We humans are really into big numbers. We like 44 magnums, 45 ACP, 454, 27 speed bicycles. Anyway you get the picture.
My question is this. If I am running a portable with 25 feet of hose and I have a 4 jet 12" wand. If the wand is jetted to match the pump will the performance of a 100 psi pump be noticeably different than a 250 psi or 400 psi?
The porty will have autofill and autodump so the amount of water being consumed is not an issue. The only issues are ease, speed and quality of the cleaning job. The 25 feet of hose is fixed, wand will have a slotted glide.
I would love comments by the CC techies like Greenie, Mr Mytee? etc.
I know the cheaper machines come with 100 psi Pumps and that more expensive ones come with 400 psi but is this mainly a selling pitch or is the more powerful pump going to make that much difference with 25 feet of hose?
Is the main advantage of the 400 psi porty pump so you can use the same wand with your porty as your tm?
I know that a wand set up for 400-600 psi will not have enough flow with a 100 psi pump but jetted properly how will the results compare?
I know TM cleaning is in reality totally different science than Porty because of the super heated water and the higher level of suction.
If any of you have used both a porty with 400 psi and 100 psi with the wand set up with different jets for each setup speak out.
My question is this. If I am running a portable with 25 feet of hose and I have a 4 jet 12" wand. If the wand is jetted to match the pump will the performance of a 100 psi pump be noticeably different than a 250 psi or 400 psi?
The porty will have autofill and autodump so the amount of water being consumed is not an issue. The only issues are ease, speed and quality of the cleaning job. The 25 feet of hose is fixed, wand will have a slotted glide.
I would love comments by the CC techies like Greenie, Mr Mytee? etc.
I know the cheaper machines come with 100 psi Pumps and that more expensive ones come with 400 psi but is this mainly a selling pitch or is the more powerful pump going to make that much difference with 25 feet of hose?
Is the main advantage of the 400 psi porty pump so you can use the same wand with your porty as your tm?
I know that a wand set up for 400-600 psi will not have enough flow with a 100 psi pump but jetted properly how will the results compare?
I know TM cleaning is in reality totally different science than Porty because of the super heated water and the higher level of suction.
If any of you have used both a porty with 400 psi and 100 psi with the wand set up with different jets for each setup speak out.