Pretty Cool Video Forum


Nov 2, 2008
I was just over on T M F and they have a pretty cool online forum w/video and mic hook up. Mikey, can you get that here?

Rex Tyus

Oct 7, 2006

The board war thing has cooled down. How about not being an asshole and starting it up again. You don't see me over there trying to start shit do ya? When I post over there it is genuine. Didn't anyone ever tell you "DON'T TEASE THE BEAR"? :evil:


Nov 2, 2008
Did not realize I was starting poo!! Just an opinion. Sorry for pissing off the "bear".

Rex Tyus

Oct 7, 2006
larpy said:
Did not realize I was starting poo!! Just an opinion. Sorry for pissing off the "bear".

If your post is genuine so be it. It just seems a little suspicious that your first post on Mikeys board would be a sarcastic question concerning a topic that is OLD news to anyone that has been on here for any length of time. You haven't pissed anyone off. You will know it if you do. This is Mikey's Board. We call it as we see it. If your feelings get hurt here no one will really GAS.


Nov 2, 2008
Rex Tyus said:
larpy said:
Did not realize I was starting poo!! Just an opinion. Sorry for pissing off the "bear".

If your post is genuine so be it. It just seems a little suspicious that your first post on Mikeys board would be a sarcastic question concerning a topic that is OLD news to anyone that has been on here for any length of time. You haven't pissed anyone off. You will know it if you do. This is Mikey's Board. We call it as we see it. If your feelings get hurt here no one will really GAS.


Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
So you want to look at other carpet cleaners while you discus pre sprays and post cards??

IMO, here is what each forum has to offer.

ICS- free access to the one room where you can ask a question and have either a self professed guru or an actual professional guru or a guy with 3 weeks of experience answer it. Be very careful of the advice given as no one is held accountable for misinformation and the wolves are encouraged to hunt there. Very unmoderated unless you speak ill of one of the few advertisers left there. Very slow as of late. Inconsistencies in over mandated rules have chased most away.

Clean Fax- Even slower. Jeff Cross does his best to bring up interesting subjects but only five or six are listening. No funny business allowed.

T-M-F.- Rob Allens' supply shop sales cart disguised as an open forum. Lots of heavy moderation to protect the advertisers and Rob's interests. Also an outlet for Tre to sell you web site design which he is actually good at. Hucksters who cant get away with thier snake oil sales on other boards are encouraged to particapate. Reeks of Billy Grahmness. Lots of hip but unused features.

Billy's Board- See Clean Fax

Rickys Board- One topic allowed. Good if you're just getting into scrub and run.

Blue Board- Seven Rush Limbaugh impersonators.

Procleaners- Not a BB but a live room of guys telling war stories on most nights. Blatant infomercials on the others. For the dyslexic crowd. Bring your check book and your mute button for when ever Grif speaks.

Mikey's- A large gang of tough guys having fun, helping each other out while insulting each others looks and choice in underwear. Most humans that you would actually want to spend time with in person prefer this board for it's realness. Leave your tender feelings at the door.

Rug Hub- Great source of rug cleaning info. Get in and get out.

DirtyGrout-Great source of hard surface cleaning info. Get in and get out.

Something for every one.


Nov 2, 2008
I am finding they are all a bit different for sure. You guys over here are like the "tough guys" from the back alley. Straight forward without holding back any punches :shock: !
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