Our Order Entry upgrade

Brian H

Dec 14, 2006
Detroit Michigan area
Brian H
We are officially 1 week into our major order entry system upgrade and I am still alive and I haven't gone postal... yet.

We were on version 1.2 of the software we had customized for our business. We went live with it back in late 1998. The system worked very well for us the last 15 plus years but we knew we had to upgrade. The upgraded version will allow us to do lots more with customer emails, automated confirmation of orders, better reports, etc. It was way overdue but we put it off because of the customizing. (Software and customizing cost us $250K in 1998)

We upgraded to version 6.3 and of course had to have it all customized again. This is a huge leap in software and when we converted, we pulled all our old data with it and everything had to step up to this newer version. When you make that big of a leap though you have to do it in stages, from 1.2 to 2.3 to 3.7 to 4.5 to 6.3 and it took 72 hours to roll that through.

And even after 4 months of testing and correcting issues, this past week has been a nightmare. Long days, and evenings working out all the bugs while still conducting business as usual.Thankfully we are now just working out the lower priority bugs...

I need a drink!!!

Shane Deubell

Supportive Member
Jun 30, 2011
Better make it a twelve pack :shifty: :very_drunk:.

Can't stand projects like that, makes my head hurt just thinking about it at your volume.
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