
Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
"Google" has recently made drastic changes to the way they rank websites for visibility and placement on its search engine. This was done in the form of an algorithm update call "Penguin "this has dramatically effected thousands of business_s who rely on new business coming in the way of their websites.

We are offering through the month of May 2012 a free website analysis to evaluate potential customers in need of better visibility and placement for their relative keywords phrases. As we all know, your website is your billboard to your business and you need to get this billboard in front of your targeted traffic to increase sales.

Please reply back to this email with the best way to contact you and we will have one of our Google certified technicians give you a free evaluation on your website to increase that traffic you desire. Thank you and I look forward in hearing from you soon.


Fred Cordell
Best Results
427 C Street, Suite 207
Widdle Creek, GA 52139

*Respond with Stop in the subject line to be removed from our Mailing List.*


Village Idiot
Jul 13, 2011
Asshole...I'm busy enough..........

and the address is wrong...its

8307 Office Park Drive Suite D
Douglasville GA 30134

and the phone I won't answer is Six Seven Eight- 736-9525


Village Idiot
Jul 13, 2011
Penguin hasn't been too bad to me except for sites I'm not in complete control over OR had previous SEO work done based on techniques targeted by penguin...

My overall average drop is nill........of course that doesn't mean anything to the folks that did drop...even if just 1 or 2 places..........

I'll throw down some diatribe on the penguin in a bit...finishing up work for the day now.......


Village Idiot
Jul 13, 2011
Fred vs. the Penguin

As I said the effect on the sites I manage has been very indicates a general direction that G is headed so I have been busy as fook "future proofing" sites AND changing things in the background to take advantage of the new "weights"/factors of increased importance.

I did have two major drops (Boston & DC) where the current sites are simply not setup to accomplish the owners goals.....

A few I can overcome

Couple that stabilized after the update

It has also postponed the launch of MY site...

It really wouldn't be that big of a deal but it backs up new projects....which I took on a lot of in the past couple months. This resulted in me having to....actually more "wanting to".....go back to the drawing board based on data collected. It also takes away from the fast tracking/bonus work for new clients where I do 10 fold the work I'm paid to do for the "damn that was fast" effect.....this is just a temporary situation though........

Data collected?

I run several networks of sites with each relying on one technique or a combination of a few. This allows me to monitor the effect of updates like this on each technique and test changes without using customers as guinea pigs. I also compare notes with people who do similar testing and monitor several hundred niche and non-niche sites. This way I'm not just guessing or going by something I read somewhere that may or may not be true. Obviously this takes time to compile the data and for google to index any changes I may want to test. This makes customers nervous....I understand that....but it is what it is.

I'm "caught up" now meaning I'm picking up things I had to set aside 3 weeks still behind....and there are at least 20 emails I had to say "fook it I'll get them tomorrow" before typing this.....gotta stop sometime

Anyway ....I'm not going to give away data that can't easily be found elsewhere.....after all these updates separate the men from the boys.......but I will give a few things I have found to be true:

Anchor text: As I've always said should be varied and not just "carpet cleaning your city". This takes far longer to achieve the desired results but....... Sites that took the biggest hits had VERY small anchor variation.

Reciprocal links/ link nets: Sites that relied on basic two/transparent 3 way link nets seem to have also dropped...I would provide an example but it would embarrass a fellow SEO guy

Spam links: Those not smartly done end in disaster...stay away from non niche blog backlinks, spam wiki links, etc unless you understand wtf you are doing......I would provide an example but it would embarrass another fellow SEO guy..............

