Phone skills 101



I've read where some people are complaining that they are having trouble closing people on the phone. I was in sales for years. I think I'm pretty good at turning them around into jobs, I turn most of my "new" phone calls into jobs.

This is how I handle all of my phone calls, and price objection.

Amazing Carpet Cleaners, this is David.

Yes, I was wanting someone to come clean my ____.

Well thank goodness you called me. I'd be happy to do that for you. I'm free all afternoon tomorrow, can I put you down for, say, 1:00?

Wait, wait how much does it cost?

Well ma'am without looking at it I can't give a firm quote. Has anyone ever cleaned your _____ before?
Yes (if no skip to the 3rd line)
How was your experience?
Crappy! or Fine! blah blah blah.
Great! Well I am a little bit different than most carpet cleaners in town. I'm the owner AND I do the cleaning. I'm fully certified and have done all the research and invested in the best tools to do the best possible job. I never cut corners and I use only approved chemicals and fabric protectors. I don't want to bore you with a bunch of technical information, but trust me when I say, I WILL DO THE BEST JOB.

That's fine David, but how much is it?

(At this point, I usually give them a range, since I've BUILT VALUE in my business over what another business in town might offer)
I'd say on the low end, it would be about _____, that's if everything looks just fine and needs a routine cleaning. On the high end, it shouldn't be any more than _____, but that would be if I need to devote extra time to restoring your carpet to get it just right.
When I get there I should have a better idea of what exactly I will be cleaning. I promise you, before I clean a thing, you'll know exactly how much it's going to be, so there are no surprises... so, tomorrow then? 1:00?
Great, I look forward to seeing you then!

Go for the appointment. Always make the customer bring up price. Make them excited about YOU and YOUR SERVICE before you get into any pricing.


Jan 15, 2008
Bloomington, IL 61704
David Sweeney
Thanks.. any little tips help greatly.. I Know the first question I always get from say 90% of the calls that are new customers are how much to clean bla bla bla.

The first I think I have to tell them since almost every body else in town is a by the room guy, is I don't clean by room but by square footage and it would be diffult to answer a price over the phone. I try to allude to value but I like your idea of forcing the trump card with the have you ever been cleaned before question. I always make a point onsite location but I know I need to ask more questions over the phone. If its a rug cleaning, I have no problems completely the sale. I'm also not a negotiator when it comes to our rug cleaning pricing, we are the lowest in town for hand washing and the only one who does full in plant right here in town instead of outsourcing.


If you give them a price before you have built some kind of value in your business, then all you've sold them on is a price. Chances are, yours will never be the lowest (i hope).

If they are a serious price shopper, you need to make them feel what they are missing by going the cheap route. I talk about high alkaline residue or commonly skipped steps (like prevacuuming) and the consequences of missing those steps. (resoiling problems, making mud)

That way, even if they don't go for the appointment right then, if they call around, chances are, I'm the only one who they call that will talk about high alkaline residue.


Jan 15, 2008
Bloomington, IL 61704
David Sweeney
Oh we aren't the lowest cleaner.. only lowest hand washing frim.. ie even at 2.50 for general hand wash, and 3.50 for urine decontamination, we are not the cheapest for rug cleaning.. there are alot of guys who will surface clean or hack out the rug in home for .30/sqft.

And we always try to build value in every phone call.. it just hereing other ways and different approaches is refreshing.
Mar 29, 2008
Nate W.
Thanks for sharing. We have a phone script that has always worked when used. We have it structured in a way that we get all the information and it does help anyone who uses it. He who asks the questions, controls the conversation.

I've found that instead of telling the customer you have all day tomorrow open, you simply tell them you either have ___ or ___ open. When you give them a choice of 2, they choose either one. You still give them a choice to choose the day, but have to tell them you have either or time available. It shows they want time invested into the appt.

Also playing a game we call red dot, green dot, that a MIT grad would use, it gave so much insight into the human mind. It's hard for me to put it into words, it just works.

bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
i know a young guy that puts his prices on his bidness card......
so NOW his potential custys call the NEXT guy to shop his price....!

KIDS...they think they know it all....!

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
I know a guy that asks Are you looking for just a quick job or are you looking for a good thorough job? (paraphrased)

He then explains his service and tells them he'd love to come and give a quote, that will be $150. If he gets the job he deducts that from the price.

He's not worried about losing the customer, just wants to weed out the shoppers from the serious. He charges more than I do and is very meticulous in his work, vacuums slower than I do most times.

Jim Bethel

Oct 8, 2006
Sunshine Coast, QLD, Australia
Jim Bethel
Nate The Great said:
Also playing a game we call red dot, green dot, that a MIT grad would use, it gave so much insight into the human mind. It's hard for me to put it into words, it just works.

Alright Nate,

Now you have piqued my curiosity - what is the 'red dot, green dot' game? Can you try and put it into words?

Mar 29, 2008
Nate W.
Jim Bethel said:
[quote="Nate The Great":3ow8shak]Also playing a game we call red dot, green dot, that a MIT grad would use, it gave so much insight into the human mind. It's hard for me to put it into words, it just works.

Alright Nate,

Now you have piqued my curiosity - what is the 'red dot, green dot' game? Can you try and put it into words?


