pre-spray question

Sep 7, 2008
I am up way too late. I have used a lot of presprays as most of you guys probably have too. I categorize pre-sprays two ways. Ezyme pre-sprays and non-enzyme pre-sprays. I am currently using Prochem Ultrapac, Prochem Power Strike and, Prochem Power Burst. I use an enyme pre-spray for restaurants and a regular pre-spray for residential. Enyme pre-sprays loose a lot of their effectiveness about 24 hours after being mixed. I like to mix up several containers of pre-spray with the power strike or ultra pac at one time. If I have to go out of town for a few days, I know the pre-sprays I mixed up will still clean just as good as the day I mixed them.

I am interested in both Cobbs Powermax and Fibermax Power Maxx. Cobbs Powermax contains enymes. This pre-spray should loose its effectiveness about 24 hours after being mixed just like other enyme pre-sprays. If so, should I only mix up just enough to get me through the day? Does Power Maxx contain enzymes? I also noticed that Judsons O2 has a lot of delimonene in it. I use a product called Conquest made by Aero. This is a 100% solvent that I add to my hydro-force at 2-4 oz per 5 quarts. My customers love the way their carpets look and the lingering smell it leaves. Does Judson 02 contain enymes?

My local supplier is great. They have helped me out in many ways. They hooked me up with an Everest HP with 24 hours on it with every accessory you can think of for half of what a new machine costs. This includes installation. I am paying about 30 dollars for a conatiner of Prochem. I can clean about 15 to 20 houses with one container of Power Strike. I definetely would not stop buying from them, but would still use a few other brands when needed. I am confused as you can tell about what to do. It's like the saying "It's not personal, it's business."

Please comment only if you have actually used these products.

My quote. "Preparation is the key to success"
Oct 2, 2007
Rochester NY
R.J. Povio
we use powerburst....great awesome on any type of carpet.....we dont use it on we do not clean alot of wool.

Love powerburst on restaurants and anything trashed (commercial, residential, and or rentals)

I have great things of the other products that you have mentioned...however we have not tryed know if it aint broken....dont fix it

We have used GREASE EARASER......that works great as well as when we used FAB PRO's heavy duty enezymatic prespray soultion

The only reason for switching from the obove 2 prouducts was cost.....we are able to get POWERBURST for less than the other to products.

I have tryed the JUDSON JUICE...on a trashed restuarant along with the worked great....but too expensive in my book


Oct 9, 2006
Cobb's Powr max or Powerburst outcleaned powerstrike in my opinion. If you want the benefits of enzymes and oxidizers you just have to take the time to mix fresh. To me it is the prep work that determines how well and easily the carpet cleans not the wand or machine.
When you prespray a restaurant rub your shoe on the traffic areas. If it doesn't come clean you need to switch,adjust mixture or add booster. It is nice to have a product likes either of the 2 powermax where you can double up the potency on trashed without breaking the bank. You can't go wrong with Larry's free shippping offer and it has a pleasant fragrance. I hated spraying the prochem stuff when customers were present.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
BrianE said:
If you want the benefits of enzymes and oxidizers you just have to take the time to mix fresh. .

heed Brain's advise

also, always mix Powerburst hot

I haven't tried Cobby's powder, but i read that it has oxidizers, so I'm reasonably sure it will loose some effectiveness the next day


Larry Cobb

Oct 7, 2006
Dallas, Texas USA
Larry Cobb

As the formulator of Dynachem PowerMax, I can offer a few suggestions for usage:

It has builders, detergents, actual enzymes, d-Limonene and oxidizers.

The oxidizers are the only component that is time sensitive.

They are activated by mixing with water, so they will release oxygen over the first hour or two.

Detergent Enzymes fall into 2 different classes:

1. Bacterial strains that start producing enzymes in about 20 minutues.
They are deactivated by pH extremes or high temps

2. Actual enzymes that start digesting fats within the first minute.

We use the actual enzymes in the PowerMax for quicker activity.



Oct 7, 2006
11.6 pH

Are you PowerBurst guys telling me you use 11.6 pH on all your carpet except wool?

Why not 13.9 pH?

Having just opened a jug of PB a few mins. ago, It's also hard for me to believe you subject your customers to the smell?

Don't get me wrong, we all like a secret weapon in the arsenal, but I was kinda shocked to read trained technicians using this stuff on every job?

And who was it that said Judson was expensive, it's one of the most reasonable pre-sprays out there.

Blue Monarch

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Lincoln, NE
Dirk Wingrove
I agree with Mikey. They pretty much all do well with agitation.

I've seen so many guys with gallons upon gallons of prespray sitting around just because they've changed flavors. They could put some extra coin in their pocket if they'd just put the foot down and stop buying anything until the inventory is gone.

I'm doing that right now with rinses. Man, I've got a stockpile.


Most cases,does not include certain styes that require an added boost,even with agitation

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Greenie said:
11.6 pH

Are you PowerBurst guys telling me you use 11.6 pH on all your carpet except wool?.

We're not.
Ultrapac has been our pre-spray of choice lately for non rat holes.
Steampro's First Step is a good one too

Greenie said:
Why not 13.9 pH?

you got one that is as effective over such a broad range of soils as PB?
I'd be interested, if so :mrgreen:

Greenie said:
Having just opened a jug of PB a few mins. ago, It's also hard for me to believe you subject your customers to the smell?

Honest to goodness, we get many comments of how "clean" the carpets "smell" when we use PB.
Is "real" PB allowed out there on the left coast, or is it a cali complyain't PB version?

Greenie said:
Don't get me wrong, we all like a secret weapon in the arsenal, but I was kinda shocked to read trained technicians using this stuff on every job?

that doesn't apply to us, but we'll hammer a rat hole every time with it.
It's great on com, res olie/poly too.
We don't do restaurants anymore to speak of (hate evening/night work, but mostly cause we can't get what I $want$)
but PB would be my first choice for them too.

Greenie said:
And who was it that said Judson was expensive,

Not me. As far as I'm concerned efficacy should ALWAYS be the major factor when choosing a juice, then resoil issues, then price.
I suspect (almost positive) you'd be the same too if you cleaned carpets for a living and weren't on the supplier end of the biz


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