Cheap services: Whoah I can get that many backlinks for $5?....Yes...yes you can and there was a time that was a hell of a you are just likely to get spanked because that guy providing the service has no idea what the fook he is doing....but he bought the software to do it........unfortunately the instructions are in Russian.....I would provide an example but it would embarrass yet another fellow SEO guy

"Over-Optimization": This is the publicized target of the update. While it is mostly targeting unnatural offsite activity/backlinks (see above) there are plenty of onsite keep the list short I'll leave it at this.....Metas/copy/ etc.............synonyms/LSI

Copy 1. Quit duplicating it. 2. Make sure enough relevant copy exist ABOVE the fold (this is actually the update before Penguin)

that is all I'm willing to give out for now............I will caution the "new guy" not to screw anyone using old info he just ran across.......

anyway saw a couple of threads I really didn't have time to reply to....and this probably won't make much since.........but :

1. the terms and conditions....cause the salesman didn't. Also, just a note, I checked all my areas and did not find ONE yodle adversite......but maybe I missed one. With such a great deal I would expect to see ONE........ymmv

2. If you are #2 in Lincoln NE and you think you are playing by the are kidding yourself....just ask your secret really think that abortion of a site made it to #2 playing by the rules? If you lost the whole "people like my site" crock of shit you would be #1.

3. If you are #1 in Lincoln NE and think your position is due to your knowledge/ understanding of internet too are a kidding yourself. The ONLY reason you are number one is because every other site sucks from an SEO standpoint. You're just the most special in the special ed class.

4. Backlinks: Just as important as ever. What changes, like with any G update, is the weight of the source. And that is all I have to say about that.

5. Social networks......use them.....properly..

My services.

I AM NOT TAKING NEW CUSTOMERS until at least the 1st of current clients don't burn me at the stake.. but I always have a waiting list.........get on it if you wish. A couple Notes/Faqs

I no longer do "custom work based on customers "visions". I do what works instead.. The internet doesn't work the way you think it works the way it works. But Fred, people say they like my "lime green" site: ... 04-030-usa

but Fred they said they read everything....but fred they said they loved my blog, but fred....blah blah blah

You need to decide whether you want the 5 or 10 people that feel that way..........or MORE jobs

I don't have the laundry list of charges others do....its included (site, updates, forms, ALL major (and 100s of minor) directory listings and optimization, management of offsite listings, social nets, etc....the only thing that varies is setup depending on what I have to work from

When I say included I don't mean everything within days of you signing up.....these things aren't completed at the push of a button, should be spread out and completed in a logical order for best results, and there is only so much time per month I can dedicate for $149....................

it also doesn't include every city you think you might someday work in
setup $199-499.....monthly management marketing/seo $149.....6 month commitment required...

again...extremely mild overall..... and I'm in actual "markets" not "some fooking county long tail phrase in your state no one searches for but the screenshots look good"

Edit...removed the worst cuss words, locations, etc......


Village Idiot
Jul 13, 2011
Fred VS Penguin my Shit:

temporary drop in adsense, amazon, CJ, other affiliate revenue...........

balanced out with a few sites that I had given up on suddenly generating sales making up for the losses.....a wash basically.....


Jan 11, 2007
Tampa Bay/Central Florida
Bryan C
Fred - thanks for the info. (not that I can do much with it)

I am getting ready to redo my main site and 3 other sites. I would much prefer you be a part of it, as I am long overdue to do something. My internet leads have virtually disappeared. I have 2 sites now that I am focusing on. If you want them - their yours.

Able 1

Apr 12, 2008
Mikey P said:

at least they gave it a cute name.

Yeah, real "cute" if it was in front of me right now I would club it and eat it raw!! :twisted:


Village Idiot
Jul 13, 2011
Royal Man said:

Glad to see you think I'm special.

....just wish words could describe how special I think you are............I looked but Hallmark doesn't even have a card...Whodathunkit :?:


May 23, 2010
FredC said:
...I AM NOT TAKING NEW CUSTOMERS until at least the 1st of current clients don't burn me at the stake.. but I always have a waiting list.........get on it if you wish. ....

Where am I on the list?


Village Idiot
Jul 13, 2011
dday said:
FredC said:
...I AM NOT TAKING NEW CUSTOMERS until at least the 1st of current clients don't burn me at the stake.. but I always have a waiting list.........get on it if you wish. ....

Where am I on the list?'re not on the list.

all site projects should be finished by Monday.


Mar 22, 2012
Penguin moved some of my sites up and put a few in the sandbox. I ave 10. I have tried less keyword stuffing on the ones in the sand box to try to get them out.

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