Orbitec CRB


Bill G. Martin

I had a large tile and Grout job that was in a lock down situation to do for a new client.

I wanted to do the best possible job and get the best possible results. My friend, Clark Lancaster of Orbitec Soultions fixed me up with the CRB 15" encap/scrubber machine. Great piece of equipment. Really does a great job on the tile with out throwing the cleaning solution all over the place. This machine weighs in at 76 pounds and with the stiff brushes does a great job on tile.

As an encap machine, this thing covers a lot of ground in a hurry. Very productive. Again the weight is a big help and add in the cleaning solution in the 4 gallon tank and you really can lift the nap on those dirty restaurant carpets. With the solution tank filled, you start out cleaning with a weight of around 100lbs.

I have owned 2 of the GLS machines and the Orbitec machine is built like a tank compared to the GLS.

As a side note, this thing is shipped motor freight. I have never seen a company go to such extremes to make sure their goods arrive in good condition. Great packing.


Bill in central Florida

Bill in central Florida
Mar 29, 2008
Nate W.
Glad to see you had a good buying experience with Clark. I have bought a square OP from him with no problems. I was interested in buying a wringer, but Ron K. didn't have a good buying experience with the product or customer service. He's still waiting to be made right by. Clark is a nice guy and I wish him the best.

Larry Cobb

Oct 7, 2006
Dallas, Texas USA
Larry Cobb

I'm glad you liked the H.D. Cylindrical Brush machine.

I demo it to a few customers, but they usually opt for a ligher-duty machine.

Still have several customers using the GLS type,
with exorbitant repair costs.


Bill G. Martin

Hi Larry, The Orbitec Machine is for those who want do do some serious encapping in commercial settings. It is unreal the amount of stuff this thing brings to the surface, even after you have prevacc'ed. It is no light weight. It is definitelty not poorly constructed. My biggest fault with the GLS machines are the weak handles and their gear box along with the customer no support at Whittaker.

I have used this machine in my own home for encapping, with the correct brushes. It does a great job there also,but it maybe too aggressive for in home use....but commercial..wow....this thing covers some ground in a hurry.

And as I pointed out above...it is also a great tile scrubber....for commercial or residential tile.

Bill in central Florida

Captain Morgan

Supportive Member
Feb 23, 2008
Bill Morgan
Bill G. Martin said:
with the correct brushes. It does a great job there also,but it maybe too aggressive for in home use

Is that because of the weight of the machine? So based on your experience you wouldn't recommend them for resi?

Bill G. Martin said:
My biggest fault with the GLS machines are the weak handles and their gear box along with the customer no support at Whittaker.
I thought the Windsor's were pretty well made? I missed out on the Ebay Windsor Dri matics special a couple months ago. I saw Craigslist had a Whittaker/Lomac for about $600. Thought about it but I'm on the fence.

Sep 3, 2007
Victoria, BC
Bill Soukoreff
I have ProCRAP, what a waste of money that was.

I am curious about the Orbitec as well. I pretty much only do residential but occasionally do some commercial when someone really wants me and the price is more than right. I love the Cimex, but it's just to heavy for me (back injury) and I don't have the room to mess around with ramps.

With the right brushes would this machine deliver comparable results? I don't care if it is slower, I just need to know I can get the same final results. Does it skip around like the Procrap?

What is the middle bar in between the brushes for?


Feb 2, 2007
I have had the Orbitec and GLS. In four years the repair cost was a whooping $8-10 on the Orbitec. Clark is the kind of guy that will do just about anything to help his customers, is very knowledgeable and a all around great guy. I have spent hours talking with him and can tell you he really wants to see his customers succeed. The CRB he makes is a tank, great for commercial (which it was designed for) but a bit bulky and heavy for residential (especially in homes where you have stairs to haul it up). The motor is the super reliable baldor motor that will run for years and years.

For residential work I would buy the Lomac (new name for Whittiker GLS) even though they are extremely overpriced for such a light weight unit. The whittiker brushes are better than any I have seen and last very well. The motor appears to be pretty wimpy but I know there are units out there that are ten years old and still on the original. I can't speak to Whittiker's customer service as I have never needed it. They ship parts quickly and that's good enough for me.

The Orbitec will not skip around like the "PROCRAP" unit but it's almost as heavy as a 15" cimex 76 v 85 LBs.
Feb 8, 2007
Same as Randy... but I'll add that it is loud in comparison to other machines. Ours has a high pressure spray system we use with the tm. Gears are easy to change.

Bill G. Martin

I feel the Orbitec was designed primarily for commercial settings and that is where it shines.....Years ago, Paul Brown and I had disussions about adding weight to the GLS machines to help improve their performance. The Orbitec machine does not "stall" out on you on start up. I also did not like the unlock device on the handle with the foot switch for the GLS. Seems the spring unit would fail rather quickly. ESPECIALLY AT NIGHT ON A COMMERCIAL JOB. That is why I had two GLS machines....one was a back up. The supply tank for the Orbitec is also great as it does not require filling as often as the GLS. That weight factor also makes it a good tile scrubber. I have seen people mention that the GLS is not built to last and does wear out....but it is OK because you have not spent a lot of money for a piece of equipment. But I don't get that feeling with the Orbitec....it is simpily a well built American made piece of equipment.

Bill in central Florida

Bill G. Martin

Excellent question Bill.....no pun intended !

excellent-supply.com if you are interested in a Cimex.

I had test driven the Orbitec at a Connections convention in Florida some time back and liked it.
I have used CRB machines by Whittaker and used them to scrub tile....I also have a 20" Brute type machine from Orbitec. I have test driven a Cimex, but don't own one.
I purchased the Orbitec CRB machine because it is a great scrubber for Tile and Grout in addition to being a great commercial encap machine. I like CRB machines for grout scrubbing primarily because they don't "sling" the cleaning solution around on the floor and splash it up on base boards or in some commercial settings you don't have as big of a problem slinging the solution on to adjacent carpeted areas. On the job I just did, this was the situation. Long spans of carpet right up against the tiled areas. The CRB takes the solution up and over the brushes and puts it baiscaly right back down in front of you. Therefore in my opinion it is easier to control where the solution is going. RotoVac has a ring that goes around their 360i tile cleaning head to help control where the solution goes. I have one of those on order and will let you know how it does in a similar situation as I get to try it out. All in all, you still have to get the grout stick out to touch up, but the Orbitec CRB machine really makes it easy and faster in large commercial settings.

Maybe some one who owns a Cimex can add their two cents worth....

Bill in central Florida


Apr 7, 2008
Bill Martins
Bruce Little has the orbitec crbs and cimexes.

I'm sure he can chime in.

Larry Cobb

Oct 7, 2006
Dallas, Texas USA
Larry Cobb
Bill Soukoreff said:
So why would someone buy this machine over a Cimex?
The counter-rotating brushes do a much better job of standing up the pile on a carpet.

Also, with 4 different brush types you can do everything form silk to grout & tile.

Paul Brown did some incredible production numbers with his CRB machine.


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