pet odor treatment


Nov 8, 2009
I have tried un smoke un doz it for homes with pet odor, urine and wet dog smell. what has worked for you the best. This is the only one i have tried just wondering if anyone has a reliable silver bullet?


Aug 22, 2008
Lawrence, KS
Mike Hughes
For “wet dog smell” I like bio-break it’s a enzyme prespray that breaks down body oils. For urine I have tried oxidizers, enzymes, acetic acid, quat, masking and pairing agents (deodorizers), sealing sub floors and replacing pad. For Urine there is no silver bullet. Don’t make your customers any promises unless they are willing to pay for pad replacement and sealing subfloors. Unless the contamination is very limited your goal is going to be only to make it better.

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
Les has some good products for smell..his quat is the best I have found.........

Jim Nazarian

Oct 7, 2006
So. Cal
Jim Nazarian
I use Judsons O2 prespray on urine jobs & no longer need urine pre-treatments, mild urine just use O2, medium add some Quat-A-Lot & severe use an OSR type product with a water claw.
May 12, 2007
Jim Nazarian said:
I use Judsons O2 prespray on urine jobs & no longer need urine pre-treatments, mild urine just use O2, medium add some Quat-A-Lot & severe use an OSR type product with a water claw.

A lot of people don’t realize the disinfectant properties of the O2 System itself. You’re absolutely correct. It actually eliminates odors, not just masks odors, with the use of sodium borate. You can Google sodium borate and see its disinfectant properties, but I will post some neat info that I have located. My customers are telling me they are having extreme success treating pet stains and odors by mixing 4 ounces of O2 prespray with 2 ounces of Quat-A-Lot. If you feel it needs another kick above that, try using the hot sauce modifier if you don’t have any OSR. The hot sauce modifier has a high percentage of sodium percarbonate, but we do not use any fillers with the production of the hot sauce modifier. So basically one tablespoon of hot sauce modifier equals about 2 ounces of a comparable product.

Sodium Borate is what we are using as our oxygen product in our O-2
Pre-Spray. I'm going to give you some information on Sodium Borate, which is commonly known as borox. We make no claim of disinfecting with the O-2 System, however the properties of Sodium Borate has disinfecting abilities and it is a very stable product. I just thought that I would post some interesting information about it. I can remember as a child, my mother used it when cleaning white linen and it would really make it bright.


Chemistry of Borax or Sodium Borate
What Is Borax?
Borax (also known as sodium borate decahydrate; sodium pyroborate; birax; sodium tetraborate decahydrate; sodium biborate) is a natural mineral compound (Na2B4O7 • 10H2O). It was discovered over 4000 years ago. Borax is usually found deep within the ground, although it has been mined near the surface in Death Valley, California since the 1800s. Although it has numerous industrial uses, in the home borax is used as a natural laundry booster, multipurpose cleaner, fungicide, preservative, insecticide, herbicide, disinfectant, dessicant, and ingredient in making 'slime'. Borax crystals are odorless, whitish (can have various color impurities), and alkaline. Borax is not flammable and is not reactive. It can be mixed with most other cleaning agents, including chlorine bleach.

How Does Borax Clean?

Borax has many chemical properties that contribute to its cleaning power. Borax and other borates clean and bleach by converting some water molecules to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). This reaction is more favorable in hotter water. The pH of borax is about 9.5, so it produces a basic solution in water, thereby increasing the effectiveness of bleach and other cleaners. In other chemical reactions, borax acts as a buffer, maintaining a stable pH needed to maintain cleansing chemical reactions. The boron, salt, and/or oxygen of boron inhibit the metabolic processes of many organisms. This characteristic allows borax to disinfect and kill unwanted pests. Borates bonds with other particles to keep ingredients dispersed evenly in a mixture, which maximizes the surface area of active particles to enhance cleaning power.

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