Pls Explain to me like I am 6 yrs old


Aug 16, 2008
My FU*!-ng Prochem Blazer Plus keeps shutting down. History-
Prochem Blazer Plus- Hours - 268 yes 268
Bought unit, removed from guys van, put fresh tank in my warehouse, took rest of unit to local Prochem shop.
They installed unit. 1st job, overheated, shut off. Cool off, started, heated up, shut off again. Took back to shop. Unit was descaled and they said, Should run fine. Took to 2nd job, same thing- shut off. Took back to shop, replaced solution outlet, said 'perhaps' trashed, should be fine. Return to second job, Overheat and shut down again. Told 1st shop to F--- Off and drove 1/2 hour to 2nd Shop. They said the 1st shop had hooked up hoses wrong and 'any body with 1yrs ecperiance in reapir should have known'. Replaced high temp shut down switch, temperature relife valve from water box and tune up, They said it was fixed. 1st job scense 2nd shop was small, unit did ok. 2nd job unit shut down again!!!, would not start, took back to 2nd shop, said there was trash in bypass manifold 'which I had checked, but ok'. Took back to 2nd job, yesterday, and @^%#$&#%@&@* SHUT OFF AGAIN!!!.

Things I have checked myself-
Bypass manifiold oriface-
Waste Tank flot valve and switch-
Outlet y strainer-
Outlet check valve-

Im in over $800.00 bucks abouve what I paid for the unit and not one good job to show for it!

Should there be a constant flow from the water box through the temp relief valve to the waste tank or just when the water box temp gets hot (over 180)? and when would I look for that, like how long after the unit heats up will it piss in the waste tank. If I open the lid will I see a stream or just a trickle?
Please Please Please help.
Thanks, Rick

Shane T

Nov 7, 2006
Waukesha, WI
Shane Tiegs
I'm not familiar with that machine but are you sure it is really getting too hot? Could it be a malfunctioning sensor or bad connection somewhere?

Chris Sheldon


Are you sure it is overheating? You may want to check these things as well:

You may also want to check the Oil pressure safety switch on the engine; it is located on the top of the engine If it's a Kohler) under the air cleaner assembly. Unplug the wire going to it and see if the engine stays running. If it's a Briggs, the switch should be located by the oil filter.

Also, check the fuel solenoid wire that goes up to the carburetor (red wire) make sure the bullet connector is tight. If it isn't it could be intermittently cutting your fuel supply to the carburetor.

Do you have an electric pump feeding the machine from the van's tank?

Did any of these shops check the low pressure shutdown switch?

No, you should not have a constant stream from the temp relief in the waste tank; only when the water in the box hits 180. When you are cleaning, that temp relief may never open; it is there to protect the pump when you are not letting water through the wand for long periods of time.

Let me know if you have more questions.

Feb 25, 2009
The bypass valve in the water box opens at 180 but if its dirty it may stay open always draining to the waste tank. You can clean it out your self its not hard to do. But this valve would not shut the machine off but it would lower overall water temp. But you could close the hose from the valve to the waste tank off by bending and zip closed. If water temp increases and you use less water then its clogged.

My question is whene does it shut off?

Is the water box staying full as u clean?

Is the air filter clean ,can u see light through it?


Aug 16, 2008
The two last times It shut down I had already done one room with prespray and moved everyting over to the second room, I hooked back up the hydroforce and was laying down the prespray and it shut off.
Low pressure switch- to my knowledge neither shop mentioned a low pressure switch. I am going to be working on it all day tomm.

I did check the fuel/pump, line and filter, have not checked the low oil shut down beacuse the oil level is full. The air filter is new. The water box does stay full during cleaning

But like I said I find it to strage that the shut off occured during pre spray the past two times, After the unit was hot mind you.

Thanks for all your help so far.
Feb 25, 2009
Im assuming you leave the unit running as u rearrange things. If so this would be enough time for it to over heat triggering the high temp shut down sensor. If so then it may take 15 or 20 minutes to cool down.

Sounds like the bypass orifice is glogged. Its on the right and can be removed with an allen wrench and then use i tiny drill bit with your fingers to clear it out. Also check the screen.

Chris Sheldon


Feel free to call me tomorrow if you need more help.



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