying 2 vans with 1 dude each.

Damn, that takes away from my Vortex argument doesn't it?

Not really.

Mathematics to my peeps.

If one guy can do 4 jobs a day.....2 guys can do 7 instead of 2 vans doing 8. That one extra job isn't worth it given all the exspenses that come with another van.

That's just the way I see it....No I don't have any charts or bibliographies Crowley. !gotcha!

There are a ton of variables of course like if the crew is motivated.....1 bad employee generally creates another.

2 man crews get less bored with the job....But they also have more "fun"

You really have to keep up on them either way so that's a moot point IMO

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
Brian R said:
If you have the jobs to support it, you are better off having 2 guys on one van than buying 2 vans with 1 dude each

Mathematics to my peeps.

If one guy can do 4 jobs a day.....2 guys can do 7 instead of 2 vans doing 8.

From my experience from having a helper for the last 2 years.

It's not a matter going from 4 jobs to 7 -8 jobs a day with a helper. With the less burn out from now having a helper and having more time to spend with the client. I can maximize each job. So, 4 jobs now can now have the same total of 7-8 jobs solo. Plus, referrals and client reviews have also increased.

Happier/more educated clients, more money, less fatigue = happy Me!!

The more money made per job pays for the helper many times over. I wish I did it years ago.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
I fired the PIAs and was able to do more work in less time.

then you either had a string of sorry azz loozers you couldn't teach or trust
YOU didn't know how to utilize two men efficiently
you're a control freak and wouldn't let them do much of anything but be a "goffer"

a "good' two man crew properly trained can easily do 50% more jobs in a day a whole lot less fatigued at the end of the day
...which also helps keep quality standards up on the last 2 jobs on a hot summer day

I'm not a multi trucker and have no intention of ever being one .
But eye nose productivity and what a good one man vs good and efficient two menz crew can do


Art Kelley

Supportive Member
May 19, 2007
Rainbow Carpet And Upholstery Cleaning
meAt said:
I fired the PIAs and was able to do more work in less time.

then you either had a string of sorry azz loozers you couldn't teach or trust
YOU didn't know how to utilize two men efficiently
you're a control freak and wouldn't let them do much of anything but be a "goffer"

a "good' two man crew properly trained can easily do 50% more jobs in a day a whole lot less fatigued at the end of the day
...which also helps keep quality standards up on the last 2 jobs on a hot summer day

I'm not a multi trucker and have no intention of ever being one .
But eye nose productivity and what a good one man vs good and efficient two menz crew can do


No, I just meant to say that with the truck mount I could do more work by myself than with a porty and a helper. I liked the economics of that. Certainly work is faster and easier with a helper, but it's a more expensive way to operate. The savings of not having to pay an employee REALLY add up, the work is just harder.


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
meAt said:
I fired the PIAs and was able to do more work in less time.

then you either had a string of sorry azz loozers you couldn't teach or trust
YOU didn't know how to utilize two men efficiently
you're a control freak and wouldn't let them do much of anything but be a "goffer"

Insults aside, Larry...............bull's turd :p .
a "good' two man crew properly trained can easily do 50% more jobs in a day
That is still 25% less. Before expenses a whole lot less fatigued at the end of the day
No argument there. Big advantage.

...which also helps keep quality standards up on the last 2 jobs on a hot summer day
Not with a motivated and disciplined owner/operator. You know Larry, some of us sorry ass O/O do not need a big sweaty gun wielding office manager to get us motivated :p

And higher expenses due to 2 men drive time and some miscellaneous wasted time no matter how efficiently you run your bus.

AND having employees which means salary, social security, liability and workers comp..... to name a few.

AND the headache of training a new employee when this one leaves, and leave he will sooner or later.

AND potentially training your future competition (ask Mike)

I'm not a multi trucker and have no intention of ever being one .
But eye nose productivity and what a good one man vs good and efficient two menz crew can do


Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Art Kelley said:
No, I just meant to say that with the truck mount I could do more work by myself than with a porty and a helper..

ahh, gotcha, Arty

I can understand how/why an owner/op could be perfectly content going solo


Able 1

Apr 12, 2008
My first five years I though I would be a waste for me to have someone "just" pull hoses for me, but I hired a helper this year and I wouldn't ever go back.

It took me a while to get a good system down, and training my helpers to exactly what I expect of them to do, but well worth it!

Having a helper has allows me to schedule tighter and no matter what extra things the customer wants moved, or wants to add on, it doesn't mess up my schedule.

One of the accounts I got this year I do multiple units on one property(these units could be on the first or forth floor). Doing a forth floor unit it will take me twice as long by myself. :evil:

As far as hourly: last year I was doing between $60-$70per hour pulling out in the morning, to parking for the night. This year I'm almost always doing $100 + per hour P/O till P/I.

If I do have job that's out of my normal service area(over 25mins out) I schedule it last and do it myself. !gotcha!
May 16, 2010
Noble Carpet Cleaners
I've crunched my numbers year after year and in my opinion it boils down to this. If you want grow beyond you and your own truck, you have to grow beyond 3,4 or even 5 trucks with support staff to justify the whole thing. To keep 2 or 3 trucks going on 3+ jobs per day requires a support system that is better justified by 4+ trucks.

