Parker Parflex


Oct 7, 2006
Brian Luddy - Sat Oct 07, 2006
It is time to get some updated solution hose. I have decided on the Parker Parflex this time. I hear many good things about. I have Neptune on the rig at the moment. Is Parflex really that much cooler than goodyear when handling?
Greenie, I will be calling you Monday to place an order. (notice I gave you the weekend off)

Dirk - Yep, it's much cooler. It has memory, which bummed me out at first. After awhile, you just learn how to deal with it.

mikey p - make sure to get it in blue.
for some weird reason it's more flexible.

meAt - been using Parker for 14+ years out of 16+, Brian.
If you have a large arbor hose reel, the coiling issues are less of a problem.
After a month or two of use, it does relax.
It's MUCH cooler to touch that Ineptune.
I "think" you run a Bulter?
You'll have no problems using it, as Butlers aren't typicly know for sreeming heat.
Parker's skin will start to blister nearest the TM and develope pin spray leaks with a steady diet of 250+ temps.
Under 240 and it will last for years
I wouldn't hit a dog in the a$$ with Ineptune CRAP!
Dangerous, black water spewing, instant failure JUNK!

Dirk - I thought greenie sold this stuff now. Did I miss it on his site?

Larry Cobb - Brian; The Parker Parflex is much cooler because it has a higher insulation value.
This maintains water temperature better. It has a pinpricked cover which will alert you to any leaks.

Greenie - Larry carries the yellow Parflex, you would do well to buy it from him.
I'm offering Blue cause I have 5000 ft. of
It says GreenGlides on it, and has a little message for HRI to spread across the globe.
Lot's of stuff isn't on our site, I'll try to get it updated, but just like in our cleaning biz, we are 99% referral based, so it wasn't top on my list.

Bruce Zelt - I loved the message on my blue parflex Greenie Twisted Evil
Nuttin beats a chemwho every foot or two

Shane - Parker is nice hose....but it still feels as hot as GY!

meAt - your kidding me??
I've never permently distorted cut pile olie with Parker.
Can't say the same with Ineptune

Waldo - Still makes the same snake trails. You probably dont have much heat. Golden Boy

Shane - No Larry, it still burns the crap out of my legs. Very Happy
BTW how do you like First Step?

meAt - Waldo, Waldo, Waldo
I was using mega heat when you were still on the highschool cheer leader's squad.
Under normal wanding conditions I can peg the 280 temp gauge all day long.
Can sustain 272 continuous flow w/06 jetting

mikey p - I was a bit shocked by just how cumbersome the Eneptune on KC's truck was today...
I use it out side the house on my V but never inside. Too dangerous and too heavy...
I can't even imagine how the guys who run 3/8's deal with it on a daily basis.
Blue parker is the only way to go.
What ever you do make sure to get metal spring bend restrictors rather then the lame rubber ones. The springs allow the hose to breath and cool down much quicker and add a ton of life to swedge area where it typically fails first.

meAt - "BTW how do you like First Step?"
Been pretty happy with it so far, Shane.
HJave spiked it a few times with Z-bomb as well.
Not sure i trust the guys at Steampro's though.
I was at their place. I don't know, but something seemed a bit shifty about those guys

Shane - Cool, thanks Larry.

Greenie - rry can spot SHiFtY. ready for some Power-Maxx?

mikey p - that's the Stuff..

Thang - Do you boost the Powermaxx with anythin or is it good as is??

Greenie - As is.
But hey, a shot of powder perox. or Citri-Pure never hurt much.
Rinse with 1st Step or Clean-It, and call me in the morning.

charlie brown - I just started using the Blue 1035 HT. I love it! I started many years ago with Neptune hated it black water blah blah blah. Then switched to Syn-Flex Coiled like crazy!!!! I love 1035 Ht Blue.
Mar 28, 2007
omaha ne
steve snail
I am running the neptune hoses. Before I start the first job I bleed the line and usually get the "black water", then runs clean for the day. What is the cause of this situation?
Oct 7, 2006
Benton KY USA
Lee Stockwell
You are about to have a rupture!! These never happen in a "good place" or at a "good time". Imagine being on the second floor cleaning the master bedroom, while your hose is spewing on the piano and silk furniture in the great room below. Ask me how I know...

The first black water gets that section of hose immediately out of service!

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
My Parflex failed on me today.

Four tiny pin holes on the truck end.

It's way of telling you it's about to blow.

Love it.


My original 100 foot section of Parflex got about 5 pinhole leaks in it in the middle of the line. It was about 1.25 years old.

I have a newer piece that's about 8 months old and it got 2 pinholes right at quick connect.

Other than those its been great.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Mikey P said:
Four tiny pin holes on the truck end.
It's way of telling you it's about to blow.

In 15 years of using it (12 years running a Powermatic temps) I've never had one "blow".
It just gets more pin sprays or the jacket bubble grows larger.

I should note, that's under "normal" CCing PSI.
(300 to 500psi)
Not pressure washing or T&G pressures



Apr 6, 2007
Lee Stockwell said:
On a commercial site it's easy to pinch one in the aluminum door frame.

PM MicahR about his doorstops. I think he bootlegs them out of his interlink store. They are compact, very easy to carry, can be used on any door and come in handy on commercial doors. The way they are designed you can hold a door open 8 different ways. Just ask the man about it. You will never pinch another solution line.


Apr 6, 2007
Just found out greenie sells these doorstops too. They are pimpin'!

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