per click advertising for CC on the internet

steve g

Oct 8, 2006
herriman, UT
steve garrett
is anyone doing per click advertising on the internet, say like if you google carpet cleaning in your town and your biz rotates up and down like a shuffle board in the search results?? is it working for you, and how much are you paying for your clicks. most are bundled as a package, if you don't fee comfy posting the results public and people in your area seeing it, PM me


Oct 20, 2007
Anderson, SC
Russ Zinck
I use Google AdWords and have $1.06 bid on most of my search terms. I think my average actual payment is in the 70 cent range.


Aug 1, 2007
Maybe you did it wrong. I tried doing it myself with google and nothing happened. I paid Yellow Pages to do it - and nothing happened. Then I had, my internet guy set it up, optimize the ad (yes, optimize). I get 5-10 calls a week - about half book. Works really well. Email me if you want his name. Unless you live in Portland Oregon.


Aug 22, 2008
Lawrence, KS
Mike Hughes
It just depends on what kind of company you want to have. If you are charging .45+ per sq ft. there is lots of money to spend on advertising. I talk to allot of guys that are spending 20% to 30% on advertising. I would rather charge reasonable rates and retain customers. Someone who is referred from the yellow pages or Internet first question is how much? So unless you want to use the old bait and switch spending allot of money on advertising will not help you grow. It’s not how much money you make but how much you keep, and how you feel about yourself at the end of the day.


Aug 1, 2007
Don't even think about clicking! :twisted:

I think once you've done it on a machine it doesn't count if you do it again. Of course a simple computer script and an oscillating ip address - yes you could really screw someone. And then Google would come after you for fraud. You really don't want to commit fraud on the internet in the US. So do it from an Island in the Caribbean.


Aug 1, 2007
whittcohawaii said:
omeone who is referred from the yellow pages or Internet first question is how much?

That's true for the yellow pages.

But, we've found that once they've been to our website, they have already decided that they want to buy from us. Money comes up, but it isn't the bottom line. Honestly about half or more book.

It costs about a quarter of what we were paying for Yellow pages with way more return.
Mar 29, 2008
Nate W.
Walt said:
Don't even think about clicking! :twisted:

I think once you've done it on a machine it doesn't count if you do it again. Of course a simple computer script and an oscillating ip address - yes you could really screw someone. And then Google would come after you for fraud. You really don't want to commit fraud on the internet in the US. So do it from an Island in the Caribbean.

I would hope that's true. Would be F'ed up IMO if it wasn't.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
ACE said:
It just depends on what kind of company you want to have. If you are charging .45+ per sq ft. there is lots of money to spend on advertising. I talk to allot of guys that are spending 20% to 30% on advertising. I would rather charge reasonable rates and retain customers. Someone who is referred from the yellow pages or Internet first question is how much? So unless you want to use the old bait and switch spending allot of money on advertising will not help you grow. It’s not how much money you make but how much you keep, and how you feel about yourself at the end of the day.

Totaly untrue
I rarely get price shoppers from my Att yellowpages internet ad. I rarely get price shoppers at all really so I think that supports what I just said even more.
If you have a crappy ad or Waaaaaaaaayyyyy back in the heap of other ads then, Yes, you would probably get price shoppers. It's all how you present or represent yourself.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Walt said:
Maybe you did it wrong. I tried doing it myself with google and nothing happened. I paid Yellow Pages to do it - and nothing happened. Then I had, my internet guy set it up, optimize the ad (yes, optimize). I get 5-10 calls a week - about half book. Works really well. Email me if you want his name. Unless you live in Portland Oregon.

You should be doing better than half.
Are you answering your phone? Or better yet, is anyone answering your phone? No voicemail call backs, that'll screw you. Oh you will get some...but not all the customers unless you answer your phone.

With that said, I (and nobody) gets all the calls scheduled but I think we do about 90 percent at least...of course my Mom ROCKS at answering the phone so maybe I am just special. :wink:


Feb 20, 2007
Houston Texas
Gary Wiebe
I did a pay per click on google.
I had people clicking me from other countries.
I saw Clean as a whistle click ads on Google here in Houston. He was on the top of the list , so I think he was paying a lot for those clicks, I had to go to 5.00 a click to get above Howards click ad.

Rex Tyus

Oct 7, 2006
Walt said:
Don't even think about clicking! :twisted:

I think once you've done it on a machine it doesn't count if you do it again. Of course a simple computer script and an oscillating ip address - yes you could really screw someone. And then Google would come after you for fraud. You really don't want to commit fraud on the internet in the US. So do it from an Island in the Caribbean.

Not being argumentative, just curious how would it be fraud. Don't you have a right to click and review as many times as it takes to make a decision..... Anonomously?

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
Your ad doesn't seem to be optimized to me. I scrolled quite a bit (gave up after going back 10 pages)in the organic listings for your area and I didn't see your website.(I did see several others from this board)

All I saw was your adword listing which you can place yourself. It doesn't depend on ranking or any paid expert. Just set your parameters and how much are you willing to pay.


Aug 1, 2007
Brian Robison said:
You should be doing better than half.
Are you answering your phone? Or better yet, is anyone answering your phone? No voicemail call backs, that'll screw you. Oh you will get some...but not all the customers unless you answer your phone.

I don't answer the phone myself. I was guessing. Normally I just ask her how many she booked. Anyway, I asked my wife and she said, about 75% of people who call off the internet book. The others who call would be repeat customers. So, I would imagine her numbers are better than stated. She is much better than me on the phone. Her first day answering she book 6 jobs.

John Buxton said:
Not being argumentative, just curious how would it be fraud. Don't you have a right to click and review as many times as it takes to make a decision..... Anonomously?

If you were to sit there and get click away - It wouldn't be fraud. My understanding is that google logs your ip address and then if you click on it again it doesn't calculate into the ad campaign. So you can't really cost somebody extra money. Unless, someone writes a program that tricks google into thinking that there are multiple ip addresses (different users). That would be fraud. It's an very real problem in the web ad industry.


Aug 1, 2007
Dave Yoakum said:
I am not an expert on any of this. I have a guy who does it for me. If the phone is ringing I don't think about it. Really I'm just repeating what he has told me.

Your ad doesn't seem to be optimized to me. I scrolled quite a bit (gave up after going back 10 pages)in the organic listings for your area and I didn't see your website.(I did see several others from this board)

Your right! I just looked and we aren't there. Last time I checked we were 2,4 and 7,8,9 - weird. I just emailed my guy. Thank you. However, I was referring to google adwords (sponsored links). If were not listed there it's because our budget was reached for the day. We also don't show up when we aren't open. We found that people who "clicked" at night were wasted clicks. So we turned them off at night.

The "optimization" of the google ad has to do with how much you pay to get there. The closer the ad is to what the person is looking for the less you pay google for custy to see the ad. So the Ad(s) that you run need to match what they are looking for as closely as possible. To do that you need to run multiple ads on google with different content. Seems to work well.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Walt wrote

I don't answer the phone myself. I was guessing. Normally I just ask her how many she booked. Anyway, I asked my wife and she said, about 75% of people who call off the internet book. The others who call would be repeat customers. So, I would imagine her numbers are better than stated. She is much better than me on the phone. Her first day answering she book 6 jobs.

See, I knew you were better than that. Answering the phone is the number one reason people don't book.

Oh IMO but we all know it's true.

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