If you want to grow, grow when you are young so you can screw it up a few times and figure things out the right way (the way it works for YOU and your goals). So grow or don't grow, but don't think you can manage 2 to 3 trucks without a huge input from yourself.

Good money can be made going solo. You gotta stay the course and work smarter every day. If you can't make $125/hr curb to curb and average $300+ per day you have big kinks in your system both in sales and methods. $400+ is very achievable and $500-$800 days make being on your own very rewarding. If I wasn't netting $500 per day and not have to supervise office staff or field techs I wouldn't touch a multi truck business.

If you stay small, learn how to be profitable, like crazy profitable. Learn something every day that makes more profit.


Supportive Member
Nov 25, 2006
st augustine fla
dave gill
i just cant understand how a properly trained assistant wouldnt make your productivity
go through the roof??

here is a basic layout of what er do.
go to job..both of us meet and great the cust, walk the job and measure it up taking mental
note of problem areas and the customers concerns..get approval for job..

i prep and pre spray while he sets up, we usually finish about the same time..if not
then i get him cleaning while i finish the prep..

if we sg then i apply whle he packs up..if no sg then i pack up while he squares up
with cust and giver them their goodies (magnet, doodle pads, referral cards, spotter etc)

i go in and say thanks and we are out..
no way could a 1 person crew do that in less time with the attn to detail as a good trained 2 man crew..


Supportive Member
Jun 27, 2009
Bowling Green
First of all.... u don't vacuum? Never pack up untill customer has done a walk thru. One good person can do the same job. Why pay someone to watch u wand? If ur an owner op, u don't need a helper. A owner or manager should be able to do the job of 2 employees. Having a helper is laziness, except for commercial work.

Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using Tapatalk

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
$300+ per day you have big kinks in your system both in sales and methods. $400+ is very achievable and $500-$800

You better be pulling in $1000+/- on average IMO to make this O/O shit worth it all.

Mark Saiger

Mr Happy!
Dec 26, 2006
Grand Rapids, MN
Mark Saiger
I'm like Pfed too I would say. Owner operator with 2 trucks and 3 other people. We use 2 trucks on many jobs being they are larger and then we can do more in a day. My client base is getting more comfortable with seeing my daughter and son in law and I am able to send them out on those smaller jobs alone. We are turning about $1500-$2000 per day average. Fortuanately on a number of days we are doubling those numbers as well. We are quite pleased with those numbers as we are drawing from poplulation of 8000 people in the community and about another 8000 people in the surrounding area. We are not the only game in town either.

Mark Saiger


Supportive Member
Nov 25, 2006
st augustine fla
dave gill
joeynbgky said:
First of all.... u don't vacuum? Never pack up untill customer has done a walk thru. One good person can do the same job. Why pay someone to watch u wand? If ur an owner op, u don't need a helper. A owner or manager should be able to do the job of 2 employees. Having a helper is laziness, except for commercial work.

Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using Tapatalk

i vac when the customer doesnt..when we book the customer we ask them
if they want us to pre vac or if they want to pre vac..

thanks for the advice on never packing up till the customer has done the walk through

but doing on average of 80 jobs a month on my truck alone i think we have a pretty good

grip on how to deal with customers.

and if you are saying one good person can do the same you have never worked with

a properly trained possible way one person can be a can

you possibly think that?? while you are still setting up the truck i have the house prepped

and pre guys need to learn how to train your helpers better if they are slowing

you down or you cant make up massive time using them..put in a bit of effort and train them

the right way and reap the benefits..

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
2 can be far more efficient than one.

While I finish walking through the job with the client, my helper sets up. While I clean, he rotary scrubs/spots/moves furniture and related trips to the truck. While I do my post follow up with the client he tears down and packs up.

If you think a helper just watches you clean. (As said before) you and the helper need some re-training.

Now with a helper my jobs are much larger and with the duties separated. Jobs are far easier and faster. The customers love the attention to detail. I explain that I have an extra guy is just there to work on their spots.

If it is a matter of you don't want to pay for a helper. I have found that the extra revenue more that makes up for his pay. The other benefits of happier clients, less burn out, cleaning faster and having more time to schmooze with the client is all free!!


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
Dave Yoakum said:
2 can be far more efficient than one.

While I finish walking through the job with the client, my helper sets up. While I clean, he rotary scrubs/spots/moves furniture and related trips to the truck. While I do my post follow up with the client he tears down and packs up.

If you think a helper just watches you clean. (As said before) you and the helper need some re-training.

Now with a helper my jobs are much larger and with the duties separated. Jobs are far easier and faster. The customers love the attention to detail. I explain that I have an extra guy is just there to work on their spots.

If it is a matter of you don't want to pay for a helper. I have found that the extra revenue more that makes up for his pay. The other benefits of happier clients, less burn out, cleaning faster and having more time to schmooze with the client is all free!!

Need there be a better proof to the superiority of a one man crew than Dave's endorsement of the opposite?
Therefore, I rest my case :p

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Ofer Kolton said:
Need there be a better proof to the superiority of a one men crew than Dave's endorsement of the opposite?
Therefore, I rest my case :p


Ofer, MB has been a bad influence on you, my friend .
You're starting to become like US... :shock: :mrgreen: 8) 8) 8)


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