Price is more important to some.


Oct 8, 2006
Snohomish, WA
I was cleaning a house today for a steady client.

Phone rings and it was the neighbor.. I hear my client say, I'd not have anyone else do my carpets.

So she gets off the phone and tell me the neighbors want a bid.

I think to myself.. Oh joy!

Last time I cleaned for this client the neighbor next door was having her carpets cleaned by the local $99.00 whole house road sign guy.

I go over, take a quick look around, then say to her. I notice before you had XYX clean for you. I told her my price is much higher than $99.00

She starts telling me how all the stains return, blaa blaa blaa. I quickly go over my process, tell her what she might not be getting for the $99.00. Tell her I don't see any reason why any of her stain would return.
I then give her my bid, and leave her with a card.

Will she call?

My guess is she will call, but not me. He carpets need cleaning. But I think she is completely happy at $99.00

BTW, that is how she found the guy. Road side sign. $99.00 any house.
Oct 2, 2007
Rochester NY
R.J. Povio
You got the job.....hands down you have it. She called you over b/c 99 buck special guy is not getting the job done. If she was completely satisfied with the other guy she would not be calling you. With her telling you that spots come back...that is the whole reason shes unhappy and wants someone else to do the work. Give her a 30 day guarantee...that if the spots come back you hit them again no charge....just to earn her biz. If you are able to get the spots out and they do not come back you will be her carpet cleaner for life.
My experience with spots that come out, but seem to come back eventually come out....they just might need a 2nd or 3rd attempt(some browning or neutral rinse). Its the spots that do not come out with a normal cleaning that you might be more worried about.
I would definitely call this potential customer back in a few days if she has not already called by then to see if she wants to book the appointment. When you get the job call back after a week to see if any spots have returned. Just all those extra steps that only take a few minutes will show her how professional you are....and the difference between you and 99 bucks.


Feb 20, 2007
No guarantee you will get that job.

She had a bad experience, and probably sees that the neighbors carpets are great.

But some people just don't get it.


Jan 16, 2007
When that happens to me, I judge how well I did convincing her of the value of my service over anothers. I probably would have offered to clean one of the spots that "always come back" to add the proof to the pudding. A quick spritz of releasit or flush and dry will usually get you a call back. But, not everyone wants the best, some want "good enough and cheap". Sell yourself, be confident, polite, move on

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