Supportive Member
I cleaned a video store last night that was a big time pain in the butt. the carpet was filthy it probly had not been cleaned in a couple years. I first attempted to hwe pre sprayed ,pre scrubbed w/ red pad,extracted ,post bonneted. It looked terrible !!!!! this carpet seemed to be getting dirtier as I cleaned it ! when I hwe it was like all kinds of dirt and grime that was trapped in the fibers washed to the surface and left dingy almost muddy looking streaks . I tried to rinse more but more crap just kept coming to the surface looking bad. The custy had requested hwe only but I brought the cimex because this had happend before on trached cgd. I used the cimex and got far better results my only concern was the cimex left lots of swirls and tracks in the carpet . If the swirls and tracks in the carpet from the cimex will vacuum out or go away than its good. I just want to know have you guys dealt with carpet that did that and actualy washed dirt and griime to the surface while you were cleaning ?