No..... :lol: I'm not the most articulate person. Most who know me, know I'm a man of few words. I'll do my best to try. :D

He was a business consultant for us and would teach us different tactics. Say there's a room of 5 people more/or less. Everyone there has a dot on forehead. You can not communicate verbally. 1 person (out of however many) has a green dot on there forehead, the rest have red dots. You have no way of seeing what you have on your forehead, you only can use what you see which is people holding up there hands showing how many people they see with red dots on there forehead. You run through your thought process to see if you're able to find out if you have the green dot. The person with the green dot gets the job or wins the million dollars (hyperthetically of course). If you think you have the green dot and you say you do have it, you lose.

The insight is not the game itself, it's how you come to the conclusion with the information you had to work with. I apologize if I confused you. If you got it, good for you. :lol:

It has helped us to see problem customers before they become one. We run through the scenario in your head with the information your given. Like rapid fire.

Say a customer calls you at 9am, and they need there carpets cleaned today by 4pm or they lose their security deposit. Carpet has various spots and stains throught the place with some pet urine spots. The callers voice sounds frantic. They need the pet urine smell gone or they lose there deposit because it was a no-pet policy. They setup an appt yesterday with a $$ coupon guy to clean it but he didn't show. They don't know what the squarefootage is.

From that information given, what does it sound like to you?

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
I like the D.I.S.C. personality categories

D. = Dominant
I. = Influencing
S. = Supportive
C. =Compliant

If you can figure out which one of these personalities the customer is then you will know how to work with them better.

Most people will have a little of all but really most will have 1 major and 1 minor.

I'm a high "I" and a low "S" in my personal world and a high "I" and low "D" in my business world.

I will see if I can find the descriptions and post it.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Here ya go


Dominance: People who score high in the intensity of the "D" styles factor are very active in dealing with problems and challenges, while low "D" scores are people who want to do more research before committing to a decision. High "D" people are described as demanding, forceful, egocentric, strong willed, driving, determined, ambitious, aggressive, and pioneering. Low D scores describe those who are conservative, low keyed, cooperative, calculating, undemanding, cautious, mild, agreeable, modest and peaceful.
Influence: People with high "I" scores influence others through talking and activity and tend to be emotional. They are described as convincing, magnetic, political, enthusiastic, persuasive, warm, demonstrative, trusting, and optimistic. Those with low "I" scores influence more by data and facts, and not with feelings. They are described as reflective, factual, calculating, skeptical, logical, suspicious, matter of fact, pessimistic, and critical.
Steadiness: People with high "S" styles scores want a steady pace, security, and do not like sudden change. High "S" individuals are calm, relaxed, patient, possessive, predictable, deliberate, stable, consistent, and tend to be unemotional and poker faced. Low "S" intensity scores are those who like change and variety. People with low "S" scores are described as restless, demonstrative, impatient, eager, or even impulsive.
Conscientious: People with high "C" styles adhere to rules, regulations, and structure. They like to do quality work and do it right the first time. High "C" people are careful, cautious, exacting, neat, systematic, diplomatic, accurate, and tactful. Those with low "C" scores challenge the rules and want independence and are described as self-willed, stubborn, opinionated, unsystematic, arbitrary, and unconcerned with details.

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
Most of my client don't call much about price. (Because of the way I advertise i have most likely already cleaned for a friend, business associate or club member that they associate with.)

If they do. I talk value instead of price.(Keep it short, They have busy lives)

Let them know the price is a phone quote. But, I'll treat them fair and give them a complete price before any work is started.

(Most just want a relative price anyway)

Then the close.

All the previous part of the call is cr@p without a close.

The close is the most important part.

I usually say'"While you are on the phone with me would you like to go ahead and reserve an appointment?

Usually they are agreeable.

With a "Welllll OK"

Sometimes they say that they were going to call around. But, since they are on the phone already they will go ahead and reserve an appointment.

(sometimes it is less threatening to the client to say, "pencil you in." instead of reserve an appointment)

Then just go into the two choice thing.

This week , next week?

Morning afternoon?

Tuesday thursday?


Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
My close has always been....
"Is there a particluar day that you would like to have the cleaning done"

They always say, "well I was thinking about..." or something close.

Then it's
"We can do it that day" or Whatever works.

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
Just like in the home.

You can always close and then close again.

Just insert a few question in between.

Be the helpfull friend, the nice guy , the trusted professional and you'll hardly ever lose a qualified prospect.
Mar 29, 2008
Nate W.
Jim Bethel said:
[quote="Nate The Great":y3rk79ru]
No..... :lol: I'm not the most articulate person.

You crazy Hawaiian, you got that right :lol:

Nah, I got the gist of it. Thanks for explaining! Trying to make a calculated decision with the minimal amount of information. Got it!



With the phone script we have, one for CC, floods, rugs, carpet dyeing, etc...... We get the information it a way that we don't waste anyones time. I'll see if I can get a copy of it. We have an office and warehouse, so the phone scripts are always by the phone.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Nate The Great said:
Brian R":2hd29f3b]Steve T. has the best phone script I've seen. Que Terry[/quote] Got a copy or pic?[/quote:2hd29f3b] [url=" said:[/url]

You'll find tons of info on there.

Pm Steve and he will send you a copy.

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